Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1151: what happened?

Chapter 1151 What is going on?

"Aunt, will they come?"

Helianyu whispered to Helianqin in a pavilion in the city lord's mansion of Dark Night City.

Helianqin naturally knew who he was asking. She said: "I don't know, just wait to see it. The dinner is about to begin."

That day, when she and Zhou Yi were eating breakfast, they saw Emperor Ling Tian and his party greeted by the Huangfu family. Out of curiosity, she asked the Wang family to check it out.

It turned out that Emperor Ling Tian took his wife to find someone from the Huangfu family to detoxify. This surprised Helian Qin He Lianyu, not that the woman that Emperor Ling Tian married in the lower realm was dead. How could there be a wife suddenly?

People are gossip and curious. They had seen this woman before, but she was wearing a veil and couldn't see her face. She didn't know what she looked like or who she was.

They asked the Wang family to continue to inquire, but unfortunately no one knew the identity of this woman, and the Wang family couldn't find out much, let alone see the true face of this woman.

They were even more curious, still wondering whether the little girl they saw before was also Long Moshen's daughter?

This time the city lord’s mansion hosted a banquet, and Helianqin told Zhou Yi that he asked him to invite the Huangfu family to be the couple of Long Moshen, so that she would also know who Long Moshen’s wife was.

The Ni family suddenly came to the Huangfu family and disrupted the plans of the Wang family and the city lord. The city lord hosted a banquet just to explore the minds of the young master of the Ni family.

"Master Zhou is here." He Lianyu whispered.

Helianqin looked over, gently stroked the broken hair that was blown by the wind, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This Zhou Yi is the object of her satisfaction. Although he is not as handsome and handsome as the emperor Xia Wen, he is not bad in appearance. The most important thing is that he is very gentle and romantic. After falling in love with her, he launched a passionate pursuit. Her impossibility made her vanity the greatest satisfaction.


Zhou Yi walked over quickly. He was tall, with three-dimensional features and handsome appearance. I didn't know how many women were fascinated by him, but he only had himself in his eyes.

Helianqin got up slightly, before she stood up completely, she was gently pressed down by Zhou Yi to let her sit down.

He put the food container in his hand on the table, opened it, and took out several plates of delicate snacks.

"Last time I saw you ate a few more pieces, I thought you liked this taste, I bought it for you specially."

Zhou Yi said to her softly, the love in his eyes seemed to melt out of water.

He Lianyu hurried away, but if he didn't leave, his goose bumps were about to rise.

But he always feels that Zhou Yi is a bit... he can't tell, but men know men, and love at first sight is always a surprise.

Aunt's appearance is indeed not bad, but as the young master of a big hidden family, Zhou Yi has never seen a woman, so she shouldn't be so lowly flattering to her aunt.

He should have admired aunt, He Lianyu thought, because of Zhou Yi's status, there is no need to do this to aunt.

He couldn't find other reasons. They didn't know Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi could not have other purposes for his aunt.

Thinking of this, He Lianyu no longer thought about it. After all, it would be a good thing for the Helian family to marry the Zhou family in the hidden world.

He came to the hidden world and found that the resources of the hidden world were more abundant, more than the immortal world.

The most important thing is that the hidden world is vast and sparsely populated, and the immortal world is full of people, so it seems that resources are very tight.

If you marry the Zhou family, no matter what the family situation is, there will be one more retreat.

Therefore, He Lianyu has not told his aunt these days what he thinks of Zhou Yi in his heart. He hopes that his aunt will marry the Zhou family.

Of course, he also hopes that Zhou Yi is really good to his aunt.

In the pavilion, Zhou Yi took care of Helianqin in every possible way. He fed snacks and poured tea. Those who didn't know thought he was a close servant of Helianqin.

Helianqin enjoyed the care of others very much. She was born in the Helian family and was superior to others since she was a child. Now she is being served like this by a man who likes herself. She doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

"Stop eating, let's go for a walk." Helianqin said to Zhou Yi.

"Okay." Zhou Yi nodded and gently helped her up. When he was about to go out of the pavilion, Zhou Yi suddenly stopped and turned to look at her affectionately:

"Qin'er, you are so beautiful, I really want to hide you from anyone else."

Rao Helianqin also thought that he would say such a blushing heartbeat, her heartbeat speeded up, and her face also had a shy look.

"Brother Yi, don't say that, it's embarrassing."

"You are so beautiful, are you afraid of others saying it? I'm telling the truth. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I don't want others to see your beautiful face. This will make me jealous."

Zhou Yi looked into her eyes and said affectionately.

Helianqin was a little embarrassed, she shyly avoided his eyes, and said: "Then...then Qin'er will wear a veil!"

Then she put the veil on her face.

Putting on the veil, her face was hazy, and no one could see what she looked like.

Zhou Yi smiled and suddenly kissed her on the forehead.

"This is the best way, only I can see your face."

"Brother Yi, don't say anything, Qin'er has a thin face." Helian Qin said shyly.

No one had ever spoken to her so openly, which made her feel a little bit moved.

She remembered what she had deduced. She would have a marriage relationship in the hidden world. It seemed that she might marry Zhou Yi because she did not reject Zhou Yi at all. Zhou Yi has made her feel the sweetness of love in the past few days.

"Young Master, the young master of the Ni family is here." One of Zhou Yi's men came to report to Zhou Yi.

Helianqin's eyes lit up. The Ni family's young master is here, and the Huangfu family must also be here. Will Emperor Ling Tian bring his mysterious wife over?

In fact, she doesn't like Emperor Ling Tian very much, and she hates him for embarrassing herself many times. Now this is the hidden world, Long Moshen is only the emperor of the fairy world, and the strong dragon can't beat the ground snake. She has Zhou's family as a backer. Waiting to see him, Maybe he has to be polite!

"Brother Yi, let's go over."

She said.

Zhou Yi took her hand and walked out.

The dinner was in a hall of the City Lord's Mansion. When they passed by, the young master of the Ni family and the Huangfu family were all sitting on the table.

The seats are two by two, and the young master Ni family is the upper right seat, but the young master Ni family does not want to sit there, so he just gives up this position to the emperor Ling Tian.

When Helianqin and the others entered, Ni Chen was pushing the Emperor Ling Tian to the top, and he sat next to him, and he was still relieved.

This made Helianqin and Zhou Yi both frowned.

what happened?

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