Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1167: List

Chapter 1167

Divine Phoenix bone...

Wushuang said silently in his heart.

Where is her Divine Phoenix bone?

How could someone in the hidden world know that she has a Divine Phoenix bone?

But it was clear that she had Divine Phoenix bones, and few people knew about it.

Moreover, they were all close people. Did anyone reveal the news that she had the bones of the Divine Phoenix?

If this is the case, then some things can be understood. The children of the three immortal emperors who killed her didn't have the Divine Phoenix bones on them, because someone else had the Divine Phoenix bones from her gouged out!

This person may be in the hidden world, so they have never found a target in the fairy world.

Originally, she had suspected Helianqin, but even though Helianqin had good luck, she did not feel the breath of the Divine Phoenix bone in her body.

The great elder of the Dragon Palace said that if the person who took her Divine Phoenix bones was close to her, it was very likely that she would take away her luck. When she was close to Helianqin, she didn’t feel that way, so He ruled out Lian Qin.

A cold color flashed in her eyes, but she said calmly:

"Since Uncle Emperor, you think that things that happened hundreds of years ago may have something to do with my Divine Phoenix bones, then let's select from the right-age women in the Hidden Realm. The person who took my Divine Phoenix bones must be no more than 10,000 years old. In the past few hundred years, she will be advancing by leaps and bounds, and she will have strong luck. Such a person is not difficult to find, unless she deliberately acts in a low-key manner and does not let people know that her aptitude has suddenly improved.

"If you don't talk about it, you will find this person for your husband, and bring her back to dust."

Long Mo said in a deep voice, with a dangerous look in his eyes.

The Lord Zhu, who was leading the way, shivered suddenly. He couldn't hear the voice of the two behind him, but he could still feel the low pressure behind him clearly.

I don't know who is going to be unlucky, but this one has been the number one on the Xianjiao list for three consecutive years!

Soon, they arrived at the address of Yuanlai Inn.

The current Yuanlai Inn has become a huge martial arts training ground. This is a martial arts training ground with several floors. There are no doors or windows, and you can clearly see that there are many young children practicing martial arts inside.

Children in the fairy world do not need to wait until they are twelve years old to detect spiritual roots, they can detect spiritual root cultivation very early.

This martial arts field is to provide a place for children to practice, and there are also people who specialize in teaching.

Wushuang thinks this martial arts training ground is good. In the future, Xiao Rouer can practice in this kind of place and learn from children of the same age.

She felt that several such training grounds could be built in the underworld, so that the children of ghost cultivators could better practice and learn.

She has no previous memories, so she can only think of this when she sees this martial arts field.

But Long Moshen was different. When he saw this place, he remembered the huge inn and the shopkeeper of the inn. He and Shuang'er stayed in this inn for a long time, leaving many beautiful memories.

When he came here, he remembered the past clearly.

A lot of doubts floated in his mind like this.

He was almost certain that those people were here to test the twins.

Maybe they had some way to detect whether the Divine Phoenix bone was in Shuang'er's body. The shopkeeper might have accidentally learned something and was killed by someone.

"I wish the Lord, I have something to ask you."

Long Mo faintly retracted his gaze, and his amber eyes looked at Zhu Kun.

Zhu Kun nodded again and again: "No problem, just ask if you have anything, I must know everything, so let's go to the city lord mansion first."

Long Mo nodded deeply, this time he did not turn down Zhu Kun.

When he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, Zhu Kun ordered the people to serve them with a good tea fairy fruit, entertained them politely, and then drove all the guards out.

Long Moshen directly laid down the barrier.

Zhu Kun realized the seriousness of the matter and swallowed subconsciously.

"If the deity said today is spread out, you know the consequences."

Long Mo said coldly.

Zhu Kun didn’t have a deep scheming a few hundred years ago, but it’s not always true now. Although Zhu Kun’s ability as a city lord has something to do with him and Shuang’er, people’s hearts are unknowable. How much will people change.

So there is no need to be vague about the threat.

Zhu Kun hurriedly said: "You can rest assured that I will never reveal a word of today. I Zhu Kun is the person who knows the gratitude report. If it were not for you, I would not have become the lord of Ziyun City. "

"Back then, Yuanlai Inn was burned by sky fire. You said that your father had investigated and there was no human factor, did you?"

Zhu Kun nodded: "My father really said that."

"Did your father meet anyone during that time?" Long Moshen continued to ask.

"This...I don't know this. After all, so many years have passed..." Zhu Kun thought for a while, frowned slightly.

"Xiao Baize, can you hear her voice?"

Wushuang suddenly asked Xiao Baize in the space in his heart.

She didn't believe in Zhu Kun from the beginning, and they weren't such blind believers. Only when he was completely sure that he was telling the truth could she know that this person was not credible.

"His cultivation base is at the peak of the Immortal King Realm. I can't hear him for the time being, but Master, you can let me listen again. If he is lying seriously, I may be able to feel it."

Xiao Baize said.

Although its current ability is not low, the cultivator at the peak of the fairy king realm still can't read it.

"Okay, Xiao Bai, you are always paying attention to him."

"Do you really don't know?" Long Moshen stared at Zhu Kun with cold and deep eyes.

"Of course, you also know that I have so many brothers and sisters, and I am the least favorite of my father. How can I know his whereabouts or who he met." Zhu Kun smiled bitterly.

He didn't look like he was lying.

"The deity asks you, what powerful women have appeared in the hidden world in the past few hundred years?"

Long Moshen stopped struggling with the last question and asked another question.

"Powerful women? There are quite a few. The young ladies of the Nangong family are all famous and powerful, and they are on the Xianjiao list, as well as members of the Jun family, Zhou family, Beiming family, Ni family The young ladies are all excellent. You can look at the list of immortal pride last year. The women with names on the list are from these big families."

Zhu Kun said seriously.

"Then please wish the city lord to write a list of the immortal arrogance list for us, can you?"

Wushuang said suddenly.

Zhu Kun glanced at her and said with a smile:

"of course."

Then he took out paper and pen to write down the list of women on the Xianjiao list last year.

He wrote quickly, as if he had passed it in his heart, and quickly wrote the names of more than twenty people.

Wushuang didn't rush to pick up this list.

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