Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1171: Seize

Chapter 1171

"What's wrong?"

The graceful woman on the side asked suspiciously.

She has rarely seen her speak in such a tone. She has always been aloof, everything is strategizing, but her tone just now has some surprises.

"Nothing, it should be an illusion."

The woman wearing the iris ring put her hand down and said in a low voice, her emotions could not be seen under the veil.

"It's okay, I thought something happened." Another woman breathed a sigh of relief. She asked, "Are we going to continue chasing that unicorn?"

"No need, what I want will only be mine, let it run away for another day, and obediently bump into my hand tomorrow."

The woman said flatly.

She was too confident in what she said, but the other woman didn't think she was ranting, because the other party has this ability, which may be impossible in the eyes of others, but the other party can. She has seen it many times.

The two women quickly disappeared in place.


Long Moshen returned to the inn with Wushuang in his arms, but the pain in her heart didn't abate, but worsened, as if someone was constantly cutting her bones and piercing her heart.

Seeing her pale face, she didn't snorted, Long Moshen's face was extremely ugly, Xi Xi's eyes were red with tension, but fortunately Xiao Rou'er was not here, otherwise she would definitely cry.

Seeing her mother is still in pain, and there is no feeling of relief, Xixi quickly said: "Mother, let my sister come out to help you treat it, maybe...maybe my sister can relieve your pain!"

Long Moshen looked at her, "My son is right, let Xiao Rou'er come out and try."

Wushuang knew that their father and son were worried about her now, and if they didn't let Xiao Rou'er come out and try, they would be even more worried.

She gritted her teeth and told Xiao Rou'er to bring her out of the space.

"Daddy! Brother!"

Xiao Rouer saw her father and brother at first glance, and rushed towards them.

As soon as she hugged her father's thigh, she realized that both father and brother were in a bad mood.

"Sister, my mother hurts my heart, you can treat me again, can you give it a try?"

Xixi said to his sister.

Xiao Rou'er turned her head quickly and saw her pale mother. She quickly climbed up from the bed, her little face looked at her nervously: "Is your mother hurting again? Xiao Rou'er helped her touch her. Touch it and it won’t hurt!"

She quickly put her little hand on her mother's heart.

"Little Rou'er, don't worry, mother is fine."

Wushuang Qiangyan smiled and comforted his daughter.

Not only did Xiao Rou'er put her hand on her heart, she also moved her little head, leaning on her mother gently, and muttering: "Mother doesn't hurt, mother doesn't hurt!"

Wushuang weakly stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head. Although it was painful, it was not unbearable. Her husband and children were all by his side, and there was no obstacle to overcome.

Xiao Rou'er is so cute, it's her close-fitting padded jacket.

I don't know whether it was the psychological effect or Xiao Rou'er's ability. Wushuang felt that the pain in her heart eased a lot, and her breathing became a little smoother.

She closed her eyes and suddenly felt a faint green energy in Xiao Rou'er's hand entering her heart. This energy was almost invisible to the naked eye, but she could feel the pain in her body, as if it was slowly decreasing.

The place she hurts is the place where the Divine Phoenix bone grows. She finally has the strength to think about why this place suddenly hurts.

Could it be... the person who took her Divine Phoenix bones appeared?

When she thought of this, her heart ached again.

She had no choice but to stop thinking, touched Xiao Rou'er's head, and asked her to heal herself.

Her Xiao Rou'er is really powerful. Only a little bit bigger, she can already heal people. She has the ability to rejuvenate everything, but she didn't expect it to be used on people.

Her Xiao Rou'er must be a wicked character in the future.

Just thinking about it, she felt very happy. She and the emperor's sons and daughters were excellent.

After a while, Xiao Rou'er stopped muttering, Wushuang found that she was breathing evenly, as if she was asleep.

"Uncle Emperor, Xiao Rou'er is asleep." She said softly, afraid of waking her daughter.

Long Moshen gently held his daughter's little hand, probed her physical condition, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, Xiao Rou'er is just so tired that she falls asleep, and she can live a life after a sleep."

Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, and gently touched Xiao Rou'er's cheek again. Her face was flushed with red, her eyelashes were black and long, whether she was asleep or waking up, it was lovely.

"I'm getting better, you don't have to worry about me. I didn't expect Xiao Rou'er to help me relieve the pain in my body."

Wushuang laughed lowly, she was proud of her Xiao Rou'er.

Long Moshen hugged Xiao Rou'er, Xixi quickly reached out and hugged her sister in her arms, found a comfortable position, and let her sleep well.

"Is it really okay? Does it hurt?"

Long Moshen looked at her with tenderness in his amber eyes.

When she was in pain just now, he wanted to hurt her for her, and at the same time a violent mood arose in his heart. He hadn't been like this for a long time, and he couldn't wait for the entire hidden world to be destroyed at that moment.

"It really doesn't hurt. Xiao Rou'er has helped me completely relieve the pain. Our Xiao Rou'er is really good, right."

"Yes, it's amazing."

Long Moshen smiled at her, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Wushuang knew that because of his sudden pain, he felt sorry for himself, and hated the person who cut out her Divine Phoenix bone. That person not only cut out her Divine Phoenix bone, but also caused her a second injury.

"Uncle Emperor, that person should be in Scarlet Fire City. She should be very close to me at the time, but I couldn't feel the existence of the Divine Phoenix Bones."

Wushuang said to him.

"I will find him. I have let Long Yi go out." Long Mo deeply stroked her black hair and said, "Long Yi just told me that Zhou's family came to Scarlet Fire City."

"Really the Zhou family? That should be correct!"

A cold light flashed in Wushuang's eyes, and she wanted to recover the debt on her body.

How did the other party gouged her Divine Phoenix bone back then, she would impose it on this person in the same way!

"Uncle Emperor, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go. Few people in the Zhou family are good things, and my affairs cannot be separated from them."

She said.

"Don't worry, you won't let them live. Take a good rest and go out for your husband."

Long Moshen got up and left a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll go with you," Qianye said.

"I will take good care of my mother and sister here. Go ahead."

Long Xuanxi said.

They went out soon, and this night, they will take the lives of many people, and this is just interest.

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