Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1174: Ran

Chapter 1174

Long Xuanxi and Qianye went out, looking around aimlessly.

They have searched all around Scarlet Fire City, but of course they have not found it.

But they were not discouraged, and planned to return to the inn to rest for a while, and then go out again at night.

"Hey, Brother Qianye, look, it's the puppy from last night again!"

At this time, Long Xuanxi was in a small alley and saw a dirty puppy. It was shrunk in the garbage dump. It was dirty and smelly. There were blood stains on its hind legs, which were all dried up.

Looks really pitiful.

"Yesterday I wanted to bandage it, but I didn't expect it to run away by itself. It is also fate to meet today, Brother Qianye, wait for me for a while."

He said.

"Go together, the puppy is also a life."

Qianye passed by with him.

The puppy felt someone coming, and suddenly opened his eyes. Its eyes were black and bright like a deer, but they were full of defense. Seeing someone, it shrank inward and grinned at them.

"Haha, it is really ugly." Long Xuanxi smiled.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the puppy. He grabbed the area of ​​the puppy's neck. The puppy couldn't bite him even if he wanted to bite. He kicked with four short legs.

From the storage ring, Long Xuanxi took out an elixir refined by his mother, and put it into his mouth despite the dog's objection.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and the puppy couldn't vomit when he wanted to, so he slid down its throat.

Seeing the hideous wound on its hind legs slowly healed, Qianye said, "The elixir made by Aunt Wushuang works well."

"Of course, the elixir made by my mother is the best! This is a sixth-order elixir. No matter how badly this puppy is injured, it can keep it intact."

Long Xuanxi said with a smile, and while he said, he applied a dust-cleaning technique to the puppy to wash its dirty body clean.

It's just that this puppy is really ugly, and its hair is black and gray. Even if it is washed, it still looks a little dirty.

Long Xuanxi rubbed its dog's head and put it on the ground, "Find a clean place to sleep, and don't hurt yourself next time!"

The puppy hummed a few times, turned his head and ran away.

Long Xuanxi laughed, this clown dog really has no conscience, running so fast.

"Let's go, Brother Qianye, let's go back."

They returned to the inn and ate dinner together. In fact, they didn't need to eat, but since Xiao Rouer asked them to eat with them, they would all eat together.

Xiao Rou'er is their pistachio and also their little baby. What she wants, the two brothers dare not obey, they almost spoil her.

At night, Long Moshen took Qianye and his son to find the beast Qilin, and he let Long Yi stay to protect Wushuang and Xiao Rou'er.

After they left, Wushuang held Xiao Rou'er and stood on the top of the inn, looking at the entire Scarlet Fire City and its surroundings.

There were brightly lit lights everywhere and crowds of people.

Is the beast unicorn still in Scarlet Fire City?

No one knows.

But at this time Wushuang had a faint speculation in his heart that the woman tonight is likely to find a unicorn.

Because her luck is really strong, the woman didn't find the unicorn last night, but not necessarily tonight.

In order to prevent the woman from sucking her luck, she stayed in the inn and didn't go anywhere.

Xiao Rouer was originally looking at the night scene outside enthusiastically, but then slowly fell asleep in her arms.

She sat on the roof of the inn holding Xiao Rou'er, blowing the cool evening breeze, waiting for the final result.

The sky slowly revealed the white fish belly, Wushuang, and saw the emperor uncle and the others appearing on the street.

Long Moshen saw her at the first glance, and looked up at her.

His eyes seemed to say that Wushuang was not disappointed without finding Qilin.

She just felt it was a pity, but it was a pity that she could not find the beast Qilin for her son.

But she believes that there are other sacred beasts in this world, and her son will definitely find a sacred beast that belongs to him in the future.

Xiao Rou'er woke up leisurely and yawned.

Wushuang hugged her and jumped down, patted the dew on the emperor's uncle, and said, "Let's accompany Xiao Rou'er to the store that I said yesterday to eat breakfast."

Xiao Rou'er was still yawning, her eyes lit up when she heard the words of her mother, "Okay, okay! My belly is also hungry!"

Wushuang first took Xiao Rouer to the inn to wash her face, changed her clothes again, and then everyone went to eat breakfast together.

The food in the immortal world and the hidden world is very good. The monks don't need to eat, so they try to make all kinds of delicious things to attract people. Those who like appetite will have three meals a day.

Everything you eat is made of good ingredients, which can not only replenish spiritual power, but also satisfy the appetite.

The breakfast shop they came to is famous for its exquisiteness, with a wide variety of varieties, each of which is very small. A table full of breakfasts looks a lot, but in fact it doesn't eat much.

Xiao Rouer was so happy looking at the table full.

Seeing his sister's smile, the corners of Long Xuanxi's mouth, who was somewhat lost, also evoked a petting smile.

Isn't it just a divine beast? If you can't find it, you can't find it. It only means that they have no fate. After all, he is not very old now. When he roams around in the future, he will definitely encounter his divine beast!

His sister is still the cutest. Just looking at her sister, it doesn't matter what kind of animal is.


"A bunch of rice buckets!"

Outside a karst cave around Scarlet Fire City, the face of the woman wearing the blue drapery hat was full of anger. Although everyone could not see her face, she could feel her anger in her cold tone.

"I let it go again! Didn't I confess that you will be here today!"

The woman still scolded.

"It's our fault, we didn't look at it! We didn't expect that the injury on its leg was healed, and its combat effectiveness was restored! But we got it seriously injured today, it must not run far, tomorrow night we must Can catch it!"

An old man said.

They didn't dare to make a heavy hand. After all, it was a sacred beast. If they were killed by them, they might have to bear even heavier anger.

They were also misguided. They thought that the unicorn was seriously injured and slowed down, but they did not expect that its injuries were completely recovered, and they stole Shi Ling from the cave.

"It's really a bunch of trash! This little thing can't be done well!"

The woman snorted coldly, she guessed that the unicorn would come here to steal the stone spirits tonight, and let them guard here. They would be good, and even a unicorn cub could not catch it!

She didn't take the Qilin's recovery from the injury at heart, only that the Qilin had some way to recover from the injury.

She rubbed the iris ring on her finger, thinking of other ways.

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