Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1177: Different place

Chapter 1177

"You go alone? No, the other party has several immortal-level subordinates. You are too dangerous for you alone. I will go with you."

Wushuang shook his head, disagreeing with Huang Shu's approach.

Long Moshen would not let her go. She would feel pain in her heart when she approached Zhou Yi. He didn't want Wushuang to feel pain again.

"This is a good opportunity. I will make them mess up, and I will kill Zhou Yi in the mess."

He said.

Zhou Yi had to die. Her existence made his twins feel painful. He had a murderous intention very early and wanted to thwart his bones and ashes, but for the sake of their safety, he was tolerating.

Today, Shuang'er provoked Zhou Yi and Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi will definitely make a big fuss. Zhou Yi's subordinates will guard against those on Zhou Yi's side. Then it will be the best chance to kill Zhou Yi.

He was determined not to let the two go there together.

Wushuang had no choice but to give up, and had to tell him to be more careful. Everything is about his own safety. After all, the other party has several subordinates in the Immortal Realm, and there are two cultivation bases in the later stage of the Immortal Realm. Together, they will definitely hurt the emperor. .

"Don't worry, I will come back to you soon."

Long Moshen calmed her.

Long Yi sent him a message, saying that Zhou Yi had found Fuyun Inn.

Long Mo deeply hugged Xiao Rou'er, patted Xixi and Qianye's shoulders, glanced at Wushuang, and turned to leave.

"You look at my sister here, I'll go out."

When the emperor uncle left, Wushuang said to his son and Qianye.

"But daddy said you can't go! Zhou Yi has a mother's Divine Phoenix bone on her body. If you get close, it will hurt your heart!"

Xixi disagreed, he couldn't let his mother pass by.

"I've probably figured out how far away I am before my heart hurts. Don't worry, I will be far away from Zhou Yi. I just want to see it myself, otherwise I don't worry."

Wushuang said to them.

Zhou Yi has so many subordinates in the Immortal Venerable Realm, when they besie the emperor, she can at least help.

What did Xixi want to say, Qianye took Xixi's arm and said:

"Just let Aunt Wushuang go, otherwise Aunt Wushuang won't feel at ease here. Don't worry, Aunt Wushuang, Xixi and I are here. We will take care of Xiao Rouer."

Wushuang nodded: "Don't forget that there is that little unicorn, it won't run if you don't open the barrier, but you still have to stare at it, or it will run away, and it won't be easy to get it back."

"Mother, you and Daddy need to come back soon!"

Xiao Rouer said softly.

"Daddy and mother will be back soon, you are here to wait for us."

Wushuang squeezed Xiao Rou'er's face and said softly.

After speaking, she opened the door and left, and went straight to Fuyun Inn.

When she arrived at the Fuyun Inn, Zhou Yi and the five of them had just found the Fuyun Inn, and after asking the second child, they patted the table with anger.

Zhou Yi was venting his anger. Wushuang found a box in the restaurant opposite the Fuyun Inn and sat down. She could see the scene downstairs through the window.

The location she was looking for was a bit away from the Fuyun Inn, but she could clearly see the situation in the lobby of the Fuyun Inn. Even if Zhou Yi appeared in the lobby, she should not feel pain in her heart.

She looked around, and soon found the disguised emperor in the corner of the lobby of the inn.

When she looked over, the emperor also looked in her direction.

She knew that she couldn't hide it from him, not to mention their ring could sense each other's position.

But she has come, so the emperor can't drive her away anymore.

The emperor's uncle only glanced at her and then withdrew his gaze. He changed his face to look like an ordinary middle-aged person. He was having a drink by himself, his breath was reduced, and almost no one looked at him deliberately.

"Zhou Yi, come down to me! I don't want to say it again!"

Zhou Yi shouted at the inn in anger.

He roared like this, Zhou Yi would definitely come down. It was Zhou's family, and definitely didn't want things to be ugly.

After a while, a woman wearing a blue hat slowly walked down the stairs.

Wushuang clenched his fists, grinding his molars.

Is this woman Zhou Yi?

"Zhou Yi, you can afford it! Why didn't you tell me when you came to Scarlet Fire City! What do you mean!"

Zhou Yi asked angrily.

Zhou Yi took off the veil slowly, revealing a gorgeous face, one or two points like Zhou Yi by then.

There weren't even the subordinates of Xianzun realm by her side, only a few subordinates of Xianwang realm. It seemed that she should have sent powerful subordinates out to find Qilin.

Wushuang knew that this was the best chance to kill Zhou Yi. Although she wanted to torture Zhou Yi severely, it would be great if she could kill her early.

"Brother, are you talking to your sister like this? What's the matter for you if I come to Chihuo City? You yell like this, where do you put Zhou's face?"

Zhou Yi gave Zhou Yi a cold look, then swept his gaze on Zhou Lin and Zhou Luo's faces, and then calmly retracted his gaze.

"Brother Yi is the young master of the Zhou family. The family leader sent you to help the young master find the unicorn! Well, you brought so many people to find the unicorn, didn't you even follow the family's orders!"

Helianqin suddenly said loudly.

She wanted to get a unicorn. Seeing Zhou Yi's sister Zhou Yi so high, she didn't know where she was wrong. She was annoyed in her heart, and she said directly.

"What can you do! It's just my brother's plaything. Is there any place for you to speak here?"

Zhou Yi glanced at Helianqin indifferently, with disdain in her eyes, as if talking to such a woman had lost her identity.

"You! No one has ever dared to talk to me Helianqin like this!" Helianqin gritted his teeth.

She pushed Zhou Yi hard and said aggrieved: "You are saying something, are you watching your sister insult me ​​like this!"

Zhou Yi frowned, took a deep breath, and said to Zhou Yi: "I know you have ambitions. I don't care what your plans are, but from now on, you have to listen to my orders. The beast and unicorn can only be mine. You don’t want to play it."

Zhou Yi smiled coldly:

"Really? You didn't become the head of the family last week, so you started to behave in awe. Do you think the mythical beast unicorn belongs to you? Hehe, you want more..."

However, she hadn't finished her words yet, a terrifying arrow was shot out from the restaurant on the opposite side mixed with the cold wind!

"call out--!"

This arrow quickly shot towards Zhou Yi's eyebrows with lightning speed!

Zhou Yi quickly dodged. She moved extremely fast. When she realized the danger, it was like the men behind her blocked her!

laugh! Skinny! The body of this subordinate was shot through!

Zhou Yi just breathed a sigh of relief, and the greater murderous intent behind her enveloped her. She only saw a terrifying white light, and then she was in a strange place!

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