Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1187: Restore memory

Chapter 1187

Wushuang sat on the small round table.

She has never retreated because of anything, and at this time she will not give up recovering the memories of her previous life because of fear of pain.

The memory of her previous life is too important to her. If she does not restore her memory, too many mysteries will be difficult to solve.

"I'm ready, you can start."

Wushuang took a deep breath and nodded towards Mu.

Mu stretched out a dry finger and tapped Wushuang's brow.

Her appearance immediately changed and became her original appearance. Then, she only felt a chaos in her brain, as if she was about to lose consciousness. Just when she thought she was going to sleep, her brain suddenly felt like needles. The pain is extremely painful.

But this was only the beginning. Her soul seemed to be violently pulled by something, and it was about to fall apart. This kind of pain is hard to describe. There is no place in her body that does not hurt. It is more uncomfortable than the pain of gouging her heart!

In just a short while, she was sweating profusely, all of which came out in an instant, and the clothes on her back were soaked.

"The poison of the black spider silkworm is not easy to solve."

She heard Mu's self-talk in a daze, but she had no energy to hear what he said later.

She is struggling with pain and has endured all kinds of pain. She must restore the memory of her previous life!

She didn't know how long it had passed, maybe two hours, maybe four hours, maybe longer, her forehead was cold, and all the pain receded like a tide.

She couldn't open her eyes. She felt a familiar breath in her confusion. I don't know someone fed something in her mouth. After drinking it, she fell asleep deeply.

When she woke up again, the breeze blew and the swing was swinging, and she subconsciously clenched the rope in her hand.

Where's the swing?

Then he saw her shrunken hands and shrunken legs. She looked up suspiciously. Nine handsome young men were in front of the swing, and they all looked at themselves spoilingly.

She saw two familiar eyebrows among the nine people.

Big brother?

Brother Nine?

Did she go back to her childhood in her previous life, these are all nine seniors from her youth?

Her gaze fell on the other seniors. It was the first time she saw the appearance of other seniors. It turned out that they were so kind and the eyes that looked at her were so pampering, but when she returned to the underworld, the other seniors had already Fallen.

"Daddy is here!"

She suddenly heard her own crisp voice, with joy in her immaturity.

This is her memory, she has retrieved the memory! But why do you only have memories from the age of three or four, before?

She didn’t have time to think about it. The nine-headed bird that covered the sky and the sun appeared. On his back stood a man with a jade tree facing the wind. He was as handsome as a jade, powerful and incomparable. A beam of glow on his face made him look even more handsome. jade.

This is the Pluto father when he was young? What she saw before was only a phantom, and what she saw was not real. This is how she saw him truly. She looks a bit similar to him. His eyes are so gentle, and the unparalleled heart is Surrounded by a warm emotion.

Immediately afterwards, countless images flashed quickly in front of her as if she had been in a movie, she felt more and more empathetic, and the emotional ups and downs became bigger and bigger.

So sad, I'm so sad!

Don't leave me, dad!


"Shuang'er, wake up! wake up!"

Long Mo looked at Wushuang with deep concern. She had slept for three days and three nights. Mu said that she should have woken up long ago, but she couldn't wake up no matter how she awakened. She sobbed from time to time, sometimes weeping silently, without making any noise. sound.

But she never wakes up.

"Shuang'er, that has already passed, okay to wake up soon?"

Long Moshen held her in his arms, and his deep eyes were filled with self-blame. He knew the importance of Pluto to the two children, and she could not accept Pluto's fall.

She grew up without the existence of her mother. Pluto was both a father and a mother and raised her. He has not been absent from her growth and has been with her for thousands of years.

He shouldn't have brought her here.

The person under him suddenly moved, and he quickly lowered his head, and saw Shuang'er slowly open his eyes.


Her gaze seemed to be out of focus, looking at him blankly.


He frowned.

"Brother Shen."

Wushuang looked at him, her eyes gradually recovered, and the affection in her eyes grew deeper and deeper. She stretched out her hand to put her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly:

"Sorry, I forgot you; I'm sorry, my recklessness has caused you so much harm... I lost my father, but you lost me..."

"It's because I didn't protect you, Shuang'er, let alone the past, let's just look at the present, okay?"

Long Mo embraced her deeply and tenderly, and dropped a kiss on her hair.

"Uncle Emperor..."

"Why didn't you call me Brother Shen? Huh?"

His enchanting voice reminded her ears, his voice low and charming.

Wushuang buried his head in his chest, not wanting to speak.

She remembered the things in the previous life, how they knew how to know each other and how to love each other.

In short, it was a tortuous story, indeed as thrilling as said in the fairy world script, but the script was not true, it was all people's imagination.

And this "Brother Deep", he tempted her to say, she said calling him Brother Deep, he quit, saying that many people called him Brother Deep, he asked her to call Brother, she felt so nauseous, and finally folded Called Brother Shen in the middle.

However, in her previous life, she seldom yelled like this. She called him by his name more often, and was coaxed by him to yell a few times when she was emotional.

His current tone is just like the time before, he used this voice to charm her to shout.

"Shuang'er, call again, just one."

"No more." Wushuang shook his head, too ashamed. Originally, this title was a bit numb, but every time he did this, she felt that it was especially inappropriate for children.

"Stop talking, Uncle Emperor, I, I will tell you business! I think my dad might still be alive!"

Long Moshen immediately raised his head, "Really? Why do you think so?"

It's no wonder that Shuang'er only cried in her sleep, and she was much better when she woke up. It turned out that she had such a guess in her heart.

"I just think so, I don't have definitive evidence to prove it."

Wushuang said.

"You know him best, so you think it should be very possible." Long Moshen said to her.

"Shuang'er, have all your memories recovered?" he asked.

Wushuang frowned: "No...but I remembered most of my memories. Some missing memories seem to be irrelevant...I remember all important things."

In the memories she recovered, some pictures were broken, some were just fragments, and some memories were intermittent.

But why is it so?

There is no defect in her soul, that powerful mysterious person gathered all the souls for her, and her memory should not be missing.

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