Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1207: Bad feeling

Chapter 1207

City Lord Yang is a wise man. What he values ​​most is his interests. Where the interests are greater, he will naturally turn to.

On Su Zhu's side, although the other party's identity was mysterious and she also said that she was a member of the immortal world, after all, she was single-handed, with no background right now.

And Young Master Nangong all have a high status in the hidden world. If he offends these big families, then, I am afraid that the entire hidden world will have no place for him to hide.

The strong dragon can't beat the local snake.

Which is lighter and heavier, at a glance.

"City Master Yang is ready?" Nangong Yu asked.

City Lord Yang nodded and said, "What is there to think about? Several young masters want to enter the secret realm. Of course, this city owner hopes to rely on the strength of the young masters to get in and get a share."

Nangong Yu smiled and said:

"City Master Yang is indeed a smart person. Don't worry. We are just a little interested in this secret realm. City Master Yang can take the good things in it. However, if City Master Yang wants more treasures, he must guard against the surname Su. Woman, we heard that she has a map in the secret realm in her hand."


City Master Yang frowned subconsciously, and the woman surnamed Su had not told him that she had a map.

He knew that the woman surnamed Su was using him, but he did not expect her to hide so deeply.

If it weren't for Young Master Nangong to mention this sentence, he wouldn't know about it.

With a map, you can know where the best treasures are!

No, you can't let this woman enter the secret realm!

City Lord Yang said in his heart.

"Thank you Nangong Young Master for reminding that this city lord will definitely guard against her."

He said.

The third young master of the Ji family slowly said while drinking tea:

"It's useless for you to guard against her. After all, your sloppy sons are very close to her. If your son knows that you will not let her in, he will turn his head and tell the woman. The woman is very cruel and said Maybe in order to vent your anger, you will directly kill some of your idiot sons."

City Lord Yang has always reminded himself not to get angry, this third young master of the Ji family is this virtue, in his eyes, everyone is a idiot!

City Lord Yang took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for the reminder, Master San, this City Lord will definitely pay more attention."

He said a few more words, and then let City Lord Yang go out.

As soon as City Lord Yang left, the three dull young brothers immediately stood up and cast their eyes behind the screen.

Especially the third young master of the Ji Family, Ji Can, who spoke the most awkwardly, had a pleasing silly smile on his face and said, "Brother Shen, you can come out now!"

A tall and handsome figure walked out from behind the screen. He was the Long Moshen who had no disguise.

Walking out together is Wushuang wearing a veil.

She didn't want to wear a veil. She knew all these people anyway, but the emperor's uncle was very possessive and he just put a veil on her.

"Sister Wushuang!"

Several people shouted together, with bright eyes.

Wushuang smiled and said: "You performed very well. This City Lord Yang has already moved his heart. To treat such a person, he must be bullied and lured."

The three laughed happily, like a child.

Especially Ji Can, with a flattering smile on his face, as if he had met an elder who admired and was afraid.

Huangfu Shi covered his mouth and smiled.

Who could have imagined that the third young master of the Ji family, who was not afraid of the most poisonous mouth, had this side.

But this is also normal, who made Long Moshen the number one person on the Tianjiao list, and how many people beat his father and mother.

These young masters, except for the young master Nangong at that time, had not been beaten, all the others were beaten.

All were beaten and convinced.

"Brother Shen, sister Wushuang, let's say this, can City Master Yang be able to guard against that woman?"

Ni Chen asked.

After all, they just said so much, just to let City Master Yang guard against that Fairy Su, and let her draw the bamboo basket.

"City Lord Yang is a person above his own interests. We have reminded him so much. For his own benefit, he would be more reluctant to enter with the surname Su than anyone else. After all, the surname Su has a map.

Wushuang said.

Long Mo said deeply: "You will know if he can do it well by watching him later."

In fact, Long Moshen did not put the key to the matter on City Lord Yang, but if he could keep the woman surnamed Su in the dark, it would be best.

Even if City Master Yang couldn't keep it secret, he had another way.

The woman surnamed Su has done so many things, her purpose is very easy to guess, she just wants to introduce them into the secret realm, and use her own methods to wipe out all the opponents she thinks.

With the fierceness of a woman surnamed Su, she might destroy the entire secret realm to ensure that all her opponents die.

But the premise is that she wants to enter the secret realm, not into the secret realm, how does she arrange it?

What they have to do now is to prevent the Su from entering. Of course, this is not the most important thing. Long Moshen is still considering **** the woman named Su and take away the bones of the Divine Phoenix. Otherwise, if she returned to the immortal realm, the Divine Phoenix bones in those pairs would never grow up unless they went to the immortal realm to kill people.

Therefore, Long Mo deeply wanted to try Su Zhu's abilities, and to see what she could do as a person in the immortal world.

The most critical point is whether she can return to the immortal world anytime and anywhere, or there are other restrictions.

After a few hours, Long Yi sent a message back.

City Lord Yang's sons were all sent back by him, and he ordered them to be locked in the secret room, not allowing them to come out, and not allowing them to contact the outside world. They will not be released until the secret world is over.

It seems that City Lord Yang did treat his sons as idiots, especially his eldest son, who had lost the artifact he had worked so hard to get before he could warm up.

However, this approach is the simplest and most effective.

In this way, no one would confess to a woman surnamed Su.

And several young masters sent out the people around them to study how to open this secret realm.

On the surface, City Lord Yang told a woman surnamed Su that she would join several large families to enter, but she did not actually count her.

Over there, after Su Zhu knew, there was no expression on her face.

"Master, Yang brought so many people in, will it affect us?"

Her men asked.

"I have a map in hand. What's there to worry about? He brought so many people in, and it happens that those people can also get in. When that happens, I will kill them all, not leaving one."

I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss one.

Su Zhu narrowed his dangerous eyes and said.

"But, master, this secret realm is a secret realm opened up here by an expert in the immortal world. It is your chance. You can't lose such a big chance because of this."

"I know in my heart that when the time comes, the first thing to do is to find the treasure in the secret realm."

After that, she subconsciously touched the iris ring on her little finger, frowned slightly and said, "However, I always have a bad feeling...let me think about it."

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