Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1270: Clan rules

Chapter 1270

An old woman's voice suddenly sounded, followed by powerful pressure.

Everyone moved for a while, Wushuang looked over there, only to see the old woman he had seen before appeared in the air, with a young and beautiful woman beside her.

The woman was looking around anxiously, as if she was looking for someone but couldn't find her, her eyes showed a panic.

"Old Patriarch!"

At this moment, all the priests who had besieged Long Moshen and Wushuang all knelt down towards the old man.

Is she the old patriarch of the unfeeling tribe?

Suddenly flashed through Wushuang's eyes, and that's right, the old woman's cultivation base is so high, and she can enter and exit the Junqing Mountain at will, she must be the person with the highest identity of the Junqing family.

"Mother! Long Yi! Where did you hide him!"

The young woman beside the old patriarch quickly asked the high priest.

Wushuang approached the emperor's uncle and glanced at him, roughly guessing the identity of the young woman.

They stood together, but did not relax their vigilance, and Wushuang did not believe that she would help herself because she had grilled barbecue for the old woman.

"Shut up! I think you are fascinated by ghosts!" The high priest coldly rebuked the saint, and then said to the old patriarch:

"Old patriarch, two men broke into the clan and blasphemed our saint woman. We are about to rectify the law on the spot!"

"Yes, you can't let two stinky men run wild in my clan!"

"They must be killed! Burning to the heavens!"

Several priests echoed loudly, looking at Long Moshen with disgust, or as long as they were men, they were disgusted.

"No! I beg you, don't kill them! As long as you let them go, I can do anything!"

The saint pleaded bitterly.

Seeing that they were indifferent, she bowed to the old patriarch: "Old patriarch, I and Long Yi truly love each other. He is not the bad man in their mouths. All this is my fault. If you blame it, blame me, don’t blame Long Yi. I am willing to accept any punishment, please, let them go!"

The gaze of the old patriarch kept falling on Long Moshen's body, to be precise on the silver armor of his body, when she heard the saint begging her, she withdrew her gaze and said:

"Men are mostly clever tongues, Ru'er, are you sure he really loves you instead of coveting your beauty?"

"I believe! He is not a clever tongue. He treats me well. In his behavior, the time I spent with him was the happiest time in my life!"

Saint Ru'er said loudly, with a very confident tone. She believed that the dragon had a heart for her. If she didn't even believe it, who would believe it?

Wushuang just opened the space, let Long Yi hear her, Long Yi said: "Mother, let the subordinates go out, the subordinates will carry it with her."

Long Yi has always been a responsible person. He has never had a woman. Ru'er is his first woman and his only woman. She is kind, smart, gentle and beautiful, and there is nothing that does not attract him. Can she bear it alone?

As soon as the dragon appeared, the saint covered her mouth and wept. She came over and did not see him. She thought that something had happened to him. Seeing that he was still wounded, she felt distressed and thankful. Fortunately, he did not. Something happened.

"Ru'er, don't cry, no matter what happens, I will stand with you and we will bear it together."

Long Yi looked at her and said softly.

The saint said: "No! I don't want to bear it with you! You must go out alive!"

The old patriarch is here, she doesn't dare to expect that the old patriarch will let them go, but she hopes that all these faults can be borne by her, as long as they can leave safely.

Wushuang said to the old patriarch at the right time: "Old elders, you have also seen that the two of them love each other sincerely, and Long Yi is not a person who is greedy and fearful of death. There is an old saying outside of us that it is better to tear down a bridge. Not to ruin a marriage, it is God’s will for them to be together, it is better to fulfill them."

"No! Don't even think about it! Ru'er is the saint of my clan! The smelly men outside are not good things, I won't let them be together!"

Before the old patriarch had spoken, the saint's mother high priest immediately objected loudly, with an unwilling determination in her tone.

The old patriarch raised his hand, indicating that the high priest should not be so excited, she said lightly:

"The old man feels that there is nothing wrong, High Priest, you should let go of it for so many years."

The old patriarch meant something.

The high priest's face became stiff and gritted his teeth.

Many years ago, the Jueqing Clan did not have the many cold-blooded rules as they are today, nor did they often indoctrinate the tribe with the idea that men are bad people. The Jueqing Clan’s poison is only passed on to women but not to men, so the status of men is very low. Most men Will be driven out.

Back then, the man the high priest brought back from outside was a clever tongue. He voluntarily went back with her. He saw her beauty and body. He coaxed her to love her all his life, but he was playing enough. After he took her treasure, he said that he was going to go home. This was half a year. When the high priest went out to look for him, he found that he had already married a wife and even had several concubine rooms.

The man argued that he was an elder in the family who forced him to marry a wife and take a concubine. The high priest believed it, but the man wanted to kill her with a big belly behind his back.

Naturally, the high priest was not killed. It was the scum man who died, but because of this, the high priest began to hate men, and instilled the thought that men are scum, and also took the men outside to raise Gu.

From then on, the unfeeling clan hated men deeply.

The old patriarch meant that the high priest should let go, but she did not let go.

"Old patriarch, men don't have a good thing. Our clan is called the Jueqing Clan. Isn't it about breaking off love? I can't let my daughter be with a nasty man!"

The high priest said.

The old patriarch shook his head: "Although my clan is called the Unsentimental Clan, it’s just that my clan’s people are indifferent and don’t value love. It’s not a cut-off of love. The old body never prevents people from falling in love. Ru'er, you and Long Yi truly love each other, old No objection, but you are responsible for the decisions you make. If you leave the Junqing Mountains, you will no longer be a saint of the Junqing Family. There are clan rules. If you leave the Junqing Mountains, you will never be able to step further."

The old patriarch looked at Ru'er and said.


Ru'er hesitated. She had never left the Unfeeling Mountains. She only knew the outside world from books, saying it was impossible not to be afraid.

"Ru'er, with me here, I will keep you safe and carefree! Believe me!" Long said loudly, he knew her concerns, but he hoped she could come out and take a look at this world, which is huge , They can go to many places, he shouldn't be limited to this small mountain range.

"I do!"

Ru'er looked at the old patriarch and said loudly: "Old patriarch, I want to leave, I am willing to take responsibility for everything I do! I also believe in Long Yi!"

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