Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1274: Emperor Jiuyou comes to the underworld

Chapter 1274 The Nine Nether Emperor Comes to the Underworld

Wushuang told the emperor the identity of her mother, and also said what she had seen on the murals of Vermilion Fairyland.

The imperial uncle had the same idea as her, and he also believed that the person who destroyed Kunlun, the underworld, and almost wiped out the entire Cangming Continent should be a person from the immortal world.

Except for the Immortal Realm, the people of other immortal realms probably don't have such great ability.

As for why people from the immortal world came to such a small three-thousand-world continent, it might be somewhat related to the identity of Queen Mother West.

But this is just a guess. Long Moshen felt that Queen Mother Xi’s origins were extraordinary, and all the signs indicated that her true identity was very unusual, as if Taboo had not even mentioned Pluto.

Queen Mother of the West also came to the Big Dipper Immortal Territory back then, and many people know that Fairy Yaochi was amazing and brilliant more than a hundred thousand years ago, but she was like a firework, only for a short time, there was no more news, like a human world evaporation.

But even though the world had evaporated, she had appeared in the lives of Shuang'er. The bones of Shuang'er in the previous life were only a few thousand years old, indicating that Queen Mother of the West did not fall as people say.

Maybe the Queen Mother of the West has unspeakable concealment and cannot accompany her.

Regardless of the facts, he will find the truth with Shuang'er and reunite her family.


On the day of the dragon's first wedding, it was really held very grand, with lights and festoons everywhere to celebrate the dragon's embrace of beauty.

The brothers of Long Yi, Long Er, gathered from all over the fairy world to the underworld, and they were all envious. Long did not say anything, and married his daughter-in-law. They were still ten thousand years old bachelors!

Why is Ryuichi's luck so good, how can they not meet a good woman outside!

Especially Long Er, he has always been the nearest to Long Yi, how could he have thought that Long Yi came back with a daughter-in-law when he came back this time, and he agreed to bachelor together! His eyes were very resentful in those few days, as if he had been abandoned.

Well, to put it bluntly or envious, who doesn't want to sleep with his fragrant daughter-in-law at night, but who told them to miss it!

The entire underworld recognized the uncle Long Moshen, and Long Yi was an able man of his uncle. The ghost cultivators knew that he was going to get married and all congratulated him.

This was the first wedding event after the princess returned. Long Yi got married in the underworld, and everyone regarded him as a person in the underworld.

This joyous event lasted for three days, and there was joy everywhere.

Later, someone saw Long Moshen and asked him when he and the princess also had a grand wedding in the underworld. Although everyone knew that they had held a wedding in the underworld before they ascended to the immortal world, the underworld was the princess’s family. Everyone hopes to see the princess get married in her natal family.

Long Moshen was naturally willing, he would not have to make up a few weddings so that people in the whole fairy world knew that Shuang'er was his.

Just when she talked about it with Shuang'er, she thought for a moment and said:

"If you want to make up the wedding, I hope Daddy and them will be there."

Wushuang was brought up by Pluto since he was a child. He must have imagined himself getting married when he was young, so if she wants to make up the wedding, she hopes that her father will be there.

Long Mo understood deeply, and he stopped mentioning this matter.

During Long Yicheng's marriage, many things Wushuang had to explain have already been explained. She and the emperor's uncle have also checked the Great Formation of the Underworld. There is no problem. She doesn't have to worry about the three immortal emperors coming in during her retreat.

After another half a month, Wushuang and the emperor uncle discussed the cultivation system of their son and daughter, and after spending more than a month with them, they were about to start retreating.

Xi Xi has always been sensible, knowing that the realm his father and mother are going to hit is very important, this time in retreat, at least several decades can not meet. But this stage must go through, in order to reassure his parents, he promised that he would always look at his sister and not let his parents worry about his sister's affairs.

Xiao Rou'er is not very happy these days, because she also knows that her father and mother are going to retreat for a long, long time. She feels sad when she thinks of not seeing her father and mother for so long, and she can't afford the delicious food. Interest comes.

Wushuang and Long Moshen accompany her almost every day these days, and they coax her to sleep at night. They don't want to miss their daughter's growth, but promotion to the emperor is imminent. Sometimes, they can only miss something.

Every time she coaxed her daughter to sleep, Wushuang looked at her small face in a daze. Xiao Rou'er was only so big, and she was so cute. However, after she had been in retreat for decades or even hundreds of years, Xiao Rouer She was already a slim girl. She couldn't see how Xiao Rou'er grew up a little bit. Whenever she thought of this, she felt owed to Xiao Rou'er.

She also wanted to retreat for a period of time to come out to see Xixi and Xiao Rou'er, but the impact of the immortal emperor needs to be wholehearted. Once in the cultivation state, she will not know the passage of time, and she does not know if there is a chance to come out to see them.

"Shuang'er, I will definitely break through the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible and come out to accompany our children earlier. You don't have to put too much pressure on you."

Long Moshen comforted her and said that as a mother, she certainly didn't want to miss the growth of her child, but the fairy world is already long and these are common things.

"I know, I'm afraid Xiao Rou'er will blame us when he grows up. Uncle Emperor, you must be promoted to the emperor faster than me. After you are promoted to the emperor, you must be with the children."

Wushuang said to him.

"Well, don't worry, Shuang'er."

No matter what, it's time to retreat.

Long Moshen left the underworld and returned to the heavenly palace. He is the young master of the heavenly palace, and all the Qi Yun merits used to promote the immortal emperor need to be obtained in the spirit world.

Before he retreats, he must have enough luck and merit.

After the fairy emperor Jiuyou and the fairy queen learned that Wushuang and Long Moshen were going to retreat, the fairy queen urged the fairy emperor to go to the underworld, and talked with Wushuang well, to see if they could try to let their children come to live for a period of time each year. .

"You have a better attitude, you are going to pick up your grandson and granddaughter, you are seeking Wushuang, you can't keep a straight face!"

The fairy queen was not relieved, and she told her to give away the unhappy Emperor Jiuyou.

Immortal Emperor Jiuyou was not happy, he was extremely happy, of course, he didn't show it on his face, and others thought he didn't want to pick up his grandchildren.

He soon arrived in the underworld, Wushuang hadn't closed the door yet, and when she heard the immortal Emperor Jiuyou coming, she went to greet the other party in person.

He is the father of the emperor's uncle and the grandfather of Xixi and Xiao Rou'er. Even if he is pedantic and unenlightened, he is also the elder of his son and daughter.

Knowing his intentions, Wushuang agreed without saying anything. It was a big surprise to Immortal Emperor Jiuyou. How could he have thought that things were so simple, before he came, he had thought of countless words to convince her.

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