Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1286: Divine position

Chapter 1286

A pair of golden wings spread out behind the Wushuang princess, dazzling and dazzling. At that moment, the radiance spread over the earth. Everyone felt a shock. There is an illusion that the Wushuang princess is the most noble person in this world. To crawl on the ground looking up at her.

At this moment, this indelible figure was printed in the bottom of everyone's heart, which will never be forgotten.

At the same time, in the world of immortality, in the depths of an ancient mystery palace, there is a star room, but there are only dozens of stars on the top of the huge sky, and several of them are silent.

At this moment, Divine Phoenix Star, which had been dimmed to the north, suddenly lit up and emitted a strong light.

An old man with white beard who was guarding the constellation room suddenly got up and muttered, "What day is it today? There are actually two gods lit up!"

He looked at a star next to the Divine Phoenix Star. The light was not weaker than that of the Divine Phoenix Star, but it was only lit up. They were all in the north, not in the immortal realm, and it was strange.

You know, there have been many, many years, no gods have appeared outside the realm of immortality.

The Divine Phoenix Star was in the immortal realm before, with a faint ray of light, but today it suddenly reached the north of the universe, radiantly bright.

The other star is called Shenlinxing, which is even more impressive. Its former owner can be said to be extremely powerful. Later, no one is qualified to represent Shenlinxing. Shenlinxing has been dimmed for millions of years.

The Divine Phoenix Star also represents noble and unparalleled, and these two divine stars with similar radiance will definitely show their fists in the realm of immortality in the future.

"It seems that two people will appear in the immortal world to fight for the position of God! These two can be said to be quasi-gods, but I don't know when they will come to the immortal world."

The old man murmured, with a nasty smile at the corner of his mouth. What would happen if the other quasi-gods knew that there were two quasi-gods outside of the immortal realm, and the stars were shining?

"No matter, I still don't let those people go to harm other immortal realms. When the two quasi-gods come to the immortal world, the old man will notify the major forces."

The old man muttered to himself, then sat back to where he was before, closed his eyes and meditated, silently like a stone sculpture.


A pale golden spiritual rain quickly landed.

The rain washed Wushuang's body and repaired her injuries. On the golden textured wings, the rain swept across, and the golden feathers never got wet.

Wushuang never thought that a pair of wings would grow behind her. The wings were closely connected to the Divine Phoenix bone. She felt that it was the growth of the Divine Phoenix bone that gave birth to golden wings. Wings were part of the Divine Phoenix bone.

As soon as she thought of it, the golden wings were closed, and there was nothing unusual, but two big holes were torn behind the clothes. She cast a spell and the clothes were as good as new.

When she thought about it, the golden wings appeared again. She didn't feel a sense of rejection, as if she had merged into one.

The Divine Phoenix bone is part of her body, as are the golden wings.

It's just that she thinks this wing is a bit tasteless, because she doesn't need wings to fly.

Just as she was about to put her wings away, a powerful figure flew like a Changhong, and appeared in front of Wushuang in the blink of an eye.

Wushuang originally had some precautions, but after seeing the incoming person clearly, he put down his guard and said with a smile: "Uncle Ye."

The person here is Yexun's father.

Seeing him coming, Wushuang was still very surprised, because he said at the beginning that he would not leave Mie Shentan unless it was something very important.

At the moment when Ye Xun's father appeared, the battle over the demon world suddenly ended. The Evil Buddha and Beixuan Immortal Emperor were already at a disadvantage, but the battle between the Great Emperor could not be separated in just one night. Without it, this battle may continue.

But Ye Xun's father appeared. The cultivation base he showed was the late stage of the immortal emperor realm, which surprised everyone, because no one knew that there was such a figure in the immortal realm.

The Evil Buddha and Beixuan Immortal Emperor therefore did not dare to fight again, and flee directly at a considerable price to avoid being besieged.

They didn't know that Yexun's father would not take action. He came to find Wushuang.

"Gold Wings!"

Ye Xun's father stared at the wings behind Wushuang, with shock on his face.

Wushuang looked at him and said softly: "What do you know?"

Ye Xun's father was about to speak, Long Moshen and Jiuyou Immortal Emperor teleported over.


Long Moshen nodded towards Ye Xun's father, then stretched out his hand to wrap Wushuang's waist.

The two of them have not seen each other, but they are not at all unfamiliar. On the contrary, there is a sweetness that is better than a newlywed.

Ye Xun's father looked at their talents and looks very right, and couldn't help but nodded. They are both strong and strong together, and no one is holding back. They are young and powerful with great perseverance, and they are really immortal couples.

Immortal Emperor Jiuyou looked at him, but he was not particularly shocked. He had felt the fluctuations in the Deshen Lake a long time ago, and vaguely guessed that there was a big person under him. He did not sit in the well like Emperor Beixuan and watch the sky like Emperor Qianxing. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

"This is not a place to talk, Uncle Ye, Immortal Emperor Jiuyou, let's go to the Palace of the Underworld to talk."

Wushuang said with a smile.

Immortal Emperor Jiuyou was a little unhappy. Wushuang called an outsider so affectionately that he called himself but he called Immortal Emperor Jiuyou, alas!

But who made him too pedantic back then? He asked for it.

"Daddy! Mother!"

Xiao Rou'er flew over and plunged into her mother's arms.

"Mother, I miss you so much!"

It is said that the daughter is the mother's little padded jacket, Wushuang's heart melted as soon as he saw his daughter, he let go of the emperor's hand, and put his daughter in his arms.

The daughter is a little shorter than her, looks petite and cute, with a delicate face that is red in the white, like a lovely little flower.

My daughter hasn’t changed much from the time I saw her last time. Last time she knew that she would take a long time to leave the customs, so she came out to see her son and daughter for half a day. At that time, the daughter was already 20 years old and her facial features had grown. When she was a child, she was like herself, but when she grew up, she also looked like the emperor's uncle. When others saw it, she was the daughter of herself and the emperor's uncle, combining the advantages of their husband and wife.

Wushuang has been absent for so many years and feels a little guilty for her children. When she returns, she will make up for her son and daughter.

He hugged his daughter, touched his son's head with his feet, and Wushuang greeted his relatives and friends over the underworld.

There are seniors and beautiful younger brothers like Lao Jinlong, her former master in the lower realms, her juniors and younger sisters, and Mu Yuanhong's wife, etc. They are all people she used to be familiar with, making her feel very kind and happy.

When she finishes talking to Ye Bo, she will come out to have a good chat with them and talk.

Wushuang became the immortal emperor. King Qin Guang and his fellow seniors were very happy, and immediately gave a special and artificial rain of mysterious clouds to celebrate in the underworld.

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