Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1292: A secret

Chapter 1292

Although a piece of memory of Emperor Beixuan may have been erased, the fact that he let the Cangming Continent Protoss annihilate the clan is true.

He wanted to climb into the immortal world, so he attacked the Protoss who had no grievances against him.

Of course, people in the immortal world did not appreciate it, nor did they appear after the extinction of the Protoss.

Immortal Emperor Beixuan's destruction of a race for his own sake can be said to be a heinous crime.

His sins are not limited to this one. He also attacked the underworld in the lower realm and killed many Yaochi disciples.

Moreover, the biggest obsession in the heart of Emperor Beixuan was to make the entire fairy world the territory of the demon world, and to make other races of the fairy world the rations of the demon world.

Fortunately, there were other immortal emperors who checked and balanced, and did not let his trickery succeed.

It's a pity that Qianye still didn't let Qianye handle Beixuan Immortal Emperor.

But the death of Immortal Beichuan had already relieved Qianye.

It's just that he doesn't understand, why do people in the immortal world take action against the Protoss?

Does the Protoss really have an influence on the immortal world?

But the Protoss lives on a small continent, how can it hinder the immortal world?

Wushuang patted Qianye on the shoulder and said to him:

"We will definitely figure out the real cause of the matter, but you just heard that the demise of the Protoss is inseparable from the immortal world, so you must be stronger. One day, we will go to the immortal world together."

Qianye nodded heavily.

Long Mo's eyes were deep, and said:

"Perhaps, the Protoss has a lot of potential, so I was jealous of the people in the immortal world, Qianye, look at what potential in your body that has not been stimulated, since it is called the Protoss, it must be stronger than other races."

"Yes, the emperor is right, Qianye, do you feel any difference after practicing these years?"

Wushuang asked.

Qianye shook his head: "No. However, there is one thing mentioned in the inheritance of the tribe. After the Protoss reaches adulthood, cultivation will be different. But I don't know the specific differences."

"Protoss, how old is an adult?"

"A hundred years old is considered an adult. Seriously, I am less than seventy years old this year."

Qianye said.

Wushuang thought about it, too, even though Qianye had been in the water for so many years, his state at that time was equivalent to a deep sleep. From the moment he woke up, he was considered true age.

At that time Xixi was a few years old, and Qianye only regained consciousness, but after he regained consciousness, he soon became a teenager.

"In the world of immortals, time is the least valuable. You have grown up after decades of practicing in retreat, and you should know the special features of the Protoss by then. Revenge can't come in a hurry."

Wushuang said to Qianye.

"I know, I would like to thank Aunt Wushuang, and I would like to thank Uncle Long. I can see the death of Emperor Beixuan, but it has already broken my heart."

Qianye said seriously.

Then he can practice without distraction.

"I'm going to kill the Demon Race! Can't let the Demon Race produce another dregs like Immortal Emperor Beixuan!"

After finishing speaking, Qianye flew up and joined the ranks of killing demons.

Wushuang and Huangshu also meant the same. This time they brought so many troops here, just to make the Demon Realm's vitality severely injured, and would not appear as the great demon of the Immortal Realm.

The immortal emperor-level demon body is a powerful material for making puppets. Wushuang asked the emperor to take away the demon body of the Beixuan immortal emperor, and refine it into a puppet another day. It is well refined and can resist the immortal emperor's attack.

"Found it! The Origin of All Things Qi Ling pot!"

Wushuang found the treasure of Pluto's father from the storage ring of the Beixuan Immortal Emperor. It is precisely because of the Origin of All Things Qi Ling pot that the Demon Realm can have so much green.

The former underworld originally had green grass, and because of the source of all things Qi Ling pot, it was only later taken away by the Emperor Beixuan, and the underworld became barren.

Wushuang was very excited when he saw the Qi Ling Ju of the Origin of All Things, and he wished to take it to the underworld and pour it on every inch of the underworld.

"First go to draw the dragon veins, that is the dragon veins of your underworld."

Long Moshen put all the belongings of Immortal Emperor Beixuan into Wushuang's hands. There must be a lot of good things inside.

"Hmm, let's go!"

Wushuang happily took his uncle's hand, and the two flew to the magic palace together.

Now the Demon Palace has long been empty, and the goal here is so big that no Demon Race will be stupid enough to hide here.

During the war, the magic palace was also affected, and it collapsed everywhere.

After Long Moshen flew away, he overturned the Demon Palace, causing the palace that had stood for millions of years in the Demon Realm to fall apart in an instant.

This was originally the old nest of the ancestors of the blood cliff. Immortal Emperor Beixuan married the daughter of the ancestors of the blood cliff and inherited this magic palace.

Now, all this has become a thing of the past.

The era of standing on four feet is no longer. From now on, the demons will be humans with their tails clamped.

I overturned the magic palace, and the dragon veins underneath were exposed. The dragon veins in the magic palace are not big, but the dragon veins are very full. This is the dragon vein essence that was extracted from the underworld at the beginning!

And this is still left after the ancestors of the blood cliff used it, which shows how much they took away back then!

Wushuang did not hesitate to take out the dragon vein essence and put it in a black box for sealing. When he returned to the underworld, he would release these dragon vein essence back. In this way, the underworld dragon veins will be more powerful!

"Father and mother! I caught Bei Xuanyun and Bei Xuan Jia, the grandson of Emperor Bei Xuan! They said they had something to say!"

Long Xuanxi flew over, restraining a man and a woman.

Long Xuanxi is now as tall as Long Moshen, but there is still a young childishness on his face. When he was a child, he looked like Long Moshen. When he grew up, his facial features moved closer to Wushuang, showing exquisite facial features without losing masculinity. It is a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth, and I don't know how many girls have been sprouted.

He escorted two demons over, wearing the armor his father specially made for him. He looked very energetic, and Wushuang couldn't help feeling that his son has grown up!

Wushuang remembered Bei Xuanyun and Bei Xuanjia. After she and the emperor killed Bei Xuan Shengjie, Bei Xuanyun became the successor cultivated by Emperor Bei Xuan.

"The two immortal emperors are forgiving! It is the grandfather who has hatred against the underworld, not us, please spare our lives!"

Bei Xuanyun said tremblingly.

"I thought you had something to say, it turned out to be for mercy."

Wushuang snorted lightly.

"Wu Shuang Immortal Emperor! Bei Xuan Yun is the successor of Bei Xuan Immortal Emperor, it is best for you to kill him, and I am just an unfavored heir. Let me go, and I know a secret, Willing to tell you!"

Bei Xuanjia said excitedly.

"Secret? What's the secret?" Wushuang asked casually.

Seeing that she was interested, Bei Xuanjia was even more excited, and raised her head and said, "About the secret of the immortal world! The emperor Bei Xuan had contact with people in the immortal world!"

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