Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 163: Dragon Seven

Chapter 163 Dragon Seven

"Uncle Emperor, aren't you going out for a few days? Why do you have time to come to my house for breakfast?"

Swinging back, Mu Wushuang deliberately teased Long Moshen.

"not going."

Long Mo said deeply.

"Isn't it important?"

"It's not as important as you."

Shuang'er finally opened up to him. He was dreamlike and unreal all night, so he cancelled his plan to return to Cangming Continent.

It wasn't a matter of great importance. He hadn't returned to Cangming Continent for 20 years, and he hadn't been able to go up and see the current situation. Before Shuang'er became strong, he was not ready to let those people know that he was still alive.

"Sweet mouth!"

The uncle Huang's words are really becoming more and more like veterans in love.

But she likes listening.

Just think about it, every day you can hear all kinds of love words from the emperor of the abstinence department, is it very contrasting?

"Does Shuang'erxi like to listen?"

Someone didn't drink the porridge. He picked her up from the chair and put her on his lap. The front was the dining table and the back was his chest. He also made the appearance that he wanted to feed her.

"Like it, I drink it myself, don't you take my spoon."

"My good couple, I really want to rub you into my bones so that you can never run away."

He pressed to her ear and whispered.

Mu Wushuang rarely blushed, what should I do? The old man's enthusiasm is really overwhelming!


At this time, Long Yi suddenly said.

"What's the matter?"

Long Mo frowned deeply and his tone became cold again.

Long Yi couldn't help but slander, and the master changed his face too quickly. He was also a human, so how could the master differ so much from him and his mother!

He quickly said the important thing: "Long Qi is back, she begged to see the master."

"what's up?"

Long Moshen brows deeper.

After finally staying warm with Shuang'er for a while, he didn't want to see anyone.

"The subordinates don't know, Long Qi just said that there is something important to report."

"Let her in."

"Yes." Long Yi went out.

When Mu Wushuang heard the name, he knew it was someone like the emperor's guard. She said, "Uncle emperor, let me down."

This posture was too intimate, and she didn't want to stun the Dragon Qi.

"Don't let go."

With that, Long Moshen hugged her tighter.

Knowing that this would happen, the emperor would become a rascal when he met her.

After a while, a person appeared not far away.

"Long Qi has seen the master!"

Ok? Woman's voice?

Mu Wushuang, who was drinking the porridge, raised his head and looked at the woman below.

She was wearing a tight-fitting black gown and trousers, similar to a monster leather material, and a pair of boots of the same material on her feet, which outlined her slender figure vividly and majesticly. His long black hair was tied into a capable ponytail, with only a simple jade crown tied on it.

Her features are also exquisite and beautiful, but her face is expressionless, she is a cold beauty.

After only one glance, Mu Wushuang continued to drink porridge.

Little did he know that at this time, Long Qi's heart had already set off a stormy sea.

The master, who is true to all women, let a woman sit on his lap!

She knew that this woman was Mu Wushuang, Long Yi and their mistress, but Long Qi would not admit that Mu Wushuang was the mistress, because she had information about Mu Wushuang, how could such a woman be worthy of the master!

Mu Wushuang must have seduced his master with beauty before sitting on his legs!

Yes, Mu Wushuang's slim down is indeed very beautiful, maybe the master is confused by her!

Thinking of this, Long Qi's mood gradually calmed down.

She is the most important person to the master. She has been helping him with the property for these years, and countless important things have passed through her hands. She believes that she is different to the master.

Mu Wushuang had only been with his master for a few months, so he couldn't compare to him.

She said without expression, "Master, Long Qi has something important to report."

"What's the matter?"

Long Mo Shen didn't lift his head, watching his little Shuang'er drinking porridge one by one.

"Master, there are many industries involved, I am afraid this lady will have inconvenience here!"

Long Qi continued to speak loudly.

If Mu Wushuang wins, he should leave by herself. What she wants to report is not something Mu Wushuang can know.

But if she didn't wince, the master would definitely take the initiative to ask her to avoid it.

The corner of Mu Wushuang's mouth was hooked. It was interesting. It seems that the cold beauty of the emperor's uncle has a lot of opinions about him.

I just don’t know where her hostility comes from, so I don’t like the emperor, right?

Long Moshen raised his head, and his deep eyes swept towards Long Qi coldly.

"I will call her master mother later, what's the matter, say."

Long Qi clenched his fists and asked her to call Mu Wushuang the mistress, is Mu Wushuang worthy?

The master must have been fascinated by the ghost of Mu Wushuang, she has said things related to many industries, how can she say it in front of Mu Wushuang!

But the master seemed to be impatient, she didn't want to say it, she had to report on the major events of the major industries under the master's name.

I thought that I could see Mu Wushuang's various surprised and disrespectful expressions, but I didn't expect that Mu Wushuang's expression would always be faint, and he didn't even give himself a look.

Long Qi couldn't help being shocked. Had the master told Mu Wushuang about these things?

There are many properties that even other secret guards don’t know. Only if she handles it, she thinks she is the person the master trusts the most, so she will be entrusted with the important task, but, on what basis, Mu Wushuang does nothing to get the master. Trust?

"Done?" Long Mo said coldly.


Long Qi didn't react.

"You can go now."

Long Qi's face was surprised and incredulous.

In the past, after she reported, the master would still confess some things, and would never rush people so quickly!

"Subordinates retire first!"

Long Qi gave Mu Wushuang a fierce look while the master was not paying attention, and walked over the wall without looking back.


Mu Wushuang laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh you have two faces." Mu Wushuang said.

Long Moshen's eyes narrowed when she saw her smile, like a little fox, and he was happy to see her.

"Long Qi and Long Yi, etc., were the dark guards I chose when I passed an intermediate continent before coming to Jiuxiao Continent. They followed me for more than ten years. Long Qi has a business acumen, and I let her take charge of those industries, so she considers herself Very high, I will let her stay away from the capital and not appear in front of you."

Mu Wushuang thought that the emperor didn't know Long Qi's hostility to him just now, but he didn't expect him to see it, and explained to her that Long Qi would never come back.

Such a man is quite reliable.

But she didn't take Long Qi to heart, in other words, she would not take Long Qi to heart because she has confidence.

"Forget it, you originally wanted to transfer her to the capital, since she is useful, then use her. Anyway, I don't have much chance to see her."

Since she is a business-minded subordinate, of course let her make good use of her residual heat!

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