Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 176: Black eat black

Chapter 176

"Three-star mission: Go to the monster battlefield Sun Moon Valley to get the Jingshi Liyu, and you can get 500 lower-grade spirit stones!"

Someone is thinking about this Samsung mission that everyone is discussing enthusiastically.


"Five hundred lower-grade spirit stones! Good deed, it's no wonder that so many people go to die! This is too tempting!"

Ordinary three-star missions only have a hundred spirit stones at most!

"There are also Jingshi Liyu outside. Why don't you just take a piece of Jingshi Liyu to the demon sacrifice if you take this task?" someone said.

"Cut, you think you are smart? Do you know why people want the Jingshi glass jade of the monster battlefield? Because that piece of jade was placed in the monster battlefield for hundreds of thousands, and it was washed away by the evil spirit and the evil spirit. How can the good materials of the instrument compare to the outside Jingshi Liyu?"

"That's it."

"But Riyuegu wasn't dangerous before, so why did it break so many teams?" someone asked.

"Hehe, although Riyue Valley is on the periphery, the devilish energy has exploded recently, and powerful demonic souls have emerged from the inside. The area of ​​Riyue Valley can be said to be difficult to move, otherwise you think there are so many people in Moonsea City at this time what!"

"Hey, I still want to go in and make a fortune. It seems that I have to wait for the devilish energy to dissipate before going in." Someone counseled.

At this moment, a tall middle-aged bearded man suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and tore off the three-star mission paper.

"This task, our Fire Cloud Team took it! Is there anyone else to join? There are two more places!"

The man said loudly. His eyes are as big as bull's eyes, and he looks fierce even if he doesn't stare at people.

When people saw that it was him who took the Samsung task, they all fell silent.

The Huoyun squad is notoriously brutal. Their fixed members are only three. Every time they go on a mission, they will add a few people in. But every time they come out of the monster battlefield, only three of them.

As time passed, everyone who had stayed in Yuehai City for a long time knew that Huoyun team was very dark.

Huoyun team's reputation gradually stinks, and can only coax those who have just arrived.

"How many of you are there, how do you divide the spirit stones after the task is completed?"

At this moment, a young and handsome boy suddenly asked.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw that although this young boy was young, his cultivation base had the seventh stage of the spiritual apprentice realm, and he was a genius.

However, each of the three people in the Fire Cloud Team is a cultivation base above the Spiritist Realm. If this young boy joins in, he will only be killed!

The beard looked up and down Mu Yuheng a few times, and saw that he had good aptitude and strong spiritual energy, and he was satisfied. There was a man and a woman behind him, all nodding secretly.

The woman in red stood up with a scratching head and said with a smile: "Little brother, we have three people, how many of you are you?"

"My sister and I." Mu Yuheng said blankly.

Everyone noticed that there was a young girl behind him, but she was wearing black clothes and a drapery hat on her head, and her cultivation looked very low, so no one noticed her.

"The third floor of the Spiritual Apprentice Realm?" The beard frowned, a little disgusted.

The woman in red pulled her beard, then smiled and said to Mu Yuheng: "Okay, we will add you two, when the task is completed, we will split equally."

"Okay, when will we leave?"

"At this time, it happened to be noon when we arrived at the monster battlefield. The monster energy is not so strong, and it is relatively safer," said the beard.

"Then go."

So a group of people walked to the monster battlefield.

As soon as they walked on the front foot, they started talking.

"Poor boy, so talented, what a pity," someone said regretfully.

Mu Ningwei, who was about to follow Mu Wushuang and others, quickly stopped, took off the hat on her head, and asked the person who was speaking:

"What a pity?"

Seeing that Mu Ningwei is beautiful, a few people said in a word:

"The Huoyun team is notoriously cruel, and the people who teamed up with them have never come out alive! The young and young girls have such a low cultivation base, they must go to die!"

"I heard that Huoyun team has figured out how to get that piece of Jingshi Liyu. Those two siblings are probably useful, otherwise they won't agree to join them."

"Yeah, those three people are so dark-hearted, and all they make are dead money, tsk!"

Mu Ningwei listened, and a smirking smile evoked at the corner of her mouth.

She did not rush to follow.

Anyway, she had already inquired clearly, because tens of miles around the demon battlefield had demon qi and devil qi leaked out, and could not live in people. The nearest to the demon battlefield was Yuehai City, and she could wait for news here.

I hope that when I hear about Mu Wushuang and the others, it will be their death, so it won't be in vain that she will come all the way.

When she laughed, the people hiding in the dark corners were also laughing, her eyes were vicious and vicious like a snake.


"Little brother, you guys look very strange, have you taken over the task before?"

The woman in red was called Manniang. She was graceful and dusty. She was swaying with a fragrant wind as she walked. Mu Yuheng couldn't stand the smell, so she quietly leaned towards her sister.

"No," he said.

If his sister didn't want to talk, he actually didn't want to talk to this woman.

The woman's eyes were too blatant, with wrinkles at the end of her eyes, and she showed something interesting to him, which made him dislike it.

When everyone got on the Xianyun Horse, Mu Yuheng finally felt that there was no more unbearable smell on the tip of his nose, and took a deep breath.

Seeing him like this, Mu Wushuang pursed his lips and chuckles.

"Sister, why do we have to be with them? They don't have any good intentions at first sight!"

Leaving the three people behind, Mu Yuheng spoke to her sister in a low voice.

"They want to black us, we can black them too. Yuheng, sometimes, we are little white sheep in the eyes of others, but others have never been our big fat sheep."

Mu Wushuang bent his lips and said.

When she was eating black, these people still didn't know where to drink milk!

Later, the three people also said in a low voice.

"Manniang, that kid has a good spirit, but that woman's aptitude is too bad. Let's take her to Riyue Valley is a burden." said the beard.

Manniang smiled and raised her enchanting eyes, and said: "We have been looking for Moon Sea City for so long, and this kid's body is the most energetic. If you don't let his sister go, then he won't go. Where shall we find such a good candidate?"

"That's also true. That kid is indeed good. That devil soul likes to eat people with auras the most. When that devil soul cannibalize people, let's go in and get the Jingshi glass jade and quickly come out. It's getting heavier and heavier, I'm afraid it won't be long before, and it won't even be easy to enter the periphery." Big Beard said.

"Furthermore, look at the storage rings in their hands. If ordinary people can have storage rings? Maybe we can find some good things from them!" Manniang said greedily.

The bearded smirked.

"Be cautious," said a man who hadn't spoken suddenly.

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