Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 205: Noon

Chapter 205

"Wait, Uncle Emperor, will it have the same name and surname?"

Mu Wushuang asked suddenly.

The sudden mystery of life experience made her a little confused.

"Did your mother leave any tokens for you?"

Long Moshen asked her.

"Yes! Yes!"

She suddenly remembered that her grandfather once gave her a jade pendant for her and the younger brother of the beautiful woman. Speaking of which, the material of the jade pendant resembled the Sumi ring on the hand of the emperor.

She took out a shiny black jade pendant.

"Uncle Emperor, look."

Long Moshen only took a look to confirm that her mother's identity was Yun Qiubai, the saint of the Guangming God Cult.

"This is a jade pendant made by Xumiyu. Xumiyu is very rare and cannot be obtained by people with low status."

So, their guess is not wrong.

Mu Wushuang was very happy. He didn't expect to come to Shenwu to teach, and he would realize her mother's identity.

With this status, it is easy to find them.

That is—Yun Qiubai escaped from marriage and stole the holy objects. Now the holy objects have been obtained by Gui Yuanzong. Even if they are now in the Guangming Cult, they should not be in a good situation.

"Uncle Emperor, let's go back first. I want to tell Yuheng and grandfather the news. They will definitely be very happy."

"it is good."

On the way back, Mu Wushuang said to Long Moshen: "Uncle Emperor, do you remember what I said? Those who slander you, deceive you, and insult you, I will kill you back with you!"

Long Moshen put his chin on her shoulder, "I remember, it was in this place."

He pointed to his heart.

"Then you have to wait for me to become stronger. Don't worry, I will become stronger as soon as possible. I decide to go back and practice in retreat!"

She said with a smile.

She is now more and more looking forward to and yearning for the high-level continent, she wants to accompany him to kill back soon!

Long Moshen looked at her and said, "Don't rush back."


"I can't see you if you close up."

Mu Wushuang patted him numbly, "Seriously, the uncle Huang, your love story is full, right? Have you ever said these things to other women?"

He held her hand, and only her reflection was in the deep and charming eyes. He said, "Before you, I haven't seen any other women seriously, Shuang, don't frame me."

"Uncle Huang, don't do this, I can't stand it anymore!" Mu Wushuang surrendered helplessly.

Whenever the emperor used his handsome face to talk about love, she felt like she was surrounded by honey, and even the air was full of sweetness.

There will be only one thought left in her mind-want to throw him down!

When did it become like this?

It seemed that after opening her heart, she never restrained her emotions anymore.

Life is nothing more than free and easy.

Emotions are also the simplest truth.

Since you are in love, you should do your best to love. Even if you don't love in the future, your youth will not be in vain, right?

Now her feelings are like weeds blown by the spring breeze, letting it grow everywhere.

She and the emperor's uncle became closer and closer. Not only did this close contact not disgust her, but it also made her understand more of his different sides. The deeper the contact, the better he felt, no matter what.

She likes him the most contrasting appearance. Outsiders are expressionless, cruel, cold-blooded, reluctant to speak, but in front of her he is old and serious, gentle and lingering.

"If you can't fight it, don't fight it, okay?" The emperor pulled her into his arms, lowered his head, and looked at her lips.

The delicate and bright colors, like the most delicate flowers, have sweetness in the stamens, and you will never tire of them.

"The twins are fragrant and sweet, one year, too long."

His eyes were faint, pointed.

The scent on her body can really kill him.

It is said that Wenrouxiang, Hero Tomb, even if he died on this little fairy at this moment, his eyes could not blink.

Mu Wushuang smiled slyly, hugged the nape of his neck, and took the initiative.

She also felt that a year was too long, but whenever she saw the uncle's forbearance, she especially wanted to bully him.

Let him see it, touch it, but can't eat it.

At this time, Long Moshen would become particularly domineering.

In the end, I don't know who will win and who will lose. Both of them are hard to tell, panting, but they still haven't taken the last step.

Although Long Moshen wanted her, he knew it was not the time yet.


Someone immediately reported what happened in the Imperial Palace to Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang.

Knowing that Ximenkang was about to be questioned, Mu Wushuang asked the emperor to speed up. She wanted to see the end of Ximenkang with her own eyes.

Caishikou was full of voices, because it was the fourth prince, the emperor's own brother, who was beheaded, the dream lover of many young girls in the capital.

Conspiring to usurp the throne, assassinating the emperor, just for this crime, he would die.

But one night, Ximen Kang's handsome face sank, and the hour was not up. The executioner pressed him to the ground and knelt. He resisted vigorously, but in return was a severe beating.

"Do you think you are still a superior lord? Be honest with Lao Tzu, otherwise Lao Tzu's knife will not be fast enough later, the neck will be chopped continuously, and the bones are connected to the meat. I have suffered a few more sins!"

The murderous executioner sneered.

He has many ways to deal with dishonest prisoners. The fourth prince is not honest at the moment, and will ask him to give him a happy one later!

Ximenkang was full of unwillingness, how could he die so easily!

Looking at the lively civilians below, he bit his teeth, how could he die so embarrassingly!

"The regent is coming! Get out of the way!"

At this moment, the crowded open space suddenly gave up an empty road.

Ximenkang looked up, and saw a tall and handsome man, leading a girl with the same beauty step by step, walking in the noon sun.

They are noble in posture, wearing the same white brocade robe and dress, like the goddess who can't eat fireworks in the world, one is watching the world, the other is gorgeous.

The others are the background boards for the two of them, making them even more dusty and cold.

"Mu Wushuang!"

Simon Kang stood up abruptly and shouted, the iron chains on his hands and feet made a hunting sound.

The executioner slammed Ximenkang's kneecap with a vicious kick, making him kneel with a thump again.

Ximenkang couldn't stand up, he looked at Mu Wushuang with red eyes, and said loudly:

"Mu Wushuang, you came to see me, you must still be affectionate to me, right? You beg the regent, let him save me, you beg him he will definitely save me! Mu Wushuang, I don't want to die, you help me , I will be good to you in the future!"


The words of the Fourth Prince reminded everyone that the former Mu Wushuang stalked the Fourth Prince, this is a well-known fact. Mu Wushuang came here specially, wouldn’t he really still have his feelings for the Fourth Prince?

The field was silent, and the atmosphere was not dared to come out in an instant, and even his eyes were nowhere to be placed, but he dared to secretly take a look at the regent.

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