Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 211: The world is hired

Chapter 211

The tall and handsome man descended like a god, his body was full of icy suffocation, and his slender palm was lightly squeezed, and the two guards of the Spirit King realm exploded into two masses of blood mist like they had exploded.

The blood mixed with minced meat poured over Ximen Sheng's body.


Ximen Sheng couldn't hold on anymore, fell to the ground and vomited wildly.

Mu Wushuang was used to seeing this kind of scene in her previous life. This is nothing. When she went to war-torn countries to do missions, she saw that all the people in the entire bus were bombarded. That scene was really bloody.

She looked at the man standing in front of her, because the ring could sense his position, she knew he was on the way back, but she didn't expect him to come so quickly.

Although she was not afraid of the Ouchi masters in the palace, there was an extra man standing in front of her. This kind of experience made her novel and did not resist.

In the previous life, he was used to fighting alone, and suddenly there was another man to **** him. This feeling was not bad.

Long Moshen turned his head, looked at her whole body carefully, and saw that she was not injured, only then did the evil spirit on his body fade.

Mu Wushuang took the initiative to hold his big hand and smiled at him: "Uncle Emperor, I don't like Ximen Sheng, let's change Xiaoyue Dynasty to an emperor!"

She said this too lightly, as if she was saying: I don't like this dog, let's keep it with another dog.

Ximen Sheng's face was pale, his hands and feet trembled when he heard Mu Wushuang's words.

"Uncle Emperor! I was wrong! I was bewitched by the eunuch, I didn't really want to kill you and Mu Wushuang! Please give me another chance!"

Ximen Sheng knelt on the ground. He hadn't had the addiction to being an emperor yet, he was not reconciled!

But how can he not know Long Moshen's methods, the people he hated in his heart were useless, and he even ambushed him in advance without killing him! It was just to kill Long Moshen that he sent most of his powerful confidants and masters over there, otherwise there are only two masters in the Spirit King realm.

But how could he have imagined that Mu Wushuang, who had too poor cultivating aptitude, had the cultivation base of the spiritual master realm, and slashed hundreds of his guards in the spiritual master realm under the sword in one breath!

If he knew it would end like this, he wouldn't be so hasty to invite Mu Wushuang into the palace!

Long Moshen never even glanced at Ximen Sheng, but told Long Erdao: "This king remembers that a new dark prison was built in the depths of the palace. Long Er, throw Ximen Sheng in."

Ximen Sheng was shocked and yelled: "No, Uncle Emperor! Please! No!"

The dark prison was built by Ximen Shengcai not long ago. He kept a lot of poisonous but not fatal, specially used to punish those hard-mouthed courtiers, so that they can feel the pain every day, even the big secret can quickly vomit. come out.

He didn't know how Long Moshen knew that he had built a dark prison secretly, but his fear was real. He had personally watched the former minister of the Ministry of Engineering suffer from the heartbreaking pain, crying in pain every day, and suffering three times. Day, finally recruited everything.

At that time, he only felt extremely refreshed in his heart, but at this time he only had fear!

It's just that no matter how much he begs, it won't help. In the indifferent eyes of Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang, Long Er dragged him out like a dead dog, without dignity, and his dragon robe was all blood stained. Not like an emperor, but more like a bereaved dog.

Countless court ladies and eunuchs were hiding in the corner shivering, and they dared not come out.

Fortunately, Mu Wushuang only had opinions on Ximen Sheng, and did not intend to study the palace, so he turned a blind eye to those eunuchs.

But after all, there are too many corpses here, and the uncle who has a cleanliness will definitely not like it, and Mu Wushuang pulled him out of the palace.

"Uncle Emperor, are you not hurt?"

She knew that ordinary people could not help the emperor, but she still asked one more question.

"Twin, do you care about me?"

Long Mo was flattered and his eyes were bright.

"Who cares about you?" She murmured, before she could even fall, she was carefully held in her arms by someone.

"People come and go, everyone is watching!" She gently pushed him.

She didn't care about the eyes of others, but the emperor uncle suddenly buried her head in her neck under the crowd, so embarrassed, she thought blushing.

Long Moshen was unmoved and held her tightly in his arms.

Until a long time, he suddenly released her as if made up his mind, looked into her eyes and said:

"Shuang'er, I want you to accompany me back soon. I want to hold a grand wedding for you."


A string in her head seemed to suddenly break, and only the words "Prosperity Wedding, Prosperity Wedding" reverberated in her ears.

His eyes were faintly shining with purple light, deep and boundless, but at the moment he was affectionate, and there was anxiety in the middle of being rejected.

He didn't want to wrong her, he just wanted to give her the best, including their first time. He hoped that she would sit on the red wedding bed with him, and drink Hewu wine with the blessings of the ancestors of the Qinglong Temple. .

She looked surprised, unexpectedly.

Suddenly, Long Moshen knelt on one knee and looked up at her. His low voice was full of magnetism. He stretched out his hand and said, "Marry me, Shuang'er."

No one outside the palace dared to gather around to watch the excitement, but everyone's eyes were closely watching this side. When they saw the regent kneeling down to Mu Wushuang, they were all dumbfounded, as if they heard a slap and eyeballs. The sound of falling.

But Mu Wushuang felt that this progress was too fast?

This really caught her off guard and caught her off guard.

"Uncle Emperor, get up first, let me consider it."

Her mood was very complicated at the moment, as if countless threads were twisted into a huge ball of thread and stuffed into her mind, making it difficult for her to sort out for a while.

A trace of loneliness flashed across Long Mo's deep and handsome face, but he wouldn't stalk her to agree to marry him, he slowly stood up, his expression even more grim.

Until a small hand slid into his palm, and then he heard her say: "You don't have any wedding gifts. Do you want me to marry you empty-handed?"

Long Moshen's unchanging face suddenly appeared in ecstasy. He picked her up and turned around, and said with excitement: "Shuang'er, I am willing to hire the world, and I hope you will have a worry-free life. OK?"

"Empty glove white wolf?" She said quietly.

"Yeah, you are my little white wolf!" He said with a big smile, and his enchanting face was even more charming because of his sincere smile.

The crowd onlookers suddenly heard the laughter of the regent. They only felt that the sun was setting from the east today, and they would definitely not be surprised! Because is there anything more shocking than the smile of the regent?

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