Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 219: Qingyun Jianzong

Chapter 219 Qingyun Sword Sect

"Uncle Emperor! Wait a minute to go out, I have something to tell you!"

Mu Wushuang quickly stopped Long Moshen.

Xiaoque said that they fell into a space crack. There are countless spaces folded together in the space cracks. Once people get out, they will be broken into pieces!

The emperor said so easily, but once you go out, you may be overwhelmed!

She absolutely does not allow the emperor uncle to be in danger, his injuries are not yet healed!

When she said this to the emperor, she was also asking the little Vermilion bird how to leave the space crack. She couldn't let him take risks every time. This time, she should be replaced.

"Now it's not far from the normal teleportation route. Master, you can drive the ancient demon god's puppet to send the red sun piercing cloud map back to the normal route! But the power of the light puppet is not enough, and one person is needed." Xiao Zhu said.

"Me!" she said hastily.

"I calculated it. With your physical body, you can only hold two breaths in the space crack at most. After two breaths, if you can't return to the teleportation map, your physical body will be destroyed."

"Can I get the teleportation map back on the right track in two breaths?"

"Yes! But if you add the puppet, it takes at least two breaths to get the teleportation map back on track, but you don't have time to return to the teleportation map."

"But if I don't do it, the emperor will go out. He is badly injured. There is only a dead end to go out. Even if I live, my conscience will remain uneasy for a lifetime. No need to say, I have made my decision. I'm sorry, Little Vermilion. Change of owner again."

She quickly finished speaking with Little Vermilion Bird in her divine consciousness, and only a breath took her outside. She seemed to see the uncle's deep eyes in the darkness revealing the emotion of reluctance, waiting for her to finish the last sentence.

She took out a black rope, and without the emperor's guard, the immortal rope in her hand flew out like a flying snake and tied him.

"Shuang'er! What are you doing! Let go of me! Shuang'er!" Long Moshen shouted, his voice flustered like never before.

"I love you, Uncle Emperor, you must live!"

After speaking, she jumped from the barrier without hesitation.


At the same time, she took the elixir and drove out the puppet. Before the emperor uncle broke free from the immortal rope, she would use her whole body spiritual power to move it back to its original track against the teleportation map!

The bundle of immortal ropes was made by the emperor's uncle not long ago. There are two in total, using the spirit binding grass she collected in the Sunset Mountains last year and some other refining materials.

This bundle of celestial ropes can temporarily trap a few breaths of the powerhouse of the Spirit Venerable Realm. Neither she nor him would have thought that this bundle of celestial ropes would be used on him for the first time.

Countless spaces are folded and compressed, and her internal organs are bleeding and **** with one breath! But gritted his teeth and said nothing! The hard and dry skin on the ancient demon god's puppet was scraped into strips!

With two breaths, her muscles were broken and her spiritual energy was exhausted! The puppet's arm is broken!

The light reappeared, and the teleportation map finally returned to the right track, and her consciousness began to blur, and her body fell severely into the cracks in the space, in a trance. She seemed to hear the emperor over the sky calling her name. His voice was very flustered and eager, even It was hysterical, but she slowly curled her lips-it was great that he could live.

The eyes closed weakly, and the pain in the body gradually became unreal.

At the moment when her consciousness disappeared, suddenly a red light suddenly appeared, and a sharp phoenix sound came from the space, and then she completely lost her consciousness.


"It's been three months now, you say, the person who was picked up by the head is still alive?"

"When the head picked it back, the man was covered in blood, and only a faint breath was left. Didn't Master Yao Qing say that? She definitely can't last three months!"

"But didn't her head tell me? If she can last three months, she will be accepted as a closed disciple, then she will be the master sister of all our disciples!"

"Really? Doesn't the senior brother have to be reduced to the second senior brother?"

A group of young people wearing the uniform of the uniform disciple of the moon and white were talking under the big banyan tree.

"what are you guys saying?"

A group of people came from not far away, and the headed man with a heroic face and a hosta looked at them with a gloomy face.

"Big...Big brother! We are talking about the woman who was picked up by the head. Today is just three months old. I don't know if she is still alive?"

A disciple said awkwardly.

The man called the big brother frowned, and said coldly: "I have time to chat here, have you finished your practice?"

"Let's go now, now go!"

A group of people scattered like birds and beasts.

"Big brother, why don't we go to the head and have a look?"

A disciple behind the man said cautiously.

You must know that each generation head of their Qingyun Sword Sect only accepts one disciple, and this disciple will be the head of the next generation.

Their head Wuji has been the head for a hundred years, but he has not yet accepted a disciple, while the senior brother Cang Yang is the disciple who has pointed the most in recent years. Everyone in the sect thinks that the head will accept. Big brother Cangyang is the closed disciple.

Who knows that at this time, the head of the house suddenly brought back a seriously injured and dying woman from outside, saying that she would accept her as a closed disciple if she was not dead.

They think that the big brother must be unhappy, and no one will be happy when encountering such a thing!

Today is the last day of three months. As long as that woman can't make it through, the matter of accepting apprentices must have blown.

So they urged the big brother to go to the head to investigate the situation.

"I'm going to go by yourself, I'm going back to practice sword." Cang Yang said coldly, and walked to his own cave.

When the other people saw this, they had a boring discussion, and they separated.

Qingyun Jianzong back mountain.

A sloppy old man was walking around in a room in a hurry, his eyes kept looking inward.

At this time, a gentle and elegant middle-aged man walked out of the room, and the old man hurriedly went up and asked, "How is it? How is it, my good boy?"

Yao Qing shook his head and sighed:

"The head, I haven't woken up yet. If I don’t wake up again, I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive today. Hey, it’s a pity. I have never encountered such a miraculous thing. It has been three months and her vitality is almost cut off, but her stomach My child is still alive stubbornly. It’s a pity that the mother dies, and the fetus can’t live no matter how stubborn it is. But I said it’s strange that you are the head of the family. If they wake up before they wake up, you call their apprentice, how can you be like this! Forget it, I won’t talk about you either, I think, your apprentice can’t get it.”

It means that the people inside can't survive, so don't just go about it.

The sloppy old man is the head of Qingyun Jianzong Wuji.

When he heard this, his entire face collapsed: "How did this happen? I finally took in an apprentice. When she died, where can I find an apprentice?"


At this moment, a faint cough suddenly sounded inside.

Like a gust of wind, Wuji Zi disappeared.

Yao Qing was also surprised, and walked in quickly.

As soon as he entered, he saw the man who was dying, now he sat up on the bed, and he was drinking a cup of tea.

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