Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 243: Ambergris

Chapter 243

The expression on Wujizi's face changed in an instant.

His Royal Highness Wu Wei, the prince of the Tianhu clan of the four great super families, even said that he was going to join the Jiuliu Sect. This joke was not good at all.

But in Wu Ming's peach blossom eyes, there was a serious look, and he couldn't see the slightest joking appearance.

But Wu Jizi still refused: "His Royal Highness is joking, you are a strong man in the spiritual realm, and there is nothing we can teach you from the Jiuliu Sect."

This Tianhu clan prince Wu Ming is notorious, and he cannot believe his one-sided words.

My own good disciple might not even know him at all.

Wu Ming hooked his lips, her charming peach blossom eyes gleamed, his eyes faintly looked at the standing buddha tower, and he smiled:

"Since my Highness is not suitable to be a disciple, let's be a sect teacher."

Wu Jizi's refusal has not been said yet, Wu Ming has already turned his head to him: "No head never thinks that his Highness can't even do the teachings well?"

"Don't dare." Wujizi swallowed his refusal.

The sect teacher is a teacher who teaches the outer disciples. He has no real power, and is thankless. Wuji can't understand why a prince of the Tianhu clan has to join them Qingyun Jianzong.

Since he wants to be, let him be it, anyway, it is not his own sect that suffers.

With this thought, Wuji Zi felt relieved.

"No head, do you know who the father of this child is?"

Wu Wei pointed to Xiao Xuanxi who was sleeping like a pig, and suddenly asked.

Wujizi naturally didn't know it, but he said defensively: "I'm sorry, your Royal Highness, there is no comment on this kind of thing."

However, Wu Min had already seen the answer he wanted from his expression.

He curled his lips and smiled, the evil charm frenzied, and clapped his hands to stand up freely: "If you have no head, your Highness will go to Qingyun Sword Sect soon, remember to make arrangements for your Highness."

Before Wu Jizi could answer, the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wu Jizi's mood became more complicated again. It seemed that Wu Ming seemed to be very interested in his apprentice, and he asked her son about the Prince of the Tianhu clan, wouldn't he really have anything to do with Wushuang?

Xiao Xuanxi’s father, is it possible that...

No, Xiao Xuanxi is of human blood, and cannot be a descendant of the fox.

Who is that good disciple and grandson?

At this moment, a deafening exclamation sounded again!

Sixteenth floor!



Wuji was excited, and in eight and a half hours, she had already reached the sixteenth level!

After passing three levels again, she can pass the level!

Can she break the time record of the disciples of Guangming God teaching?

Wuji's heart was raised.

At this time, the number of people in the Buddha Tower was only more than sixty.

Half an hour later, Mu Wushuang stepped onto the top floor, and at the same time, the entire Buddha Pagoda was completely lit up!

Exclaims resounded across the sky.

"Nine hours! It only took him nine hours to reach the last floor!"

"Eighteen floors! God!"

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

"Is that person still from the Nine-liu sect? That person is a disciple of the first-rate sect!"

"Passing the last level is considered as passing. Can this person do it?"

"It's so shocking! Our Jiuliu Sect has such a powerful disciple. He is definitely the pride of our Nine Sect!"

But Wu Ji Zi grabbed a heart tightly.

The eighteenth floor of the Pagoda, the test is the demons.

But Wushuang, she has lost her memory, maybe even she herself didn't expect what her demon was!

As soon as Mu Wushuang stepped on the eighteenth floor, the scenery in front of him changed drastically, turning into a **** red.

In front of her, there was a handsome man with a gun, but a **** blood on his right face destroyed his handsomeness.

And in her hand, I don't know when there was an extra bomb.

"Mu Wushuang, why are you so ruthless, why! I can betray the country and organization for you, but you want to die with me?"

The man roared hysterically.

Mu Wushuang frowned. The people and things in the previous life were obviously only a few years past, but she seemed to have passed for a long, long time, so long that she almost forgot this person.

"For me? You are for the Vermillion Bird Jade Chain, betraying your country and seeking glory." She said quietly.

"I stole the Suzaku jade chain to give it to you. Why do you pretend not to understand? Mu Wushuang, you are too ruthless. We grew up together, you can kill me without hesitation. ." He pointed to the blood stain on his face: "If I hadn't been hiding fast, you would have cut my throat with this knife."

Mu Wushuang just looked at him quietly without speaking.

"Hehe, look at you, you don't even want to say a word to me, you are so ruthless, Mu Wushuang, I really want to open your heart to see if your heart is made of stone! Your whole life, No one knows what it's like to love someone!"

The man roared frantically, his eyes scarlet.

"Are you finished?" She looked at him.

The man looked astonished for a moment, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Mu Wushuang's cold voice:

"You are not my demon."

Then, she activated the bomb without hesitation, and everything returned to silence with the sound of the huge explosion.


In the misty gray mist, she heard a deep and gentle voice. His voice was very magnetic, with a faint hoarseness in the deep, which was a bit sexy.

The mist gradually dispersed, and she saw a tall and straight man slowly approaching, his face gradually becoming clearer from haziness.

What ran into her eyes was a pair of deep purple pupils, bright as gems, and as dark as an abyss, as if hidden in an unfathomable vortex, sucking in all human souls, intriguing, breathtaking, and fascinating. It's hard for people to extricate themselves.

"Long...Mo Shen?"

She spoke subconsciously.

Only that man has such a pair of unique purple eyes.

Only that man has the noble temperament of looking at the world.

Why does he appear in his own demons? She has no memory of him, will he be her own demon?

At this moment, Mu Wushuang was a little at a loss.

"You are wrong, Shuang'er, you should call me Uncle Emperor."

He walked slowly and gently embraced her in his arms, his movements were extremely natural, as if he had done such movements thousands of times.

A faint ambergris scent came from the tip of her nose, and the domineering aura enveloped her, Mu Wushuang's eyes suddenly widened-last night, Xiao Xuanxi also had a faint ambergris scent on her body!

She thought it was because her son had accidentally caught the breath of others, and she didn't take it seriously, and she didn't remember the smell of her son and his father.

However, he is also Ambergris!

The son said, the last night's name was Long!

Is this also a coincidence?

Do not! How can there be such a coincidence in this world?

In other words, the existence of the son may have been discovered by him!

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