Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 259: Conceited

Chapter 259

Wu Feiyu looked at the beauty in front of him, beautiful and beautiful, as bright as jade, more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen.

Especially those cold and charming phoenix eyes, giving people a strong desire to conquer.

He suddenly didn't want to let such a beautiful woman die. Elder Li Zhengdeli asked him to kill because he didn't want to leave such a powerful disaster.

But if she just abolished her, wouldn't it be all right?

A narrow smile appeared on his ordinary face, and he deliberately said loudly:

"Sister Wushuang, you and I are very different in strength. You should know that I want to kill you. It's easy to turn around. In this ring game, there is an unwritten rule that is conceited. Even if I kill you, you die or die. Now, you Qingyun Sword Sect cannot seek revenge from me. Junior sister, you certainly don’t want to die. Why don’t I show mercy if you promise to stay with me for five months?"

The reason why it is five months is because in his eyes, he should be tired of at most five months.

When the time comes, it is killing or plucking, is it not a word from him?

When he said this, many people immediately frowned and scolded.

"Wu Feiyu is too arrogant!"

"He is such a person!"

"How can Fan Haizong have such a scum!"

"If Wushuang doesn't agree, won't he be killed by Wu Feiyu?"

"Man, how can you threaten this! It's a shame for our men!"

Wu Feiyu didn't seem to hear the curse below, and those ordinary eyes looked at Wushuang with a smile but a smile, as if she was confident that she would agree.

There was a sneer at the corner of Mu Wushuang's mouth. Wu Feiyu deliberately exposed his mind in front of everyone, using words to insult her, I am afraid that she just wanted to see her begging for mercy in front of everyone to satisfy his terrible vanity.

The more ordinary some people look, the greater their vanity.

Wu Feiyu didn't care about other people's curses, because he knew that as long as he succeeded, those men would only envy him in their hearts.

And he can still be famous because of this, although it is not a good reputation, but it can always make him step on the reputation of Wushuang, and his reputation will be improved.

Wu Feiyu didn't want to stay in such a remote place all the time. His goal was to be taken by the elders of the first and second-rate sects, and to bring him into those big sects.

The greater the reputation, the greater his hope.

Thinking of this, Wu Feiyu's smile even worsened, even ignoring the mocking sneer at the corner of Wushuang's mouth.

"Daddy, you are so ice!"

Xiao Xuanxi felt that his father seemed to be very angry just now, and even the temperature around him dropped, making him chill.

Wu Jizi shuddered. It was not cold, but an overwhelming slaying air. He felt that the young emperor in the Azure Dragon Shrine in front of him had the urge to go up and pinch Wu Feiyu of Fanhai Sect to death.

Worthy of being a young emperor, even pouring out killing intent makes people's bones cold.

Long Mo rubbed his son's head deeply. He didn't want to scare his son, he suppressed a lot of killing.

His gloomy and cold eyes glanced at Wu Feiyu, as if he was about to make a mark on his soul, so that he would not live beyond life.

Wu Feiyu trembled suddenly, feeling a bitter cold as he was stared at as prey.

"Why, the junior sister hasn't considered it for such a long time?"

Wu Feiyu shook his head to get rid of the horrible illusion, and asked Wushuang a little impatiently.

"I'm thinking about how to make your death more painful."

Mu Wushuang said slowly.


Wu Feiyu smiled in anger: "Just rely on you? Just rely on your cultivation base in the later stage of the spiritual master realm, and still want to kill me?"

Mu Wushuang ignored him, and instead asked elder Changdong not far away loudly: "Elder Changdong, is it conceited during the competition?"

Elder Changdong looked at her and nodded slowly: "Yes, life and death are conceited."

In other words, in the ring, you die if you die, and you will not be held accountable.

She picked her phoenix eyes, the bracelet flicked, and a green long sword appeared in the white hand.

As soon as the long sword came out, the blood suddenly rose, making people feel as if they were on the ancient battlefield. The terrifying killing aura caused the people under the ring to retreat for several steps before exiting the range of the long sword.

The retreating people relaxed as if they were relieved. At the moment they were locked in by the killing intent, they were extremely panicked.


Elder Changdong's eyes lit up.

At a young age, he actually comprehended kendo. This talent can no longer be described as a monster.

This Wushuang, how many surprises still have not been revealed!

"What a terrible sword intent!"

"Have you noticed that Wushuang had always been using bare hands before, without taking out a weapon, and just took out the sword! She seems to be serious!"

"Where did Wushuang come from? How could he have such a terrifying sword intent!"

"I don't know if she can defeat Wu Feiyu!"

"Wu Feiyu is a realm higher than her, no one can beat it so easily!"

At this time, Wu Feiyu felt a trace of fear.

He was the closest to Wushuang, and he could even feel her cold sword intent, which made him feel terrified.

But in an instant he became confident. One must know that even if there is only one level difference between the realm and the realm, there is a huge difference, not to mention that Wushuang and him are nine levels different, a big difference.

A spiritual master realm, a spiritual king realm, is equal to the difference between heaven and earth.

No matter how high she was in kendo, she didn't want to be crushed and beaten by him.

"Well, Junior Sister Wushuang, if you don't leave after giving you a living, then no wonder I'm cruel!"

While speaking, Wu Feiyu lifted the big sword, and his footwork suddenly flashed out like a ghost, bringing a sharp wind of the sword, and suddenly slashed towards Mu Wushuang's neck.

His footwork is really weird, as if his figure is just moving, but the person has already reached Wushuang's body, like a ghost.

Mu Wushuang didn't move, she just slowly lifted the sword in her hand.

Kill the sword and see blood.

No matter how fast Wu Feiyu's footwork is, can it be faster than her sword?

I saw the long sword in her hand swinging, bringing out a terrible sword aura. Her sword aura was broken down into countless sword auras in the air, suddenly, intertwined and complex, as if forming a huge sword net, between the electric light and flint. , Sen Leng's sword net was twisted towards Wu Feiyu!


Everyone only saw that Wu Feiyu's treasured sword full of spiritual power was broken by the sword net!

Wu Feiyu's eyes were about to split, blood was spit out, and his face was incredibly full-his natal sword, which was built by a sixth-order refiner for three years, was so broken!

How is this possible!

However, Jian Wang was still twisting at him. He quickly threw a defensive magic weapon and hid back. Jian Wang smashed the magic weapon to pieces, and he almost was twisted in one hand!

The sword intent dissipated, and Wu Feiyu had no time to be grateful, but Wushuang swung his sword again!

He quickly used ghost trails to dodge, but he is not the only one who knows footwork, so can Mu Wushuang! She will shrink to an inch! It is much more advanced than the ghosts!

The footwork under her feet was illusory, mysterious and mysterious, with a slight movement, only a phantom was left, and the whole person had appeared behind Wu Feiyu.

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