Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 277: Fairy umbrella

Chapter 277

Jiang Yangyuan knew that his father wanted him to marry Yun Wan'er of Guangming Shenjiao.

He saw Yun Wan'er bright and charming, and he did not reject it at first. He did not expect to contact him several times, and found that she was better than him. She was "this lady, this lady" all day, as if she was afraid that others would not know her noble status. of.

But he had long known that Yun Wan'er was the adopted daughter of Yun Qiubai and Mu Yuanhong, and this kind of secret matter could not be concealed from others, but not from people like them.

Although even the disciples of the Guangming God Sect thought that Yun Wan'er was born to Yun Qiubai and his wife, the fake lady is a fake lady. No matter how good her posture is, she is also a person with no blood relationship. Maybe she will give up and give up. Up.

His Jiang Yangyuan really didn't have the patience to make such a fake lady happy. He had so many women. The countless seniors in the sect had thoughts about him, and he could pick any woman.

But Jiang Yangyuan did not expect that his behavior of coaxing Yun Wan'er to leave after a few days would actually annoy Yun Wan'er.

Yuan Wan'er thinks that she is noble, and others should chase her. He will not chase after a few days, which is a shame to her, as if she is not attractive enough.

The Guangming God Cult is getting stronger and stronger, Yuan Wan'er's arrogance is getting more and more full, so every time I see him, she will ridicule him with a few words, as if she can utter a bad anger.

Therefore, Jiang Yangyuan and Yun Wan'er were getting more and more uncomfortable, almost to the point where they were extremely jealous when they met their enemies.

In a VIP room on the second floor, Yun Wan'er also saw Jiang Yangyuan, with a hint of sarcasm on her gorgeous face. The sarcasm came and went so fast, as if it had never appeared before, and disappeared in a flash.

She sat next to Mu Yuanhong and pointed to Jiang Yangyuan's position with a squeamish voice: "Daddy, look, Jiang Yangyuan has also come. You must have grabbed the Tier 8 pill with Daddy. He is too overpowered!"

With Guiyuanzong's current strength, dare to **** things from their Guangming Divine Sect, isn't it overweight?

And her father, the last thing she lacks is Lingshi.

As the youngest seventh-order alchemy master, I don't know how many people begged her father to make alchemy with a lot of spirit stones, especially in recent years.

"Don't worry about him, Wan'er, you look at this list to see if there is anything you like on it and what you want, Dad will buy it for you."

Mu Yuanhong said to her lovingly.

"Daddy, you are so kind to Wan'er!" Yun Wan'er smiled happily, picked up the piece of paper and looked at it.

She glanced at it before and saw a superb spirit weapon named Lingxian Umbrella, which she saw at a glance.

Mu Yuanhong sighed, and said in a daze, "I'm just a daughter. If you're not good to you, who's good. Wushuang, if nothing happens, is willing to give her the best things in the world as a father. It's a pity she ……Ugh!"

Yun Wan'er's hand tightened in an instant, and the paper in her hand was almost crushed by her.

Wushuang Wushuang always mentions that dead man!

These days, my parents mentioned the dead person more and more times, and even cared about her a lot less. People are dead, what's the use of mentioning!

That Mu Wushuang, although he is related to them by blood, even if she is alive, can the relationship have her own relatives who accompanied them since childhood?

She was thankful that Mu Wushuang had died fortunately, otherwise, with the character of her parents, I am afraid that all her thoughts would be tied to Mu Wushuang's body.

"Uncle Master, don't be sad. People can't come back from death. Sister Wan'er will always be with you and Aunt Yun."

When Ma Wenhao saw Yun Wan'er lost his attitude, he cursed an idiot in his heart.

Fortunately, Mu Yuanhong was immersed in sorrow. He didn't notice the flash of Yun Wan'er's eyes and went over to rejoice. Otherwise, Mu Yuanhong would definitely have opinions on Yun Wan'er.

He needs the identity of Yun Wan'er. If Yun Wan'er is not favored by their husband and wife, he doesn't need to take care of her at all.

So he hurriedly comforted Mu Yuanhong and reminded Yun Wan'er by the way.

Yun Wan'er's eyes flashed, and she soon revealed a kind and innocent appearance, and said to Mu Yuanhong:

"Father, don't be sad, you are sad, I want to cry too, I wish Sister Wushuang could live and be a company with me, but she is no longer there, you are so sad, she will be uneasy when she knows about it. of."

Mu Yuanhong treated her like his own, smiled comfortedly after hearing the words, and patted Yun Wan'er on the shoulder: "Wan'er, you have a heart, my father is very happy to be able to raise a kind and well-behaved daughter like you."

Yun Wan'er took his arm shyly and said, "It's great to be parents, Wan'er is so happy!"

"Okay, let's not mention sad things, Wan'er, take a good look, what do you like, father will buy you all."

"Then I want this, okay, dad?"

Yun Wan'er opened her wrinkled fingers like a coquettish, and pointed to the fairy umbrella above.

The starting price is marked on it: 8 million medium-grade spirit stones.

Mu Yuanhong smiled and nodded: "No problem, Wan'er likes it, Dad will take it for you."

"Daddy is the best!"

The father and daughter laughed.

Ma Wenhao looked at him and sneered in his heart.

Yun Wan'er also did a good job of making her parents happy. Fortunately, that real lady Mu Wushuang was already dead, otherwise, Yun Wan'er, an idiot, would have been knocked out of the dust.

The auction has begun.

Most people have little interest in the first few things, and the disciples of the small sects in the hall are vying for a broken thing.

Yun Wan'er was very disgusted, and indeed the auctions in small places were too unpopular. There were everyone.

After five or six auction items were auctioned, Yun Wan'er suddenly sat up straight, because the order of the auction was on the list, the Lingxian Umbrella was about to come up.

Even though there are not many superb spirit weapons on high-level continents, Yun Wan'er likes this umbrella because it is very beautiful.

Sure enough, when someone took out the fairy umbrella and displayed it, many female spiritual practitioners had bright eyes and were eager to try.

This is a black and white umbrella. It looks like an ordinary oil-paper umbrella, but the material is obviously quite different.

This umbrella is exquisite and beautiful. There is a picture of a fairy rising up on the surface of the umbrella.

"What a beautiful umbrella!" Xiao Xuanxi pointed at the Lingxian umbrella and said, "Mother, this umbrella must be beautiful with her! Right, daddy?"

"That daddy bought it for his mother, okay?" Long Moshen took his heavy son from his lap, asked about his son, but looked at Shuang'er.

Mu Wushuang thought he hadn't heard it, and it wasn't her he asked.

"Okay, okay, I can help my mother to hold an umbrella when it rains!" Xiao Xuanxi said happily.

Wu Ji Zi blew his beard and said in his heart:

Good deed grandson, this is a superb spirit weapon, it is not used to keep out the rain! The starting price is 8 million middle-grade spirit stones! It is a middle-grade spirit stone, not a lower-grade spirit stone! Even if you sell the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, you can't get so many spirit stones!

However, the young emperor of the Azure Dragon Shrine must have many spirit stones. Even if you buy a superb spirit tool to keep out the rain, there is nothing to say, you can be willful if you have money! You can do whatever you want!

Wu Ji Zi held tightly the stubborn spirit stone, as long as he didn't use the spirit stone here.

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