Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 305: Two evildoers

Chapter 305

All the new disciples looked down at the huge sect underneath, and they were all unable to recover.

Didn’t it mean that Qingyun Jianzong was just a small sect before? Why is it so big!

Before they came, they heard many people say that the gate of Qingyun Jianzong is small and broken, with few resources, and there will be no place for so many disciples to live.

They are all ready to face the broken hill gate, wherever they can think of it, what they see is completely different from what they hear!

"Head, is our sect below?"

A new disciple asked unbelievably.


Wujizi looked at the familiar mountain below and said, if he hadn't stayed here for more than a hundred years, he would almost never recognize that this was his sect.

To be honest, when Wujizi saw this scene, he was shocked. Although he knew that his apprentice was vigorous and resolute, he had long been expanding and rebuilding the sect, but he never expected that the sect had changed so much!

In fact, the expansion of the sect is fast. After all, this place is different from the mortal continent, but there are really a small number of people who are willing to smash spirit stones to expand the sect.

He smashed a lot of spirit stones out, and he was in pain.

But the spirit stone is earned by the apprentice, and she doesn't feel distressed. According to her words, if the spirit stone is earned, it will be spent. Otherwise, what is the profit?

It really makes sense to think about it. Look at the mountain gate below. It has expanded more than ten times. Many domineering attic buildings have been uprooted out of thin air. There is actually a kind of dominance of a big sect. This spirit stone does not have white flowers!

"Wow! It's really our sect!"

"It's so big! It's too big than I thought!"

"Many large sects' mountain gates are nothing more than this!"

"Sure enough!"

Listening to the excited voices of the new disciples in his ear, Wuji gave his apprentice a thumbs up silently.

The apprentice’s work efficiency is nothing to say! Give him a long face!

Mu Wushuang curled his lips and smiled, and his gaze fell on the sect underneath. What was this, it was far from her request.

The future sects will only become stronger and more magnificent.

Long Moshen looked at his confident little woman, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Shuang'er really keeps his heart moving all the time.

Yun Zhou landed in front of the mountain gate.

Everyone came out from under the cloud boat.

Standing in the forefront, Wu Jizi said to the new disciples: "All disciples follow the order, your first assessment for entering the sect has begun!"

"Ah! Are there any tests?"

"Will the assessment be sent back?"

Many new disciples were anxious.

Wu Jizi said: "The content of the assessment is to see who can climb Qingfeng the fastest. The top 30 people can live in the celestial room with the most aura. Thirty-one to a hundred will be assigned to the less aura. The ground-character rooms, from one hundred to two hundred, can only be assigned to the herringbone room with less aura, and the remaining more than 100 people can only be assigned to the yellow-character room with the worst aura.

"It turns out that people will not be eliminated!"

"I must enter the Tianzifang!"

"A lot of steps! I don't know when to climb!"

With an order from Wujizi, all the new disciples started to climb the steps, and everyone was struggling to fight for the sky.

Xiao Xuanxi looked at it with interest for a while, but his hands were short and short and he was definitely unable to climb up.

However, he had an idea, called Dabai over, and then rode on Dabai, climbing up the steps like a gust of wind, and after a while, he drove all the first disciples away.

Mu Wushuang shook his head, and turned his head to look at Long Moshen who had been following her in time.

"By the way, the emperor is not a member of the clan and cannot live in the sect. Therefore, I can only wrong the emperor to live in Qingyun City. If Xixi misses you, I will let him come down and find you."

"It's a coincidence that Shuang'er is bothering me. I am now the named elder of Qingyun Jianzong, and the place where Wu Jizi arranged for me is on Jianzhong Mountain. Shuang'er is neighbor."

Long Mo curled his lips deeply, his eyes gleaming, as if he knew she would say this a long time ago.

Mu Wushuang was amused, "You dignified Young Emperor of the Azure Dragon God Palace, you actually want to be a nominated elder in a small sect like ours?"

"I said, where are the twins, where I am." He pointed to the little Xuanxi who could only see a white spot on the steps: "The son needs a dad, and he should be obliged to accompany him. "

"You are right. From now on, the burden of bathing, washing, and teaching will be taught to you as a father. Come on!"

Mu Wushuang smiled slyly, shook the bracelet, and the killing sword appeared in his hand.

She threw the sword to the sky, flew to stand on it, walked with the sword, and disappeared like a bolt of lightning.

Long Mo deeply shook his head and laughed, and said in a low voice, "I am as sweet as a sweetheart."

He flashed away and disappeared in place.


"Wu Ming!"

Mu Wushuang looked at the handsome man with a strange appearance in front of him, with blue eyes, and rolled his eyes vigorously, "What are you doing in my sect?"

Wu Hao patted the moon-white clothes on her body, and said lazily: "Mu Wushuang, my Royal Highness is wearing Qingyun Jianzong costumes, can't you tell?"

The aura of this Tianhu clan evildoer is really too strong, and Mu Wushuang has already ignored the clothes he wears. Looking at it this way, she found that he was wearing the clothes that he was taught by the outside school.

The teacher in the outer sect has a lower position than the elder of the outer sect.

She was speechless.

Just now I heard Long Moshen said that he came to Qingyun Jianzong to be the nominated elder. At this moment, I heard that the Prince of the Sky Fox tribe said that he was an outside teacher of Qingyun Jianzong. She really wanted to roll her eyes.

"How long have you been here?"

Wu Ming's peach blossom eyes are brilliant: "Not long ago, just arrived yesterday. Mu Wushuang, my Highness and you are friends at any rate, don't you invite me to have tea at your place?"

"What kind of tea? How about my deity, Your Highness Ming?"

A cold voice suddenly came.

Mu Wushuang looked back, and Long Moshen didn't know when he was behind, his face was covered with frost and his breath was cold.

Looking at his expression, what's the matter with the inexplicable feeling of being caught?


Mu Wushuang snorted in her heart, what on earth was thinking in her mind!

After Wu Ming saw Long Moshen, a trace of surprise and dim light flashed in his blue eyes, and then he curled his lips and smiled: "The young emperor said and laughed. My Royal Highness and Mu Wushuang met, just drinking a cup of tea together. Where is it necessary to invite the young emperor."

"Old friend? So, the deity and His Highness Ming are also old people." Long Moshen's eyes were cold and cold.

Wu Ming was lazy and waved his hand: "Don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, my Highness and Young Emperor are old friends. Oh, yes, Wushuang, your memory should not be restored, my Highness has a lot of good medicines here, saying Maybe it can help you restore your memory."

"No, you guys talk, I'm leaving." Mu Wushuang didn't want to get involved in the two evildoers, so it was the best strategy.

But Wu Min smiled even more chaoticly: "It turns out that Wushuang really hasn't recovered his memory! Young emperor, young emperor, the road to chasing his wife is endless."

by! Tested again! This smelly fox!

Mu Wushuang suddenly wanted to pull the fox fur!

Long Moshen came forward, and suddenly the landlord touched her waist: "Your Highness won't bother to worry about things between me and Shuang'er."

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