Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 315: Abuse

Chapter 315

"Okay." Mu Wushuang stood up: "Thank you, Master, to sign up for me. I will arrive on time on the day of the game."

To abuse Yun Wan'er is the same as abuse of food, it really can't arouse her fighting spirit.

However, it is interesting to be able to add to Yun Wan'er and Mu Yuanhong.

I can also take my son to see the most prosperous holy capital in the whole continent.

The sacred capitals gathered together, more than a hundred times larger than Qingyun City. Except for the Tianhu clan who is not in the sacred capital, the four super families are all within the sacred capital, and they can also be described as gathering the strong.

The Qinglong Shrine of the emperor is in the holy capital.

She remembered those gossips and rumors she had heard. It was said that the holy emperor only favored the second highness of the side concubine. Since the birth of the emperor, she sent him to his outside family Lingxiao Protoss, and later straightened the side concubine and treated him. He is even more lukewarm, and there are also rumors that the emperor's uncle left Cangming Continent because of the secret calculation of the Saint Emperor and the Saint Queen.

She wanted to see the damned Saint Emperor and Saint Empress, how dare she attack her uncle!

"Okay, I will sign up for you as a teacher. Now that you have a teleportation array, there are more ways to go to the Holy Metropolis. You don't need to fly for seven or eight days."

Wuji said with a smile.

Mu Wushuang nodded and left the hall with Long Moshen.

"How can Shuang'er be sure that I will set up a gathering array?"

He took her hand and said.

"I guess, even if you can't, I'll teach you, won't you do it?" Mu Wushuang smiled Qiao Yanran, and just then saw his son approach him riding Dabai.

"Daddy and mother, where are you going? Don't always leave this baby behind!"

Xiao Xuanxi said sadly.

I always feel less and less favored!

"My parents are going to set up the formation, you also want to go?" Mu Wushuang asked him.

"Ali went to find Uncle Fox again, I'm so bored, of course I am going!"

"You can also go to Uncle Fox to play."

Xiao Xuanxi shook his head quickly: "No, dad said that I am not allowed to play with that fox, otherwise he won't take me out to play. Mother, every time Uncle Fox sees me, he has to ask you."

Mu Wushuang laughed, he even restricted his son to prevent him from contacting Wu Yan.

She felt that Wu Su was quite good. As the prince of the Tianhu tribe, she came to their little sect as a small instructor. She thought he was just here to play, but she didn’t expect to hear Wu Jizi say that he still Very conscientious, the new disciples are under his control, and now they have all entrained the Qi into the body and entered the path of cultivation.

This was quite unexpected to her.

No way he could have thought of his unruly appearance, very sloppy, but serious and responsible inside.

A Li likes to go to Wu Su. In addition to this point of blood relationship, there must be some reason that Wu Su is good to her, otherwise, who likes hot faces and cold ass.

"Really? What did he ask you?"

She heard the emperor uncle ask her son coldly.

The son opened his mouth and replied: "Uncle Fox always asks me about my mother, I say I don't know, hey, daddy, is Xixi answered well?"

Although he wanted to let Uncle Fox be his father before, he didn't even want anyone to be his father before he met him, and after meeting him, he didn't want anyone to be his father anymore. It was enough for him to have a father.

Daddy is his real dad!

Uncle Fox always asks his mother, Xiao Xuanxi is so smart, of course he knows that Uncle Fox must like mother, but mother already has a father, of course he cannot give Uncle Fox a chance.

Long Moshen's expression eased, and he hugged his son: "You did the right thing, and you won't talk to that fox in the future."


What Dad said is right!

"be good."

Xiao Xuanxi hugged his father's neck happily.

In the next three days, she and Long Moshen finally arranged the huge gathering array.

The moment the formation was just deployed, the heaven and earth aura gathered in the formation at an extremely fast speed. In less than half an hour, everyone in the gathering formation could feel the rich aura!

What's more peculiar is that the spiritual energy gathered in the sky above the formation, forming a layer of white mist. From a distance, Qingyun City and Qingyun Jianzong seemed to be shrouded in auspicious clouds, like a fairy world.

"What a rich aura!"

The sect disciples who were practicing meditation suddenly exclaimed loudly together.

The aura suddenly became abundant, which made cultivation easier. Under the washing of the rich aura, everyone felt that the pores of the whole body were opened, which was more comfortable than eating ginseng fruit.

"How can aura suddenly become so abundant!"

"It is stronger than the aura of the sky-character room! The blessed land of those big sects is nothing but so!"

"Could it be that there are spiritual veins in the ground?"

"Such a strong spiritual energy can make cultivation more effective! I don't know when these spiritual energy will dissipate!"

At this moment, Wu Ji Zi appeared and said:

"This is the spirit gathering formation arranged by your master sister. You don't need to worry about the aura dissipating, because every day in the future, there will be such ample aura. You must practice hard to live up to your master sister's painstaking efforts."

"It turned out to be the master sister!"

"The legendary gathering of spirits?! The master sister is so amazing!"

"Oh my God! Master Sister is too awesome!"

"Long live master sister!!"

All the disciples hailed Long live the master sister. The handsome man standing under the tree saw him, his peachy eyes raised slightly, and said to the little fox in his arms: "Ali, she always surprises people, doesn't she?"


The little fox's soft voice seemed to respond to him.

At the same time, everyone in Qingyun City, whether they were aborigines or shop owners, all stood on the street, looking excitedly at the white mist above their heads, feeling the abundant aura, all of them were excited.

People have been talking about the sudden appearance of the abnormality, no matter what it is, for them, there is only good, no harm.

The old elder appeared in front of the people, and his majestic voice spread throughout Qingyun City:

"This gathering spirit formation was arranged by my great disciple Wushuang, the spiritual energy is more abundant than some blessed places. It is for the benefit of cultivation. Starting today, everyone in the city can enjoy these benefits, but, Only aboriginal people and those who open shops or work here can enjoy this treatment free of charge. Others must pay 100 low-grade spirit stones a month, and if it is short-term, they must pay 15 low-grade spirit stones every day."

The price was determined by Mu Wushuang after discussing with everyone. The price is not high, so after listening, everyone was not upset, but excited.

The price of other places with such a strong aura is several times that of here, it can be said that Qingyun Jianzong is simply too conscience!

And at this time, most of the people in the city are natives of Qingyun City. They don't need to pay a spiritual stone to be able to enjoy such a good treatment, which is a huge advantage!

"That Wushuang is really a lucky star! A big lucky star!"

Everyone is grateful to Wushuang!


The formation has been set up, Mu Wushuang intends to close the door to make alchemy, break through to the realm of the sixth-order alchemist, and then go to the holy capital.

Unexpectedly, Zongmen suddenly came to an uninvited guest.

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