Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 319: Dove occupying magpie's nest

Chapter 319

When Mu Wushuang left the pass, it had been more than twenty days outside.

Not only did she succeed in refining the sixth-order pill, but her cultivation base was also more refined, and she had reached the middle and late stages of the Spirit King realm.

During this period of time, the sect had newly recruited hundreds of high-quality disciples, who came from all over the continent and had good qualifications.

Qingyun City is even more overcrowded, and every inn is full.

The disciples guarding the city gate can't count the spirit stones every day, because the number is so huge.

Don't look at the amount of spiritual stones paid in the city, but accumulated, it is a big number.

Xiao Xuanxi loves to join in the fun. During the period of her retreat, she pestered his father to take him down the mountain to play every day, either watching auctions or participating in the market. There was a lot of fun.

Every day there are spiritual cultivations coming from the world, Xiao Xuanxi learned a lot of foreign dialects, and said some strange things all day, which made people laugh and cry.

"Mother is finally out!"

Seeing her mother coming out of the cave, Xiao Xuanxi excitedly rushed to hug him.

However, his father grabbed the collar and waited for him to hold Wushuang warmly before letting his son hold him.

The son pouted, turned his **** to the bad daddy, and put his arms around his mother's neck without letting go.


The little guy has a temper.

Mu Wushuang laughed, the father and son, I'm afraid it's not a pair of live treasures!

"Mother, when to go to the Holy Capital, I can't wait!"

Xiao Xuanxi nestled in her mother's arms and asked.

"I'll go in a few days, Xixi, do you want to change your face?"

The little guy’s eyes lit up in an instant: "Yes! I know what disguise is! You can turn Xixi's face into someone else's look! Daddy told me."

"Oh? Why did Daddy tell you?"

"Because my father read me a story book, the book said the story of disguise." Xiao Xuanxi said, and then he looked at his father: "Well, in fact, Dad is still very good to Xixi, he just likes to grab his mother with Xixi. Dear!"

"Your mother is my daughter-in-law, you robbed me, not me."

Long Moshen corrected his son.

"Mother, is this true?" Xiao Xuanxi asked.

Mu Wushuang blushed, but he also said to his son, "Yes, your father is right. In the future, Xixi will have a daughter-in-law, but there will also be a child who will get your daughter-in-law's belly. Come out and share your wife’s liking for you."

The son can understand everything, and she will tell him everything.

Xiao Xuanxi thought for a while, and said, "It turns out that it was my mother's liking for Dad, Xixi understands, Xixi's likes will make Dad!"

Mu Wushuang laughed.

Long Mo deeply rubbed his son's hair: "That's right."

She glanced at him, with a lot of style.

So Long Moshen sent his son away in a few more words, and took her to Yunyu.

She hasn't seen him for more than 20 days, and the man's enthusiasm makes her too enthusiastic.

A few days later, Mu Wushuang Long Moshen took his son and went to the largest city in this continent-the holy capital.

I was going to bring Ali, who knew that Ali was afraid of strangers. After following them to the bottom of the mountain, after seeing a lot of strangers, he ran back to the mountain.

Mu Wushuang had to hand Ali to Master Wujizi.

Coupled with the presence of the big fox Wu Luo, she was not worried about what would happen to the little fox.

There are a lot of people in the teleportation array, and many people line up.

However, their family of three naturally didn't have to line up, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived at the teleportation array of the holy capital.

Xiao Xuanxi was new to everything and kept asking 100,000 why.

"Why is that Hanamaki different from ours?"

"Why are so many people queuing here? Is the food delicious?"

"Why is that thing so fragrant? It smells so delicious!"

It's almost all about eating.

Mu Wushuang suspected that he was a foodie.

All three of the family took Yi Rong Dan, so they walked on the road swaggeringly, without causing onlookers.

And the identity of the emperor will not be seen through.

After taking the Yi Rong Danhou, Mu Wushuang's appearance has dropped by 70%, and his appearance can only be regarded as a delicate woman, not eye-catching.

Xiao Xuanxi was not as handsome and cute as he was. He looked like a tiger with a head and a brain, but his eyes were dark and shiny.

Uncle Huang took Yi Rongdan the biggest change. The whole person turned into a rough man, with ordinary facial features, and only the advantage of toughness was left in his body. However, his temperament was cold, so he looked very difficult to approach.

"Quickly give way! Miss Yun is here!"

At this moment, on the bustling street, someone suddenly cleared the way.

Mu Wushuang and the others were on the side of the road, so they didn't move.

It didn't take long for a graceful woman to walk over slowly. Where she was walking, there must be no one within three steps, so a group of people opened the way for her before and after her.

Mu Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's Yun Wan'er!"

Someone shouted.

"It turns out to be the granddaughter of the Guangming God Sect Yunzhangjiao!"

"She's Yun Wan'er? She is really fate! I heard that King Guishou Dan specially held an alchemist competition for her in order to celebrate her birthday. The competition date is tomorrow!"

"I also heard! The first prize seems to be one of the best medicine fields of King Guishou Dan! The value is very high!"

"It seems that the first place is Yun Wan'er! She is now a Tier 4 alchemist! The talent is amazing!"

"Hey! She is so young, is she already a Tier 4 alchemist? That's amazing! I am afraid that she is the first of the young alchemists!"

"Definitely! She is only twenty years old, and she is already a Tier 4 alchemist! Who can compare to her among young alchemists?! She inherited the good talent of his father Ghost Hand Pill King! Worthy of being a father and daughter!"

People talked a lot, and their eyes were full of envy.

Who said Yun Wan'er had a good father!

Listening to these words, Yun Wan'er smiled proudly on her face. Her status is noble. Her father is the King of Ghosts and Pill, and her mother is the saint of Guangming Sect. Grandpa's head of Guangming Sect, except for the four super families. Those young ladies, the whole holy capital belongs to her highest status!

Which woman in the sacred city does not envy her?

Waiting for this alchemy competition, she won the first place, completely fame, she will be known by more people!

"Mother, you will definitely defeat her! No one is better than mother!"

Xiao Xuanxi was held by Long Moshen, because he was so close, he pressed his mother's ear to her.

"That's natural, you mother and I are no match for me." Mu Wushuang glanced at Yun Wan'er who had already gone away with contempt.

She said in her heart: "Yun Wan'er, you think you deserve everything. You are just taking over the magpie's nest. I disdain those things that originally belonged to me, but I won't let you get them! Coming, Yun Wan'er, are you ready?"

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