Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 324: Hold thigh

Chapter 324

Speaking out the law, as the name implies, is that once the words are spoken, the spells will take effect and the words will become true.

For example, Xixi said just now that Yun Wan'er would wrestle as soon as he walked. If he really had the ability to speak with this supernatural power, then Yun Wan'er would definitely wrestle every step of the way.

Mu Wushuang believed in the words of the emperor's uncle, not to mention that she also felt the strangeness of her son's whole body just now, but she still felt it was amazing that her son had such a magical power.

She was suddenly looking forward to seeing Yun Wan'er wrestling as soon as she walked.

But she still has questions, "Should the son's supernatural powers be unstable?"

Otherwise, why didn't she notice the strangeness of her son in this respect.

Long Moshen nodded at her: "The supernatural powers in his childhood were not stable. When he slowly cultivates in the future, the supernatural powers will become more stable and stronger."

As for how strong the supernatural powers can be, it depends on the hard work of the son.

Xiao Xuanxi listened carefully. After knowing that he had a very strong ability, he was overjoyed, and said several words of cursing Yun Wan'er, but none of them caused the fluctuation of heaven and earth to take effect.

He wrinkled his face and was very aggrieved. He had known that he should have been serious before, because he really hated the woman next to his grandfather. He felt that it was because of her that his mother did not recognize his grandfather.

On the side of the Guangming God Sect, Yun Wan'er had accompanied Mu Yuanhong back to her residence, and Mu Yuanhong waved to her to let her go back. He wanted to be alone.

Yun Wan'er walked out unwillingly. Just when she walked to the door, when Xiao Xuanxi said those words, she felt her feet sore suddenly, lost her strength, and fell to the ground with a plop, so she wanted to eat shit. Looks like.

She was so angry that she thought it was something that had caught her foot. When she was about to swear, she saw a pair of black shoes, and then looked up, she met a pair of indifferent eyes.

"Brother Yuheng, can you help..."

When Yun Wan'er was preparing to sell the pear flower to Mu Yuheng with rain, he saw a touch of mockery in his deserted eyes, and his clear voice said: "You give me such a big gift, I don't I will recognize your sister, you are an adopted daughter!"

After speaking, he left indifferently.

Yun Wan'er was so angry that her blood flowed back, and she wished she could only relieve her hatred by peeling Mu Yuheng!

Adopted daughter! Adopted daughter! He always reminded himself that he was just an adopted daughter!

No one has ever dared to tell her true identity so blatantly!

She looked to the sides, but fortunately no one was there!

Clenching her fist, Yun Wan'er was going to go to Ma Wenhao to discuss how to get rid of Mu Yuheng!

Mu Yuheng is a huge resistance to Ma Wenhao's future succession as the head. She knows that Ma Wenhao definitely wants to get rid of Mu Yuheng, and she can cooperate with him!

However, when she stood up and took a step forward, with a plop, she fell to the ground fiercely again. If she hadn't protected her face in advance, she would have broken blue!

How could this be!

"Come on!"

She yelled in panic.

Soon two servants came to her and helped her up.

But she didn't dare to go anymore, she was afraid of another fall!

"You carry me back, you go and ask a spiritual doctor to come over, hurry up!" she shouted in a bad tone.

When she returned to her residence, the spiritual doctor in the clan also arrived.

"Where is the young lady uncomfortable?"

The old spiritual doctor asked.

"I feel that my legs are very weak and sore. I wrestle as soon as I walk. Look, help me see if I have any disease!" Yun Wan'er said anxiously.

She doesn't want her legs to be broken, she can only say that her appearance is upper-middle, but in the sacred city where the beauty is like a cloud, she is not outstanding at all, but she has a pair of slender legs and is tall, because of this leg, She has attracted many men to become ministers under her skirts. She doesn't want her to lose her hair!

Without this leg, her greatest advantage would be gone!

The spiritual doctor checked for a while, and then asked her to stand up again. She can stand up straight and there is no problem with her muscles. The spiritual doctor said: "Miss, there is no problem with your leg. The wound on your knee can be applied with a magic medicine. All right."

"How is it possible? Then why do I fall as soon as I walk?"

Yun Wan'er deliberately took a step forward in order to make the diagnosis clear by the spiritual doctor, and this time fell a dog chewing mud!

The psychiatrist was surprised, and checked her leg again, and finally couldn't do anything about it: "Miss, I'm sorry for being too talented, so I can see no problem."


Yun Waner severely threw the tea cup on his head.

The hot tea was sprinkled on the face, the spirit doctor is so true and false, it is hard to imagine that this shrew-like woman will be the gentle and pleasant lady in the past!

She is too good at disguising!

The spiritual doctor hurried away.

Yun Wan'er smashed a set of tea cups and still hadn't relieved her anger, but she didn't dare to tell her father and mother about her legs. She was afraid that because of the problems with these legs, father and mother would not let her participate in the clear alchemy competition.

If she does not participate in the alchemy competition, how can she be a blockbuster!

Although she is a genius alchemist, many people only listened to her name and did not see her strength with their own eyes. In order to be a blockbuster in the alchemy world, she deliberately pestered Mu Yuanhong for a long time before he agreed to do an alchemy for her. Competition.

She has been preparing for this alchemy competition for a long time, and she doesn't want to even be unable to participate in the competition.

So after thinking about it, she decided not to talk to her parents for the time being. Anyway, she only needs to stand during the game. She doesn't need to walk. She doesn't wrestle while standing. She only wrestles when she walks.

I stopped looking for Ma Wenhao, and let Mu Yuheng be arrogant for a few more days, and when her legs were healed, she must kill him to relieve her anger!

She does not allow anyone to expose the identity of her adopted daughter!

Long Yi hidden in the dark, listening to Yun Wan'er's cursing voice, turned and left to go to the place where Mu Yuheng was.

Mu Yuheng was cultivating, Long Yi placed a piece of paper with only the location on the table as ordered by the mistress, and then disappeared in place.

Soon, Mu Wushuang heard the ugliness of Yun Wan'er talked by Long Yi, and smiled with a pair of phoenix eyes half-squinted, with a deep smile.

Xiao Xuanxi also laughed like a little fox, giggling.

At this time, Long Erjin said: "Master, mistress, Baili Linlang from the Hall of Unfeeling is attracted by his subordinates."

"Well, let her in."

As she said, she stood up and said, "I'm going to the next room, uncle emperor, watch it, don't let your son eat it again, it's just a snack!"

Xiao Xuanxi was eating, and when he heard that he swallowed it quickly, and sat down obediently, indicating that he would definitely not eat.

Long Moshen nodded at her, but his handsome face became cold again, as if he didn't want her to be in the same room with other people.

Please, is Baili Linlang a woman?

She went to the next private room, with only a wall in between. It didn't take long for her to sit down before Baili Linlang came.

"Master! Teach me alchemy!"

As soon as Baili Linlang, who had changed into women's clothing, entered the door, she threw herself around Mu Wushuang's thigh.

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