Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 355: Deny deny

Chapter 355

Xiao Xuanxi's black and round eyes rolled around. Although this old grandfather felt very kind, but the mother said that people should not be prosperous, and his life experience is a secret, so you can't tell this old grandfather casually.

But before he could speak, the grandfather laughed and shook his hand holding the little fox, pretending to say to himself: "Oh, what should this thief and honey thief do? It's skinning and eating meat. Or should I take it back to work to pay off the debt? Little guy, which one do you think is better?"

Xiao Xuanxi quickly said: "Grandpa, nothing is good, fox meat is not good, little fox she can't work, she is very stupid, only eats your nectar!"

Yun Chuanxing touched his beard: "Is that so? Poor old man's honey, nothing else, this bowl of honey has been ruined, so let's give it to the little fox."

He pushed the bowl of honey that the little fox had eaten to the side, and then put the little fox on the table.

The little fox grinned at the sight of honey. The whole head was buried in the honey bowl and he could eat energetically.

Smelling the fragrant nectar, Xiao Xuanxi swallowed, and Yun Chuanxing laughed, "Little guy, do you want to eat too?"

"I don't want to!"

He is not as greedy as the little fox!


He swallowed again.

For some reason, Yun Chuanxing liked this little guy very much, so he wanted to tease him. He took out a jade gourd and said to Xiao Xuanxi: "If you can open this jade gourd, the nectar in it will belong to you. ."

The honey here is much more expensive than the honey on the table. This is the nectar from the linden linden nectar, which is different from the nectar of the ordinary linden. The linden tree blooms only once in three thousand years. It took him a lot of effort to obtain this honey. But to this kid, he doesn't hurt at all.

Xiao Xuanxi thought to himself, the honey that this baby gets by his ability is more promising than that of the little fox, and it is not ashamed at all.

So he took the jade gourd, and as a result he pulled it out, and with a "pop", the cover of the jade gourd was easily pulled out.

Long Moshen came over and saw this scene.

He picked up the jade gourd in his son's hand, closed the lid again, and said, "Master Yun, the son of the deity has a stubborn temperament. Wherever he disturbs him, he still looks at Haihan."

Yun Chuanxing looked at Yu Gourd with wide eyes, turned to Xiao Xuanxi's gaze suddenly became kind, he touched Xiao Xuanxi's head, smiled and said to Long Mo deeply:

"The young emperor is really not the time to come, the old man just learned that this little guy is related to him, the young emperor came."

This jade gourd, unless he is related to him, even Daluo **** can't open it.

Xiao Xuanxi stared at his round eyes, looked at Yun Chuanxing, and then at his father, and then guessed in his heart who this grandfather belongs to.

Long Mo's complexion remained unchanged, "Master Yun said and laughed, the son of the deity, and Master Yun's blood relationship."

Yun Chuanxing smiled, spread his hands, the palm of his hand is a thin hair.

Xiao Xuanxi quickly touched his hair, why didn't he know that the grandfather took away one of his hair.

"The old man loves to delve into some strange and obscene skills. This divination technique can be considered a little trivial."

As he spoke, his fine hair spontaneously ignited in Yun Chuanxing's hands, and he counted with his other hand, but for a moment, a shocked look appeared on his face.


Yun Chuanxing never expected that this little guy turned out to be his great-grandson.

Is the son of his granddaughter.

He had only one granddaughter in his Yunchuan trip, and that was Mu Wushuang who had been missing for more than three years.

Is it possible that his great-grandson is the son of Wushuang and Shaodi?

"Where is your mother?"

Yunchuanxing asked Xiang Xiaoxuanxi.

"What's wrong with Master Yun looking for me?" Outside the door, Mu Wushuang walked in lightly.

Since the identity was discovered by Yun Chuanxing, there was no need to hide it.


Yun Chuanxing only glanced at Mu Wushuang and recognized her.

She looks very similar to Yun Qiubai, but her facial features are more delicate and beautiful. On the contrary, she resembles her grandmother-his wife.

Yun Chuanxing’s wife is the worst of the five spirit roots. Even though he tried all means to advance her, she only broke through the spirit king realm. By the age of more than two hundred years, her life was exhausted and she was reincarnated. .

Wushuang looks very similar to her grandmother, but the temperaments of the two are completely different. Her grandmother is an extremely gentle woman, and Wushuang, the faint and cold temperament exuding from her, carries the atmosphere of looking at the world.

Yun Chuanxing was extremely pleasantly surprised. His granddaughter made him extremely satisfied. What kind of thing is Yun Wan'er, she is not half excellent.

Mu Wushuang recognized her instantly when he heard him, and the corner of his mouth hooked: "Grandfather."

"You child, since you know that I am your grandfather, why don't you come to Guangming God to find me?"

But Yun Chuanxing changed his mind and understood.

The child was in the sacred capital, but he did not go to the Guangming Divine Religion, nor did he find her parents. He probably knew about Yun Wan'er's mischievous daughter, so he was chilled.

He used to foretell that Wushuang was in the extremely cold place. It was probably because she and her brother Yuheng deliberately made the illusion that they did not want her parents to find her.

Mu Wushuang said lightly:

"Grandfather, Wushuang has been to Guangming Shenjiao. It was the day of Yun Wan'er's birthday. That day, Wushuang who shined in the alchemy competition was my disbelief. I wanted to surprise my parents, but I didn't expect to make trouble. Now Wushuang I live well without my parents, and some fate is not easy to demand. I hope my grandfather will not let them disturb my quiet life."

The implication is that she does not recognize her parents, and don't ask those two people to come and disturb her.

Yun Chuanxing was very distressed. He heard about the alchemy competition that day. He didn't expect that Wushuang with the same name was his granddaughter Wushuang. Mu Yuanhong targeted his biological daughter in order to adopt a daughter. It is no wonder that she was chilled. It was him. I don't want to see them in my life.

"Okay, if you don't recognize it, don't recognize it, just recognize my grandpa." Yun Chuanxing said.

He paid for the evil he did himself, he didn't care if Mu Yuanhong's couple could find a daughter! He can find his granddaughter.

Mu Wushuang didn't expect her grandfather's personality to be so bold and open-minded. What she didn't like was the couple, who had no opinion on the grandfather.

So she said to Xiao Xuanxi: "This is your great-grandfather."

Xiao Xuanxi was very happy. He had one more family member. He raised his head and shouted to Yun Chuanxing: "Hello, Grandpa Zeng, my name is Long Xuanxi, you can call me Xixi."

"Hei Xi dear, no wonder Grandpa Waizeng is so rare for you. It turns out that you are my little great-grandson. Come here and I will give you all the honey. Grandpa Waizeng still has a lot here. When do you want to eat it? Just talk to Grandpa Zeng!"

The more Yun Chuan went to see Xiao Xuanxi, the more he liked it. At first, he just thought this little guy was very kind. Now that he knows that he is his precious great-grandson, he likes it more. He is so old, this is his first great-grandson.

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