Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 359: She changed

Chapter 359

After flying with the flying weapon for a whole month, Mu Yuanhong and others flew from the extremely cold place to the extreme Iceland, and then returned to Qingyun City by the teleportation formation from the extreme Iceland.

"Daddy and mother, Wan'er is so tired. Let's take a day off in Qingyun City today and return to the Holy Capital tomorrow."

After arriving at Qingyun City, Yun Wan'er didn't want to move a step. There was a long queue outside the teleportation array. If they wanted to return to the holy capital, they would have to queue for at least half an hour.

Yun Wan'er didn’t want to line up anymore. She went out for two and a half months. When did she suffer so much, eat dry food on the flying spirit weapon every day, and blow the air every day in the extremely cold place. She felt that she was almost five years old. year old!

Ma Wenhao just wanted to return to the holy capital as soon as possible. He blamed Yun Waner for nothing but trouble!

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai felt a little distressed when they saw Yun Wan'er looking too tired and haggard.

"Wan'er is filial, and has been with us for so long. It's hard for you. Then let's take a rest in Qingyun City today and return to the Holy Capital tomorrow."

Yun Wan'er was happy. She had heard that the place in Qingyun City was full of aura and there were many miraculous medicines. After she was ready to rest, she went to buy one that would make her skin moisturized.

She is now returning to the sect in such an ugly manner, and I don't know how many people secretly want to laugh at her!

The group of them entered Qingyun City after paying a small amount of spiritual stones. At first, they felt that only paying such a small amount of spiritual stones would not be very good in Qingyun City. Unexpectedly, when they entered, several people entered the city like a hillbilly Generally stunned.

"What a strong aura!"

Even though she had been prepared, Yun Wan'er was still shocked by the aura that was so rich that it was comparable to a spiritual vein.

With such a strong spiritual energy, cultivating in it will surely do more with less!

"Tsk tusk, another few newcomers have never seen it."

Someone ridiculed.

Yun Wan'er looked at it angrily, and the person who had spoken complained and left, without even giving Yun Wan'er a chance to slap her face.

"This Qingyun City is indeed mysterious." Mu Yuanhong nodded in praise.

Ma Wenhao said: "I heard that someone arranged the legendary Spirit Gathering Array. The entire Qingyun City and the Azure Cloud Sword Sect above are in the Spirit Gathering Array. It would be nice if our Bright God Sect also had such talents."

If we can tie people back and arrange a huge gathering formation for the Guangming Divine Sect, wouldn’t the sect disciples benefit greatly?

Yun Wan'er and Ma Wenhao thought about something, but she was stupid than Ma Wenhao, and sometimes she didn’t love her mind when she spoke. She answered, "Then tie people back. Our Guangming God Sect is a first-class sect, and is better than this little Qingyun. Jianzong is much stronger, everyone knows how to choose!"

Yun Wan'er suddenly remembered that Wushuang seemed to belong to Qingyun Jianzong last time!

She suddenly regretted coming to Qingyun City, but she thought about it again, even if there were so many people in Qingyun City, even if that Wushuang came out of Qingyun Sword Sect, she might not be able to meet it.

Moreover, even if they met, my parents wouldn't necessarily feel anything towards her, after all, a person named Wushuang had already appeared in front of my parents.

"Wan'er, don't talk nonsense." Yun Qiubai said, "Everyone chooses his own sect for a reason. Those who can arrange such a large spirit gathering formation for Qingyun Jianzong and Qingyun City must be very good at this place. A person with affection, otherwise he would not spend so much energy to benefit outsiders."

"This lady is right!" Suddenly, a person wearing the uniform of the Qingyun Sword Sect disciple said:

"This Spirit Gathering Array was arranged by the great sister of our Qingyun Sword Sect. The great sister is the soul of our sect. Without the great sister, there would be no Qingyun Sword Sect and Qingyun City today. The brilliance in front of you is ours. It was created by Master Sister. So..."

The disciple changed his tone, looked at Yun Wan'er, and said sternly: "So this young lady will never talk about tying people in the future, otherwise my disciple of Qingyun Jianzong is not a vegetarian!"

"You! You are so courageous! Do you know who I am?" Yun Wan'er was in a bad mood at first, but was so excited by this disciple that she suddenly became angry.

"I don't care who you are, I only know that anyone who insults, discourages or is suspected of kidnapping the master sister is the enemy of our Qingyun Jianzong!"

After speaking, the disciple arched his hands at Mu Yuanhong and the others, and left his sleeves.

"This disciple is very spine. This Qingyun Jianzong must not be underestimated. And that master sister, presumably also a genius." Mu Yuanhong nodded and said.

After he finished speaking, he said to Yun Wan'er: "Wan'er, when you go out, you still have to keep your character a little bit. In this world, there are people outside of heaven, and there are people outside of heaven. Be careful that you will stumble."

This is Mu Yuanhong's serious advice to Yun Wan'er.

But listening to Yun Wan'er's ears turned into a warning. She didn't expect to enter Qingyun City, and Mu Yuanhong would shame her by training her in front of so many outsiders.

If he was his own, would he still treat himself this way?

She felt flustered and resented when she thought that their real daughter would return in the future, and that there would be no place for her to stand.

Ma Wenhao bumped Yun Wan'er's arm.

Yun Wan'er lowered her head and said, "Daddy, mother and daughter, Wan'er knew that she was wrong, Wan'er was too tired, and her temperament was a bit bad. Next time Wan'er won't be like this. Don't be angry."

"Okay, just know what's wrong, mother knows you are too hard, go, let's find the best place to stay." Yun Qiubai said, holding Yun Wan'er's shoulder.

But they searched for a long time, not to mention good inns, even those terrible inns were overcrowded.

However, Mu Yuanhong had money and identity, so he had no choice but to show his identity, took out the spirit stone and medicine, and exchanged a few good rooms with others.

But Yuan Wan'er was extremely disgusted, because this room was occupied by someone else, and she didn't know if it was a stinky coquette. The room was full of body odor, and she almost vomited!

In the end, Ma Wenhao exchanged a room with her, and she moved in unhappy.

Everywhere in Qingyun City was full of energy. After a few hours of meditating and rest, the group of them became full of energy.

A group of them sat in the hall for dinner, and people's comments came in their ears:

"Friend Wang Dao, I heard that today's Qingyun auction will have good things for auction! Are you going?"

"I won't go! Today, Qingyundan is spreading a new product pill, and I will go in line after dinner!"

"Today's new product pill? Then I will go, there is no erysipelas, and the effect is good. Although the price is higher, they are willing to buy!"

Hearing this, Mu Yuanhong suddenly remembered that in the pill refining competition, Wushuang said that in Qingyun City, there is a pill shop that sells erysipelas without erysipelas. Maybe it is the Qingyun pill shop in their mouth, he will definitely wait Take a look at it later.

"Hey hey! Look! That's the great sister of Qingyun Jianzong!"

"The pill of Qingyun Danpu was refined by her! She is a Tier 6 alchemist!"

Suddenly, all the spiritual practitioners in the hall stood up and looked at the outside enthusiastically.

Mu Yuanhong glanced over, and after seeing the master sister Wushuang in everyone's mouth, his whole body was struck by lightning: "Wushuang! Sixth-order alchemist! She has changed appearance!"

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