Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 361: Dream

Chapter 361

Facing Mu Yuanhong's question, Mu Wushuang slowly turned his head, his tone indifferent.

"I don't know what King Dan is talking about. If King Dan thinks that my name is the same as your daughter's name, he will consider me your daughter. I'm afraid the world doesn't know how many people are your daughters. I still have something to do. Bong, King Dan, please."

After speaking, Mu Wushuang took Long Moshen's hand, and the family of three walked forward without speaking back.

After Mu Yuanhong saw the faces of Long Moshen and Xiao Xuanxi, a memory of not long ago suddenly appeared between the flashing lights.


Auction in Jiangpan Metropolis!

They have seen it at the auction!

It turned out that the woman wearing a drapery hat was Wushuang!

Thinking of Wushuang's intentional raising of the price at the auction at that time, remembering Wushuang's indifferent intentions when they met, did Wushuang already know he was his father at that time!

Mu Yuanhong wanted to slap himself slapped!

"Brother Hong! Wushuang is gone! Let's go and chase it!"

Yun Qiubai took Mu Yuanhong's arm and said eagerly.

Mu Yuanhong didn't move, his heart was filled with regret and guilt, so he didn't even have the courage to shout Wushuang again.

At this time, Ma Wenhao pushed Yun Wan'er hard, hating iron is not a steel road: "Wan'er, what are you doing in a daze, go and stop Wushuang!"

"I won't go! It's better not to admit it!"

Yun Waner said bitterly.

She wished Wushuang would not recognize her parents, so that her parents belonged to her, and she didn't want her parents to assign their love to other people.

"Idiot!" Ma Wenhao was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth. He said: "It seems that Wushuang will not recognize her. At this time, you should ask her to confess your relatives, let your uncle and auntie know your filial piety, and make Wushuang even more sure that she will not recognize her. Determination, go!"

I don't know the performance at this time, it's a fool!

Ma Wenhao knew at a glance why Wushuang was unwilling to admit his relatives. Of course, it was the attitude of the adopted daughter of Yun Wan'er and Mu Yuanhong and his wife.

Let Yun Wan'er continue to disgust her, then she will definitely not recognize her!

It's a pity that Yun Wan'er, a fool, can't understand it!

Yun Wan'er was pointed by Ma Wenhao, her eyes lit up, she rushed out of the crowd and rushed in the direction of Mu Wushuang.

She stopped Mu Wushuang with both hands and said loudly:

"Sister Wushuang, you can't go! Do you know how hard it was for your parents to find you? Grandpa said that you might be in an extremely cold place. We went there for two and a half months and almost died in the mouth of a strange animal. In order to find your whereabouts! When they knew that you had an accident, they also looked for you for three full months, and people lost two laps. But you, you obviously lived well, so you didn’t go to find your parents and let them stay. In the sad emotions of being alive, during that time, my mother kept washing her face in tears, have you ever thought about how your parents feel?"

Mu Wu had no expression on both sides, his heart was flat and calm, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Stop talking, Wan'er!" Mu Yuanhong scolded.

It's their fault, it has nothing to do with Wushuang!

Yun Wan'er suddenly knelt in front of Mu Wushuang with a "plop".

"Sister Wushuang, my elder sister begs you, my parents are too hard looking for you, so you can recognize them, don't hurt them anymore!"

Only then did Mu Wushuang cast a square look at Yun Wan'er.

Because of Yun Wan'er's kneeling, the mocking expressions of the surrounding people were all closed. No one could have imagined that Yun Wan'er would actually kneel down and kneel and beg for her sister to recognize her parents. Look like this Come, her xinxing is not bad.

Yun Waner's trick was really good. Not only the outsiders were moved, but Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai were also moved. They were moved. I thought that Wan'er would have a grudge, but she would kneel down to beg Wushuang.

This makes them very pleased.

Yun Wan'er was proud of her. She did not lose her face when she knelt. On the contrary, she gained the favor of countless people, and her parents would like her even more!

She believes that even if Mu Wushuang admits to her, she is the daughter of her parents for more than ten years!

She has a way to get her parents to face her!

Mu Wushuang looked at the expressions of the people, and the corners of his mouth slightly evoked an arc of cold sneer.

She didn't go forward, since Yun Wan'er likes to pretend so much, let her pretend to be enough!

She has never been afraid of anyone than acting!

Mu Wushuang said to Yun Wan'er:

"Ms. Yun Wan'er, are you kneeling to apologize to me? Last time in the alchemy competition, you deliberately destroyed the alchemy furnace between Baililinlang and me and almost injured us. I remember that King Dan said that he would bring The culprit came to apologize to me. I waited at Laoyuelou for half a night and didn’t see you. I think something was delayed. So Miss Yun Wan'er just came here, so she kneeled for me. Right?"

Before Yuan Wan'er denied it, she continued:

"Kneel and kneel, I accept your apology, you better get up, I can't stand you, the eldest of King Dan's kneeling. You must know that King Dan protects his daughter the most. You don’t let you kneel down to apologize. The dignified King Dan not only betrayed his faith, but also angered us little people. If you kneel again, I'm afraid that King Dan will be angry again."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Wushuang didn't recognize his relatives. King Dan saw that his own daughter didn't recognize him, and he defended the other daughter in front of his own daughter, and even scolded her for the sake of another daughter.

"No! No! Wushuang! Your father was wrong! Father didn't know that you were my daughter!" Mu Yuanhong said quickly.

He really regretted it, thinking of what he had done in the beginning, his intestines would be regretful!

It is not important for the adopted daughter to have a biological daughter. If he had known that he was his daughter, how could he hurt Yun Wan'er to protect her!

"I am not King Pill now. Your daughter, King Pill, I am afraid that you have a bad memory. At the beginning of the alchemy competition, you thought that I viciously destroyed the alchemy furnace and blamed your daughter Yun Wan. You want me to apologize to your daughter! How can a vicious person like me be your daughter?"

Mu Wushuang said with a smile, word by word, like a knife on Mu Yuanhong's wound, and then sprinkled with dense salt.

He thought he could wipe out these injuries with just a few words, so he looked at Mu Yuanhong too highly.

So you want her to forgive them? Go dreaming.

"My daughter, Wushuang, is Wushuang from the last alchemy competition?"

Yun Qiubai understands now, her daughter is the Wushuang with extremely high alchemy talent in the alchemy competition back then!

Her daughter, once went to Guangming Shenjiao to find them!

She actually thought that Wushuang was too young and energetic, she was deliberately targeting Wan'er, and she wanted to fight for Wan'er! She is really a vicious mother!

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