Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 390: Grudges or grudges

Chapter 390

"Wushuang is beautiful, I am afraid there is no such beautiful woman as her in this world. It is a pity to kill, but..."

Wang Yang of the Scarlet Sun Sect coldly snorted to Liu Can of the Evil Moon Sect: "Why do you enjoy it alone? If you want to enjoy it, let's enjoy it together!"

"Yes! Enjoy it together!"

"Play it first, then kill her!"

"Just kill her at the end anyway!"

The others agreed.

These people have no morals, justice, or shame, and those who can agree to kill because of their profit, don't even think about them as good people. It's normal for these people to see their faces.

They laughed obscenely here, arguing about who came first, and they didn't know that this foul language, sentence by sentence, all fell into the ears of everyone outside.

"Too disgusting! How can there be such a disgusting person!"

"Which sect's disciple is this? It's just a bunch of beasts in clothing!"

"Looking at the costumes, they are the disciples of the Scarlet Sun Sect, the Xie Yue Sect, the Vajra Palace, and the Heavenly Secret Sect! How do these disciples teach?"

"Human face and beast heart, fly camp and gougou, utter conscience!"

"There are such people who exterminate humanity in the six sects!"

Many people in the sect scolded.

The disciples of those four sects were so blatant that it was unbearable for everyone.

Helianqian clenched her handkerchief tightly, her handkerchief was twisted to pieces, and she secretly cursed an idiot in her heart!

They are all idiots. At this time, they are still thinking about how to play with women, so they don't rush to kill Wushuang!

If Ling Xiaoxian did not take out the bronze mirror and everyone could not see the situation inside, then He Lianqian naturally hoped that Wushuang's death would be worse and less dignified, but now in full view of them, they would only arouse public anger, she just wanted They fight quickly to avoid accidents.

Yes, at this time, instead of regretting that she had bought murderers, she felt that these people were obsessed and did not act as soon as possible.

She was not afraid of being held accountable at all, because those people didn't know her identity, and even if she confessed her, they would not be able to find her.

She is confident.

But she didn't know. As early as when she went to meet those people, Mu Wushuang and others knew her motives.

In the eyes of Mu Wushuang and others, she was nothing more than a jumping clown.

But at this moment, after hearing the foul language of those people inside, Ling Xiaoxian and his wife had already murdered He Lianqian. It seemed that they gave He Lianqian a way out for the face of the Helian family, but they did not expect it. , She was so vicious.

Even Ling Xiaoxian and his wife were murderous, not to mention Long Moshen, if he hadn't held his son in his arms, he would have already broken He Lianqian's neck. And those people in Dongfu were sentenced to death!

"Daddy, is that woman called Helianqian?"

Xiao Xuanxi's eyes were cold at the moment, her small brows frowned, as if carved out of a mold with his father.

Long Mo nodded expressionlessly.

Xiao Xuanxi stared in He Lianqian's direction and said, "He Lianqian is about to be punished soon!"

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the sky and the earth.

Xiao Xuanxi was so young that he couldn't tell what kind of retribution she would encounter for a while, nor could he say anything cruel, but from the bottom of his heart he hoped that He Lianqian would be retributed fiercely. As for what kind of retribution, It depends on the arrangement of heaven.

Long Moshen was full of suffocation, and his whole body was fierce and hostile. Except for the Promise and disciples of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, all the others withdrew tremblingly and did not dare to come closer.

"Daddy, she will get retribution, don't scare others." Xiao Xuanxi raised his head and said.

He is no longer angry, because he knows that aunt He Lianqian will definitely be punished, and if his mother is so powerful, there will definitely be nothing wrong. The unfortunate ones are those who want to harm her.

As Xiao Xuanxi's words fell, the murderous intent from Long Moshen's body slowly disappeared. He touched his son's soft hair, and said to his son in a low voice:

"Xixi, no one can bully and insult your mother. You did a good job. However, if the retribution she suffered is not worth mentioning, Dad will take action and make her life worse than death."

Xiao Xuanxi nodded vigorously: "Daddy, I agree with you, that aunt, it's better to live than die! How dare to bully my mother!"

Long Sun Rong, who was originally very angry, heard the conversation between the father and the son and smiled. The father and son are exactly the same.

With the father and son who protect their shortcomings, Wushuang will definitely not suffer. Besides, Wushuang's strength is not weak at all.

There is no doubt who can have the last laugh.

At this time, the disciples of the four sects including the Xie Yuezong in the Dongfu reached a consensus that whoever has a higher cultivation base will enjoy it first, and those with a low cultivation base will stand back.

Then the group of them pushed in the direction of Mu Wushuang and others.

When they got there, Mu Wushuang and others were roasting monster meat and eating it. The monster meat exuded a drooling scent under the low fire. They roasted and ate it, enjoying themselves.

Seeing a group of people approaching, they didn't stand up, and they didn't even give outsiders a look.

"Run! These people are here to kill you!"

The people watching the game outside are anxious, and can't wait to go in and give a reminder.

"So many people are murderous, why don't you see it! They are still eating!"

"It's time to eat! A fart! Get up!"

But Mu Wushuang and the others still didn't move, eating the barbecue gracefully, as if they were playing leisurely.

The four sect disciples easily surrounded them with disdain in their eyes. Liu Can and Wang Yang, headed by them, stood at the forefront, and their lustful eyes looked at Wushuang without any disguise.

Liu Canjie smiled and said: "You are already surrounded, so let's, except Wushuang, all of you commit suicide, we will leave you a whole body, if not, replace us with us, it will only make you worse than death, regret you Get out of the womb, hahaha!"

"Suicide! Leave your corpses!"

"Hurry up! What a dawdle!"

However, they found that the disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect seemed to be unable to hear their threats, and they sat indifferently, roasting barbecues, eating meats!

This made the four sect disciples feel insulted.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang slowly stood up from the stone, and slowly wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

Everyone's attention was focused on her face, and I have to say that her face, even if you look at it dozens of times, still gives people an amazing feeling.

Just like now, the indistinct light of the fire is printed on her face, and the fusion of light and shadow adds a sense of mystery to her beautiful face, which is even more stunningly beautiful.

"I don't know everyone, but are you grudges or grudges with our Qingyun Sword Sect?"

Mu Wushuang's empty voice interrupted their dullness.

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