Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 398: Easy rolling

Chapter 398

Song Yiyang glanced deeply.

The little boy looked a lot like Long Moshen, but he looked a bit like Mu Wushuang between his eyes.

He couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, his mood was extremely complicated for a while.

She was not trapped in Jiuxiao Continent. This is something to be happy about. Although she is in the game, after the game, she can see her and solve the pain of lovesickness.

But she and Long Moshen even gave birth to their sons, and it seemed that there was no chance at all.

He will not do anything to destroy the family.

Moreover, Wushuang's character was willing to give birth to a son for him, which shows that it is impossible to dig a wall.

Well, let go of obsession and wish her happiness, which is also a good thing.

Helianduo only felt that in an instant, Song Yiyang's aura had changed, as if he had realized something. The whole person's temperament became hazy, and he actually closed his eyes and meditated in such a place.

She couldn't help secretly being shocked. There are people in the family who are better than his spiritual roots, but his talent is simply too terrifying. In just a few years, she has reached the late stage of the Spirit King realm, faster than her advancement speed. Now, there is a faint feeling of breaking through the spiritual realm!

This is no longer an enchanting sentence.

But she is also a little proud. This man is what she likes. She stalks and fights, and one day, he will accept himself.

The stronger he is, the brighter her face is, right?

Helenduo thought beautifully, leaving behind the doubts about how Song Yiyang knew that handsome man.

"Daddy, someone over there just watched us for a long time."

Xiao Xuanxi put his arms around his father's neck and said, the little guy's perception ability is very strong now, even if other people's eyes are on him for a long time, he can feel it.

Long Mo gave an expressionless "um", obviously he knew it a long time ago, but he didn't take it seriously.

Pull the son off his body, put it aside, and let him sit down.

Xiao Xuanxi pursed his mouth, and his great-grandfather and great-grandmother were not there, no one hugged him, and his father didn't feel sorry for his soft **** at all.

The next day, the game was over.

To everyone's surprise, Qingyun Sword Sect won again, and still the top spot!

Even the disciples of Qingyun Jianzong and Wujizi who came to watch the game were very surprised. They thought they had already exerted their greatest strength at this point, but unexpectedly, there were surprises!

Winning the top spot, Qingyun Jianzong once again became famous!

When the disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect came out of the secret realm, everyone's eyes were gathered on them.

"Mu Wushuang!!"

The moment Helenduo saw Mu Wushuang, she jumped in shock!

"How could it be! How could it be her! How could she be here! When did she become so strong!"

Herendo's eyes widened in disbelief.

She couldn't believe that the woman underneath with a more stunning appearance than before, the woman who she thought was trapped in the mortal continent for a long time, would come here from the low-level continent!

When did she come?

Why did the previous straw bag become so radiant, as if there is a lot of sunshine on the body! !

Helenduo's eyes widened, the late Spirit King realm!

Mu Wushuang actually has the cultivation base of the late Spirit King Realm! Stronger than her!

How is this possible!

Isn't she a straw bag before? This has only been a few years, why has she changed so much!

Helianduo was still in disbelief, "No, I have seen Mu Wushuang before. She is just a rubbish, and it is impossible for her to cultivate to the Spirit King realm for a lifetime. This Wushuang must only look like her, or They are twins!"

But it didn't make sense at all, there was no coincidence that even a person with exactly the same name and appearance.

"Yes, you have admitted the wrong person, she is not Mu Wushuang."

I don't know when, Song Yiyang has opened his eyes, stood up, and said to Helenduo.

Since Long Moshen can bring Wushuang to the Cangming Continent, it shows that the guess in his heart is true that Long Moshen, the regent of the Nine Heavens Continent, is indeed Long Moshen, the young emperor of Qinglong Temple.

He Lianqian and He Lianyuan were looking for Shaodi's son, Wushuang's son. He didn't want them to find her and disturb her.

Helenduo looked at him suspiciously.

Did you really admit the wrong person?

His reaction was so plain, he should have admitted the wrong person.

"Let's go."

Song Yiyang said.

Helenduo's eyes widened in shock, because he actually took his hand!

Her cheeks were immediately red, like a shy little daughter-in-law, being led by him, her heart was extremely sweet.

So she didn't see the cold to indifferent expression on Song Yiyang's face. If she could see it, she wouldn't feel sweet.

Underneath Mu Wushuang raised his head, looking at the back of Helianduo and Song Yiyang, his pretty brows wrinkled.

Long Moshen frowned when he saw this scene.

Come on, the jealous king is jealous again.

Sitting in the teleportation array and returning to the family, although Song Yiyang has released Helianduo's hand, Helianduo is still very happy. She said:

"Yiyang, it's great that you can figure it out. You finally know who is best for you."

Song Yiyang ignored her.

Helenduo remembered the Wushuang he had seen before, and continued: "In fact, even if that person is Mu Wushuang, it doesn't matter. As long as you treat me well, I won't be embarrassed by her. It's a pity that I didn't find my sister today. I didn’t find the young emperor’s son. Speaking of which, my sister is a rare beast summoner in 10,000 years. She is the only one in three thousand continents. She is enough to be worthy of the young emperor. I don’t know what the young emperor thinks. Don't take it seriously!"

Song Yiyang's mouth raised a sneer, and he could only summon a dozen Tier 3 spirit beasts. There was nothing to be proud of. Mu Wushuang was more than a hundred times stronger than her.

One day, He Lianqian will know that what she shows off is not worth mentioning in the eyes of others.

He suddenly looked forward to the day when He Lianqian learned that there is still a spirit beast summoner in this world, who is countless times stronger than her, and when she can easily crush her, what will be on the face of the proud girl of heaven expression.

"Master sister, you are so amazing! We are now four-liu sects!"

"It's amazing! You didn't see it. Many people heard this result, and their eyes were almost taken off! Hahaha!"

"Yeah, none of us thought that our Azure Cloud Sword Sect was turned out to be the number one name in the Four Stream Sect Grand Competition!"

After returning to the residence, everyone was excited to show Mu Wushuang and others.

Wu Jizi waved his hand happily and asked them to buy it in Liuyue City today, and he would pay the bill!

Mu Wushuang smiled: "Everyone's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, but there are more actual battles. This kind of competition is naturally not a problem, but our current ability can only participate in the final third-rate sect competition, as long as we win one. Third-rate sect, our Qingyun Jianzong is a third-rate sect. As for the second-rate sect, it is still far away."

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