Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 413: Temple in the Forbidden Land

Chapter 413: Temple in the Forbidden Land

"Brother Wu, why haven't they come down yet?"

After walking a long way along the underpass, Liu Hao couldn't help but asked in confusion when Wu Ying and others hadn't appeared yet.

Mu Wushuang, who was walking in the front, didn't turn his head, and said coldly, "Probably dead."

The aura in the forbidden area suddenly recovered, and the danger must have followed. However, Wu Ying and others saw that they had not encountered any danger before, and thought it would always be safe there.

As everyone knows, why the forbidden land is a forbidden land, where is there always a safe place.

She was too lazy to remind Wu Ying, because this person deserves to die. As for the other disciples of the Sirius Sect, they are also not a good thing, and they belong to the same class as Wu Ying.

So their lives are gone if they are gone, she will not even feel sorry for them, let alone help them.


Xuanzhu folded his hands together and read a few scriptures.

The Buddha universally saves sentient beings and also the guilty.

Liu Hao sighed and said:

"Everyone should be careful. Although we haven't had an accident before, this is a forbidden area. No one knows what will happen. Be careful to sail the Wannian Ship."

Mu Wushuang nodded, even if Queen Mother Xi said that she had shown her a way out, she might not really be able to go out safely.

Everyone's lifespan is declining due to the loss of essence and blood. If you can't find a solution, you will live and die early even if you go out.

After walking for half an hour, he finally managed to walk out of the secret tunnel.

However, what appeared in front of everyone was a dense forest, which was originally something to be happy about, because the forest might mean that they had walked out of the forbidden land and returned to the Blood Moon Mountains.

But this forest feels too gloomy. The trees are tall and lush, like a dragon entangled in the ground, obviously not those trees in the mountains.

What's more terrifying is that the spiritual energy here has disappeared again, and everyone's cultivation base has been restricted as before, and all the cultivation bases have disappeared!

It's like, obviously everyone has seen hope and came out with expectations, but the result is desperate.

There was no road ahead, and the ground was covered with rotting leaves. I entered with one foot and could not reach half a calf.

"Sister Wushuang, what do you think?"

Liu Hao looked at Mu Wushuang solemnly.

Mu Wushuang stared at the front and said, "We can only continue to move forward. On the way back, we may encounter something that killed Wu Ying and the others. The way forward is unknown, but it may not be impossible to find life."

Everyone nodded, and no one dared to go back. Wu Ying and the others were silently gone. It was terrible.

Go ahead, at least you may survive.

Mu Wushuang took out his sword and took the lead in leading the way.

When everyone saw this, they also followed.

I don't know how long it has been, night fell in the forbidden ground.

The sky was as dark as thick ink splashed, and there was no moonlight.

Mu Wushuang took out the Ye Mingzhu, divided out a few pieces for everyone, and each held the lighting.

The group of them, in the dense forest, is as small as fireflies in the mountains.

Fortunately, the forbidden area is different from the mountains outside. There are no monsters outside here, only the scary monsters that can eat human brains in the legend. Fortunately, everyone has never encountered it, so the journey has been easy.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang in the front suddenly stopped.

Others also stopped quickly, and they dared not let out the atmosphere.

Following the faint light in everyone's hands, everyone only saw a tall building with the tip of an iceberg in the thick fog.

Mu Wushuang threw the Ye Mingzhu in his hand into the sky, and under the flash of light, everyone could clearly see the appearance of this building.


This is a temple!

"The Buddha appeared!"

Xuanzhu, who had always been calm, ran over quickly as if he was surprised.

The other disciples of Tianwu Temple also rushed up in surprise

Mu Wushuang frowned and looked up at the temple in the dark. How could a temple appear here was a bit shocking.

The temple was really tall and big, it was the largest temple she had ever seen. Even the walls were so tall that it seemed to block things from entering.

And she vaguely felt that the architectural style of this temple was very similar to the palaces under the lake, and it should be the same period of architecture.

If this is the case, then this temple has at least hundreds of thousands of years.

But the light flashed just now, and at a glance, the temple was as new as the one just built. The vermilion tiles, white walls, and red wooden doors are all new.


In the silence, the red door like blood was opened by Xuan Zhu!

Suddenly, the solemn Buddhist sound came from inside.

Mu Wushuang suddenly felt a terrifying danger, and shouted: "Can't open the door! Run!"

However, Xuanzhu and the others walked inside with a smile as if they had not heard it.


After they all entered with smiles, the door closed automatically without any wind!

That Miao Miao Buddha sound also disappeared without a trace! The surroundings were so quiet that needles dropped, as if nothing happened just now!

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