Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 415: In desperation

Chapter 415

"Master, run!"

Just when Mu Wushuang looked up and saw Liu Hao's gloomy and pale face, Xiao Zhu and Xiao Que yelled in his heart.

At the same time, shrouded in terror, she moved and lost her cultivation base. She could only use the method of burning her essence and blood to perform the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, and stepped back several feet away.

At this time, she heard a sharp and terrifying howling, almost deafening, and then she saw something burrowing out of Liu Hao’s flesh, as black as ink, like a thick centipede, but it was not a centipede, because it With two rows of sharp fangs, he bit Liu Hao's body into two pieces and swallowed it!

Swallowing Liu Hao, the monster chased him in Mu Wushuang's direction!

She hurriedly continued to burn her essence and blood, and cast her shrinking spells. While fleeing, she heard a screaming scream behind her.

It happened so suddenly, those disciples who hadn't been controlled by the black monster didn't have such abilities as Wushuang, so naturally it was impossible to escape.

She felt uncomfortable, she wanted to take them all out of the forbidden area, but she was powerless, the danger in the forbidden area was far beyond her imagination.

After burning a lot of essence and blood, she finally couldn't feel the terrible sense of horror after she was far away.

"What the **** is that?" she asked with a pale face, a little afraid.

She really didn't understand. It was clear that Liu Hao was fine when talking to him before, but in a blink of an eye, he was controlled by the monster, and he didn't even make any movement. If she hadn't been careful, I'm afraid that the next one would be The person the monster eats is himself.

"Master, that seems to be a ghost snake."

Xiao Zhu and Xiao Que guessed for a while and came to this conclusion.

"Netherworld scorpion? Isn't scorpion a beneficial insect?"

Mu Wushuang thought for a while, and then remembered what a scorpion was. It looked like a centipede, but it was not as long as a centipede. Moreover, the scorpion was very small, only half of a person’s fingers were long. Scorpion can cultivate into a monster.

Xiao Zhu explained:

"It is said that there is a family of scorpions living on the nether road of hell, drinking the yellow spring water for tens of thousands of years, embarking on the road of cultivation, and becoming a big beast, so it is called the nether scorpion, but this kind of beast is very bad, the most He likes to eat human bone marrow, can enter the spiritual body silently, absorb the bone marrow, and can control the spiritual behavior, and can pretend to be exactly the same as spiritual practice.

This kind of fierce beast was hated and hated by everyone, and was later destroyed by a powerful spiritual combination, and there was no such kind of monster beast as Nether Serpent in this world.

Unexpectedly, there is still Nether Serpent in the forbidden area! "

Xiao Que also said: "Fortunately, the master just avoided it in time, otherwise you will have no pain or consciousness at all, and you will be drilled into your body by the nether snake, and you will die without knowing how you died. It is terrible.

Mu Wushuang also felt frightened for a while, and at the same time she also felt very strange, why are there extinct beasts in the forbidden ground? What secrets are hidden in the forbidden land?

This matter of contact is unthinkable, and it is impossible to get to the bottom of it.

Mu Wushuang sat on the ground leaning on the tree trunk. She burned too much essence and blood. Even after taking a lot of pills, the lost essence and blood could not be made up. She was very weak now.

If Netherworld Chuck catches up, she may not be able to escape.

She closed her eyes and wanted to sleep.

"Master, you have to cheer up!"

Little Vermilion Bird said anxiously.

"It would be great if I had spiritual power. I could enter the space and sleep as long as I am old." Mu Wushuang curled his lips and smiled.

Yes, her current situation is already very bad. The forbidden area has sucked away a lot of her essence, and she has burned a lot of essence and blood. Now there is no cultivation base, how can she get out of the forbidden area?

"It doesn't matter, the sky and the earth are big, my mother is the biggest, I have to meditate and rest, otherwise my situation will get worse.

With that, she sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath.

I don't know how long I sat, the sky thick as ink slowly revealed white, dim light penetrated through the towering trees, and thick white mist rose on the ground, like a fairyland.

But Little Vermilion Bird doesn't think this is a fairyland, and **** is almost the same.

The master has been meditating for a long time, and he has entered a state of unity between man and nature. This state is unacceptable. However, he is in the forbidden area, and there is no unknown danger around him.

Therefore, the two of them must play a twelve-point spirit and carefully observe the surrounding situation.

There was something looming in the white mist, but nothing could be sensed. Little Vermilion Bird felt that if they had a heart, their heart would jump out of tension at this time.

The two of them opened their eyes wide, afraid to miss any suspicious points.

At this moment, Xiao Zhu found that in the white mist, it seemed to see a translucent object, which looked a bit like an octopus in the sea, with several tentacles with teeth and claws. When he looked closely, he could not see anything. .

"Ah! That's a brain-eating beast!" Xiao Que suddenly shouted loudly.

Only then did Xiao Zhu discover that in the white mist on the other side, there was something floating in the air like an octopus, revealing its figure. It was translucent, but the internal organs could still be seen by closer inspection.

And what looks like a tentacles is not a tentacles, but a sharp mouthpart!

Xiao Zhu was also suddenly surprised, it was a brain-eating beast!

It is a monster that specializes in spiritual cultivation for food!

And those sharp mouthparts can instantly numb people's movements, and then pierce Lingxiu's head with ease like breaking into tofu! Clean the human brain!

"Master! Wake up! Run!"

"The brain-eating beast is here, Master, hurry up!"

The two beautiful boy spirits shouted loudly.

However, Mu Wushuang entered the realm of the unity of nature and man, and she couldn't hear their shouts at all.

"Master! Wake up soon!"

Seeing the brain-eating beasts emerge from the white mist, a dozen or so brain-eating beasts approached Mu Wushuang.

They spread their teeth and claws, as if they were excited when they saw their prey, waved their sharp mouthparts, and floated over.

Seeing the brain-eating beast raised its mouthparts, it was about to get into her mind!

At this moment, Mu Wushuang suddenly opened his eyes, and his phoenix eyes were as cold as frost, flashing with sharp cold light.

"Go away!"

She shouted!

An unexpected scene happened. The brain-eating beasts seemed to understand her words, and they all backed out together, and they turned their heads motionless like a little chicken.

"Master, your mental power can be used!"

Little Vermilion Bird said excitedly.

"Master's mental power seems to be much stronger!"

It is precisely because of this that she can drive away the brain-eating beasts, because-she is a genius summoner that has been rare in a thousand years!

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