Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 425: hateful

Chapter 425

"Never possible!"

As soon as the words of the Emperor were spoken, Ling Xiaoxian and his wife were the first to disagree.

Long Sun Rong looked at the emperor and said, "Xiao Xuanxi will not live in the Azure Dragon Shrine! Even if Mo Shen and Wushuang are not free, we are still there."

"Mother-in-law, I am Xiao Xuanxi's grandfather, and I am closer to him in blood relationship. Let him live in the Qinglong Shrine in order to train him as the next saint emperor and let him live a better life. This is nothing wrong. "The Holy Emperor said.


The elder Lotus Sun laughed.

"If you are Xiao Xuanxi's grandfather, you will take care of him? Then you are Mo Shen's own father, why didn't you see you raise Mo Shen well? Don't tell me these vain things, I don't care. What is your purpose, Xiao Xuanxi will never let you bring you back to the Azure Dragon Shrine, so you will die of this heart."

It's about baby Xixi, the eldest Sun Rong is not polite at all, and even a little aggressive.

But she was telling the truth. Not long after the birth of Mo Shen, the Holy Emperor sent him to the Lingxiao Protoss. He had never raised him for a day, and could not hear a single cordial greeting.

Moreover, he has secretly harmed Mo Shen, such a person, can he give Xiao Xuanxi to him?

He suddenly behaves like a father, who can't help it?

Shengdi's face sank.

He pointed to Xiao Xuanxi, and said in a deep voice, "This is the blood of our Azure Dragon Palace, it is impossible to flow outside."

"Isn't I the blood of Qinglong Divine Palace?" Long Moshen's voice was low and cold.

The Holy Emperor frowned: "What are you talking about?"

The corner of Long Moshen’s mouth evoked a touch of mockery: "Since I am also of the blood of the Azure Dragon Temple, why should I be sent outside to survive and die? Father, you now use this reason to ask my son to live in the Azure Dragon Temple. It's too far-fetched."

Without waiting for the emperor to get angry, he continued: "Don't say anything if you can't live in the Blue Dragon Shrine and you don't recognize his identity. You don't need to acknowledge his identity."

The words that the emperor wanted to say were dumb in his throat.

Mu Wushuang hooked his lips, took the emperor's hand, and said, "Let's go."

Seeing them and Ling Xiaoxian and his wife leave like this, the blue veins on the Saint Emperor's forehead were raised.

"Holy Emperor, how are you?"

Holy Queen Jiang Liyun asked with concern.

The Emperor waved his hand, his expression ugly.

Jiang Liyun winked at Long Xingyang.

Long Xingyang said to the emperor: "Father, since your eldest brother doesn't appreciate it, don't think too much about it. Elder brother will definitely understand your painstaking efforts, so don't be angry."


The emperor suddenly chuckled, looked at the younger son, and asked him, "Xingyang, what do you think is the hard work of the father?"

Long Xingyang was startled, what else could it be, didn't he just want to compensate his good brother? Otherwise, why would you say that the wild species will be the next Saint Emperor?

He said: "Father must see the elder brothers and their lives are not much, Xiao Xuanxi is too pitiful without his parents, so..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw his father shaking his head, expressionless.

But he only shook his head and said nothing.

Long Xingyang only felt that there was something hidden in it that he couldn't know. It seemed that the father didn't like that small wild species.

He looked at his mother Jiang Liyun, and Jiang Liyun shook his head at him, indicating that he didn't know either.

After returning to the Qinglong Shrine, Long Xingyang immediately ran to Jiang Liyun to discuss the matter.

This was strange, and the wild species threatened his status. If you don't figure it out, the two of them won't let go.

"Your father is a man of cool nature, and his mind is bottomless, even I sometimes can't see him. This time, I don't know what he thinks."

Jiang Liyun took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Father, although he has a cool nature, he has a deep love for you, isn't he? He treats you differently from others." Long Xingyang said with a light smile.

Jiang Liyun’s exquisite face showed a slight ridicule: "He was not at me. He has always thought that the person who saved him was me. His love was given to the person who saved her, but it just happened. Recognize me as her."

Long Xingyang quickly covered Jiang Liyun's mouth: "Mother, don't say this again next time. Be careful to be known by the father."

"I can only my son you said."

She accidentally missed her mouth that time, and under his press, she said this secret matter once.

It was also that time that Long Xingyang realized that the loving parents were not as loving and intimate as he imagined. This "love" was obtained through his mother's calculations.

And the woman who was supposed to be favored by her father and king had been dead for decades.

It was the mother who used the calculations to obtain the noble status and enjoy the life that another woman should have.

For the first time, Long Xingyang learned the importance of scheming.

"Okay, let’s not talk about it. The catastrophe of the Azure Dragon Temple is not long. Your father will let Long Moshen resolve the catastrophe of the Azure Dragon Palace before his life is exhausted. Your current threat is only The wild plant is left." Jiang Liyun said, looking at her red nails.

"Mother, my son thinks that my father doesn't like that wild species. Although he has watched the wild species a lot, I noticed that my father didn't like it in his eyes. I don't know what he is thinking."

"Really?" Jiang Liyun frowned, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, she suddenly dropped the cup and stood up angrily: "That idea he made!"

Long Xingyang hurriedly asked: "Queen, what is the idea?"

"The Qinglong Shrine has a secret technique that can be exchanged for ten years of life with the blood sacrifices of his closest relatives! He must want to use the life of that wild species to exchange the life of Long Mo for ten years!"

"What?!" Long Xingyang narrowed his eyes severely.

Jiang Liyun gritted his teeth: "Everyone thinks he doesn't like Long Moshen. When Long Moshen is really dead, he can't bear it!"

Long Xingyang clenched a fist and said: "Having finally waited until this day, seeing that he is going to live and die, we must not let him live for another ten years!"

At the same time, Mu Wushuang also let out a surprised sound.

"Uncle Emperor, you mean, the Holy Emperor is going to exchange our son's blood sacrifice for your ten-year lifespan? Why is he so hateful!"

Long Mo said deeply: "Although I don't know him, his purpose is not difficult to guess. I should have guessed correctly." He sneered, "He has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father for a day. For my sake, maybe there are other calculations in his mind. And he shouldn't be absolutely wrong, and put his idea on our son."

"Daddy, if Xixi can use Xixi's life in exchange for his parents to live for another ten years, Xixi is willing." Xiao Xuanxi said crisply on the edge of the door.

"Eavesdropped again!"

Mu Wushuang gave his son a stern look, but his heart was too soft.

Xiao Xuanxi pouted and acted like a baby, trying to get through.

Mu Wushuang beckoned him over, hugged him and said:

"Xixi, my father and mother will live for a thousand years, so are you, and you must remember that no matter what time, my father and mother just want you to live well and won't hurt you a little bit."

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