Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 441: Realm rise

Chapter 441

In the thundering light, Mu Wu's rickety body suddenly stood upright, proud of the world.

The yin and yang gossip in her dantian flowed faster and faster, absorbing the heavenly energy in the heavenly calamity, and taking that terrifying power for her own use.

Suddenly, the golden light of the sky was prosperous, it turned out to be an immeasurable golden calamity!

Have the power to destroy heaven and earth!

very scary!

Why Thunder Tribulation suddenly turned golden!

Everyone was so shocked by the dazzling light that they couldn't open their eyes, and there was only one thought left in their hearts-Mu Wushuang must be dead this time!

However, Mu Wushuang, who was thought to be dead, was extremely relaxed at this time. Her thick eyelashes trembled, her eyes opened, a pair of clear black eyes were revealed, and there was surprise in her eyes.

The blood in her body was surging, like an ancient blood dragon rushing to the sky, and the supreme will urged to welcome this catastrophe.

Now in her eyes, this is not a life-killing catastrophe, but a tool to temper her body!

The terrible Lei Hai surrounded Mu Wushuang, and the yin and yang gossip in her dantian swiftly revolved. Her body was crackling and the golden light on her body was bright. Under the catastrophe, her body became more and more condensed!

She faced the thunder and lightning, punched the thunder cloud and lightning, and fought with thunder robbery. She swallowed all over her body and moved forward courageously, like a **** of war!

"Oh my God! That's... Mu Wushuang!!"

After adapting to the dazzling golden light, someone was shocked the moment they opened their eyes, pointing to the posture of the sky fighting against the tribulation, and shouting in shock.

"Why is she so courageous that she actually faced the catastrophe!"

"Look! Her body is recovering too fast! What a monster!"

"She is using Heaven's Tribulation to temper her body!"

Countless people only felt that their hearts had been shocked. It turned out that Mu Wushuang was bound to die, and she had already turned into ashes under the golden calamity. However, she unexpectedly stepped forward to meet the calamity and move forward bravely!

Mu Wushuang’s bones made a faint sound. She quickly looked at her body and found that her whole body had changed, and even the injuries she had suffered before were gone. A golden gentle force in her six internal organs was moving. She will be assimilated soon, and she feels that her body's power seems to have an infinitely powerful force!

The energy of Heavenly Tribulation is truly extraordinary!

This was just the beginning, and her body was transformed!

Even the blood became golden!

The golden light between heaven and earth was flourishing, and the gathered spiritual energy entered Mu Wushuang’s dantian like a cloud. Her whole body gave people a completely new illusion. The original bursting body changed a little during the reorganization. In the process of transformation, she A faint golden light shines under her skin, and her skin is as clean as a new life!

Mu Wushuang used the golden origin power in his body to speed up his body's tempering transformation!

She hangs quietly in the sky, letting the catastrophe hit her body, her white hair is flying, her body is crystal clear, her body is simple and natural, and it seems that there are three thousand avenues appearing to temper her body.

The blood gradually surging, like a real dragon rushing out, lingering above her head, the breath of this flesh is called a world-shaking power, enough to overwhelm the heroes.

The physical body is still undergoing transformation, and the skin is becoming more and more flawless, glowing with powerful vitality, as if reborn! The essence of heaven and earth is flowing into her body!

At this time, the transformation in Mu Wushuang's body had been completely completed. Her eyes were shining, and she felt the powerful force in her body. She clenched her hand into a fist and punched it towards the ground. Hearing a loud explosion, it hit a terrifying depth of tens of meters, and the ground next to it was cracking!

She was flying in the air, her clothes wavy, and a breath of reigning over the world enveloped her, and her whole body was shining, dazzling, as if she had a godlike charm.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the sky full of dark clouds, thundering rays, and electric lights like the sea. Suddenly, the sky was like washing and clear sky!

That terrible immeasurable tribulation was so quietly retreated!

Even it has nothing to do with Mu Wushuang!

Everyone was stunned, still unbelievable!

"My mother is so amazing!"

Xiao Xuan Xi's eyes were staring, and a little foolish face.

My mother is so handsome, at this moment, my mother is like the goddess of war in the story book, looking down at the world and looking down upon everything!

Ling Xiao, wise elder Sun Rong, as well as Wu Ji Zi Mu Yuanhong, they all breathed a sigh of relief. This mighty catastrophe was finally over!

"It's raining!"

Mu Yuheng stretched out his hands and said in surprise.

As soon as his voice fell, a pouring rain poured down!

"It's raining in the world!"

"Only when the gods approve Mu Wushuang will the rain come down!"

"How can we encounter such a rare spiritual rain!"

Everyone opened their arms to greet the washing by the rain of spirits. This is the rain that descends from the sky, and it doesn't come down every time there is spiritual cultivation, this kind of opportunity is hard to find in a thousand years!

The aura in the rain is comparable to the aura in the best spirit stone, which can wash the spiritual body from the outside to the inside, filling the body with aura.

More importantly, after the spiritual cultivation washed by the rain, Wutai Qingming makes it easier to break through the existing bottleneck.

Many people regret it, if they are just in the bottleneck period, it will be fine! What a pity!

A small number of spiritual practitioners who were in the bottleneck period were very happy, let Lingyu soak all over their bodies, and when they returned, they immediately meditated and practiced, waiting for the opportunity to break through!

It's a pity that the spiritual rain was very short, and it was over after only a short while, and the sun suddenly appeared and there was no cloud in all directions.

After being washed by Lingyu, the blood and water on Mu Wushuang's body have been washed clean, and the skin is more crystal clear like jade, as if there is a faint golden brilliance, like a beautiful jade halo.

But at this moment, her aura suddenly rose!

The cultivation realm that fell to the fifth floor of the Spirit King realm is rapidly climbing!

The sixth floor of the Spirit King Realm!

Seventh Floor of the Spirit King Realm!

Nine floors of the Spirit King Realm!

It has broken through the spiritual realm!

The second floor of Lingzun realm!

Three floors!


The sixth floor of the Spirit Venerable Realm! ! !

In everyone's eyes, her cultivation level rose to the sixth level of the Spiritual Venerable Realm in one breath!


Everyone was stunned!

The speed of this advancement is no longer "fast" to describe it, it is simply against the sky!

Many people are jealous.

"If I can climb to Tier 6 at one time, I'm willing to cross the catastrophe!" someone said.

"Cut! Come on! Mu Wushuang's tribulation is comparable to the tribulation of the spiritual fairyland. Even if it is given to you, you will not be able to survive the first time. Just like Jiang Hao, it will be wiped out!"

Someone complained.

That's right, when I remembered the oppressive force of the tribulation that destroyed the sky and the earth just now, I was frightened and couldn't help but want to tremble.

"Mu Wushuang! Lose our family's best medicine field!"

Suddenly, Miss Helian Helianqian stood up and shouted angrily in Mu Wushuang's direction.

Everyone looked at the medicine field under Mu Wushuang's feet. There was no medicine field. It was a scorched land, and Mu Wushuang punched out a huge hole in the center!

This hundreds of acres of top-quality medicinal fields, it is estimated that Mu Wushuang and Huo Huo have already put nothing in the grass!

Mu Wushuang must be deliberate!

Who didn't know that He Lianqian was going to grab a man with Mu Wushuang!


Someone couldn't help but laughed out loud.

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