Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 467: Blindfold

Chapter 467

The aura from all directions is overwhelming.

As soon as Xiao Xuanxi sensed the aura, he inducted the qi into his body, like a huge vortex in his body, sucking in the majestic aura.

There was a sudden vision in the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, and strong winds passed by.

But the vision only appeared for a while and disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

Mu Wushuang leaned on the emperor's uncle, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. His son attracted a vision of heaven and earth as soon as he practiced. It is so extraordinary, and he will definitely be incomparable in the future.

She doesn't necessarily want her son to be so powerful, but in this world where the strong is respected, strength represents too much, and without strength, people will only be stepped on the soles of the feet.

If you want to do whatever you want, you must have the strength to match it.

Two hours later, the misty aura of the Milky Way disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Xuanxi exhaled a suffocating breath and opened her dark eyes.

The first sentence was: "Daddy, mother and daughter, I am thin! I can eat more in the future!"

The strong aura washes the body, the son has indeed lost a lot of weight, and the bulging belly is gone.

It's really a foodie, the first thing you lose weight is eating.

"Only at the fourth level of the Spiritual Apprentice Realm, Xixi, you are far behind your father. When your father first started practicing, he rose to the fifth level of the Spiritual Apprentice Realm in one breath. If you want to eat, you have to catch up with your father. "

Mu Wushuang said to his son with a smile.

Xiao Xuanxi's eyes widened: "Daddy is so powerful? No, I can't be worse than Daddy! I want to continue practicing!"

After that, he crossed his legs and began to practice again.

Mu Wushuang laughed, she was teasing him deliberately, but he didn't expect him to have a strong desire to win.

In fact, his son is very powerful. He is only four years old and has reached the fourth level of the Spiritual Apprentice Realm. However, she and the emperor, and even others, have grown into spiritual roots at the age of twelve.

This time coming to Bronze Town, the biggest gain should be that the growth time of his son's spiritual roots has been shortened.

My son can practice seven or eight years faster than his peers, and he won the starting line early.

"Haste is not enough, Xixi, get up, at your age, it is enough to practice once a day." Mu Wushuang said to him.

By the way, he took out a small bottle of honey as a reward.

Smelling the sweetness, Xiao Xuanxi, who was still serious about cultivating just now, stood up and took the honey in his hand joyfully.

"Xixi, starting today, I will teach you the exercises."

Long Moshen said to his son.

Cultivation alone is useless. You have to learn the exercises. This exercise contains countless kinds of swordsmanship, swordsmanship and boxing. The stronger the exercises, the greater the strength of the cultivation.

Xiao Xuanxi was very interested in cultivation, and nodded happily upon hearing this.

He still doesn't know that the courses he will face in the future will be hellishly difficult.

Not only does his father want to teach him things, his mother also often catches him and teaches him to draw amulets and swords to make alchemy, etc., and he is about to make this only son into almighty.

After staying in Bronze Town for more than half a month, there were already people on the ninth floor in the town who had successfully introduced the air into the body, and the people on the other floor had already touched the edge, and they were soon able to introduce the air into the body.

This speed was beyond the expectations of Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen, but none of this seemed strange, because the existence of Bronze Town was already very mysterious.

Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang also taught the cultivation methods and tricks to the first group of people who were the first to bring Qi into the body. In the past two months, the highest cultivation level has achieved the second level of the spiritual apprentice realm. This person is right. It is Lin Xiaofan, the mayor's grandson.

Lin Xiaofan is extremely talented, and he can draw inferences from one another, his cultivation base is steady and steady, and he doesn't advance aggressively. In the future, there will be some amazing cultivation bases.

It's a pity that the people in Bronze Town have their ancestors, and they must not leave Bronze Town hundreds of miles away, otherwise they will be in bad luck.

But Lin Xiaofan said that he only wanted to protect the people in the town from monsters. No matter how prosperous the outside world is, it has nothing to do with him.

He was young, but his tone was like an old monk.

Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang didn't do anything to them just because they couldn't get out of Bronze Town and didn't need to show their skills. They taught them very seriously.

In the next half month, they taught everyone all the Heavenly Rank exercises, and everyone just needs to continue to practice.

After everything is done, it is time to leave.

All the villagers in Bronze Town came down under the big banyan tree to send them off.

This month, the people in Bronze Town have undergone tremendous changes. They are no longer ordinary mortals, but cultivators who have entered the path of cultivation.

As long as they improve their cultivation level, they no longer need to worry about mortals' birth, old age, sickness and death, and they can strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives.

Several elderly people over a hundred years old are no longer hunched, their postures have changed, and they can walk vigorously, and live more than ten years will not be a problem.

Everyone was very grateful to Mu Wushuang's family of three, each of which brought out eggs, jerky and other things to them, so that they would come to Bronze Town in the future.

Everyone knows that they can't leave Bronze Town, so they can only hope that they can come back and have a look.

"Everyone, go back, rest assured, we will come back to see you."

Mu Wushuang smiled and said to everyone.

Xiao Xuanxi also bid farewell to a few friends.

The flying spirit tool was activated and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The villagers watched this scene, and some of them shed sad tears.

"Huh! Aura suddenly becomes richer!"

A young man said in surprise.

Everyone also discovered that just now, the aura here suddenly became several times stronger than before.

"How is this going?"

Everyone is very confused.

"It's the Spirit Gathering Array." Suddenly, Lin Xiaofan said, "It was arranged by Big Brother Long and Sister Wushuang."

He still remembered that Mu Wushuang had mentioned the formation technique with him, and he also specially left him a formation book and many formation stones, so that he could study it himself if he was interested.

He flipped through that book, and there was a formation for gathering spiritual energy in it.

Feeling the aura that was several times stronger, Lin Xiaofan said: "In order for us to practice better, they specially set up a spiritual gathering formation."

The villagers looked at the place where the flying magic weapon disappeared in the sky, and they were moved.

On the other side, the flying spirit weapon left a hundred miles away from Bronze Town, and then flew forward for a while, suddenly a thick white fog appeared in front of it.

Through the thick fog, there is a sea outside.

"Mother, father, look, Bai Wu has turned into stone!"

Xiao Xuanxi pointed behind him and said in shock.

Mu Wushuang looked at the place he had just passed through. There was no white mist there, only the steep rock wall, the blue water below, and the waves lapping against the rock wall, making a sound of ocean waves.

"Blind eyes." Long Moshen said behind her.

Mu Wushuang said: "Bronze Town seems to have more secrets."

This blind eye method is obviously not an ordinary blind eye method.

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