Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 494: Manifestation

Chapter 494

Tang Wen's words reminded Mu Wushuang.

Many spiritual cultivators have come out of the secret realm of the demons these days. I don't know if any demons have come out of it.

"Now seal the city gate."

Mu Wushuang looked at the emperor.

Long Mo curled his lips deeply and said, "The city has been sealed."

The two thought of another thing.

Mu Wushuang looked at him and laughed.

Then, she took out a dozen magic charms from the storage ring and put them on the table.

"What are these symbols?"

Cang Yang curiously said.

He has not been in contact with Talisman for a short time, but he doesn't recognize such Talisman.

"This is a magic talisman. It is not easy to draw. It can only be drawn in five or six hours. You can hold these more than ten. The talisman will get hot when encountering evil spirits."

Mu Wushuang said.

"Showing the magic talisman!" Cang Yang opened his mouth wide, "the eighth talisman! Master sister, are you now an eighth talisman?!"

He was surprised.

He has heard that this kind of magic talisman will get hot when it meets the demons. It is equivalent to a magic weapon that can detect demons, and its effect is permanent!

But this is an eighth-order magic talisman, and only an eighth-order talisman can draw it, but there is no eighth-order talisman in this world, so who else would it be?

But how long has it been now, she is already an eighth-order talisman!

Moreover, the magic talisman is extremely complicated and difficult to draw. Even in ancient times, there were very few talismans who could draw the magic talisman. It took more than ten hours to draw a magic talisman, but the master sister actually said that five or six By the time she painted a picture!

This is... too enchanting!

Mu Wushuang nodded calmly. In fact, as early as in Bronze Town, she had already been promoted to a Tier 8 talisman, where she was close to nature and close to the heavens, and she could easily break through the bottleneck.

However, she took the time to draw this magic talisman these few nights, so there are only more than ten.

Seeing the big sister nodded, Cang Yang was shocked again.

It's one thing to guess, but the big sister admits that it's another.

Unexpectedly, the master sister is already an eighth-order talisman!

Horror, since ancient times, there is no such a young Tier 8 Talisman like her!

Above the eighth rank talisman, there is the ninth rank legendary talisman, even in the ancient times, there are not many legendary rank ninth talisman.

Now the master sister is only one step away from the legendary level!

"Second brother, how powerful is this magic talisman!"

Tang Wen and several juniors asked towards Cangyang.

Cang Yang talked about the role of the magic talisman.

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of the disciples looking at the magic talisman on the table became fierce. Good deeds, this is a magic talisman, this is clearly a magic weapon, and it can also be a family heirloom!

The others in the lobby were also very enthusiastic. If the Young Emperor weren't here, some people would come over and beg to buy a few magic charms!

There are only a few Tier 8 magic talisman in this world!

The most important thing is that now that evil spirits have appeared on the mainland, the effect of this magic talisman is too great, and there is no need to worry about encountering evil spirits pretending to be ordinary people in the future!

Wujizi and his disciples took one of these magic talisman. Mu Yuheng had a scorpion pill given by his sister. If he didn't need the magic talisman, he didn't need it, so there were a few more magic talisman.

The people on each table looked at the remaining few magic talisman with enthusiasm.

"There are three revealing magic talisman left, does anyone here want it?"

Mu Wushuang suddenly said.

"I want it!"

"I need to!"

"I will buy one for one hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

"I pay 150,000!"

Everyone spoke out.

"Just one hundred thousand." Mu Wushuang pointed to the two people who had just bid: "You, and you, come over and get the magic talisman."

In fact, let her give it away for nothing, but things are too easy to get, and they are often not regarded as treasures, so she asks for the lowest price.

Otherwise, if she sells a Tier 8 magic talisman, at least one million high-grade spirit stones will start, not one hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

The two of them were in ecstasy immediately, and hurried forward, happily putting away the treasure of the magic talisman.

At this moment, someone whispered: "Cut, the ghost knows whether this broken talisman has any effect, and actually spends so many spirit stones to buy a broken talisman! People might be the sect!"

His voice is not loud, but everyone in the audience is spiritually cultivating, and the cultivation level is not low, so he can naturally hear these words clearly.

The two devotionals who bought the charms were a little embarrassed, and the male devoted a question to them, and they also began to think, is this an eighth-level charm?

The disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect suddenly became angry, and pointed at the man's anger: "Shut up! Our master sister, whether it is alchemy or talisman making, is the best on the mainland, how can you allow you to slander you!"

That person originally thought that Mu Wushuang and the others had deliberately been alarmist before and deliberately wanted to scare away spiritual cultivation and prevent everyone from entering the secret realm to gain benefits. Therefore, after Mu Wushuang took out the magic talisman, they thought it was too fake and did not believe that the magic talisman was eight. Rank spirit talisman, he did not believe that there would be an eighth rank talisman as young as Mu Wushuang.

Now being pointed at by the Qingyun Jianzong disciple, he only felt that his face was lost, and immediately became angry, and said loudly:

"Why did I slander her? I'm right. You said that this magic talisman has such a strong effect, that it is blown into the sky, so I haven't verified it for everyone. Who knows if what you said is true or false! "

"The symbols drawn by the master sister, of course have this effect!"

"Our elder sister is strong, do you need your beak?"

The disciples still want to go back because they unconditionally believe in the master sister, because the master sister can always create miracles for them.

At this time, Mu Wushuang raised his hand, and the disciples' voices stopped immediately.

She didn't even look at the male spiritual practitioner. Instead, she picked up the only magic talisman left on the table and flicked her hand, and the magic talisman was tightly attached to the entrance of the inn lobby.

"When the Xian Devil Talisman meets the evil demon, it will not only get hot, but also emit a faint light. Is it an exaggeration? You will know if you wait to see it."

Mu Wushuang said indifferently.

Wu Jizi laughed and shouted: "Little Er, another pot of Lingcha!"

Watching the lively little Er woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said "Oh!"

The man's spiritual expression was not pretty, and said:

"Hmph, are there so many demons running all over the floor? You know that no demons will appear, so you deliberately put this charm at the door, even if there is no response, you can infer that no demons have appeared!"

Mu Wushuang ignored him.

When the other disciples saw this, they also learned that the elder sister ignored the man's spiritual practice.

The lobby was quiet for a while. The male spiritualist wanted to throw his sleeves away, but he was waiting for someone. In the morning, he had an appointment with a friend to meet at this inn and couldn't leave.

The devotionals at the other tables were unwilling to leave because of curiosity.

Xiao Er quickly brought up a pot of spirit tea, which was the most expensive spirit tea in this inn, but they drank it at Wujizi, and it was a little tasteless.

After more than half an hour slowly passed, a few people entered the lobby without causing the charm at the door to light up.

Everyone gradually lost their patience.

However, just when someone thought of getting up and leaving, the complex and mysterious magic talisman at the door suddenly emitted a faint yellow light!

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