Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 496: Cut grass and root

Chapter 496

"Devilish energy! Devilish energy!"

"Look! His eyes are red!"

Just when the male spiritualist saw a black air coming out of his friend Lin Qian, other people also saw it, and they all pointed at Lin Qian and yelled.

Not only did a devilish gas appear on Lin Qian's body, even his originally normal eyes suddenly turned blood red, looking extremely permeating.

His face was distorted, and his mouth suddenly made a sharp whistling sound, which shocked people's eardrums!

Everyone covered their ears subconsciously, looking at this scene with shock!

"Don't reveal the magic talisman on his head!"

Someone shouted to the male spiritual practitioner.

His previous action was to reveal the charm to his friend, and everyone was nervous, for fear that he would take the charm away.

Because it can be seen that this person named Lin Qian has a devilish energy and revealed his true face because of an extra magic talisman on his head!

If the magic talisman is uncovered, the evil demon may harm people and may escape!

At the same time, everyone was terrified. The evil spirits were too cunning, and there were no flaws in them before!

The male spiritualist did not go to reveal the magic talisman, he was also scared, stepped back a few steps, looked at this scene in disbelief, and said in shock:

"How could Lin Qian become a demon? How could it be possible!"

Mu Yuheng walked up and said blankly:

"He is dead, he is just parasitized by evil spirits. Let you foolish people take a good look at how evil spirits are parasitic in spiritual cultivation!"

After finishing speaking, the Pure Yang sword in his hand rolled up a fiery sword flower, and the sword aura picked up, and a black energy soaring to the sky twisted out of Lin Qian's sky spirit cover.

The pure sun sword meets the devil, its brilliance is bright, and the sword slashes above the evil spirit's black energy!


The demon cried out in pain!

The Pure Yang Sword is the nemesis of the evil demon. Generally, magic weapons are difficult to harm the evil demon. However, the pure Yang Sword's sword energy slashes on the evil demon, and the evil demon makes a "chicking" sound. , Even the bluestone floor has corroded several large holes.

The sharp screams became smaller and smaller.

Until the black energy disappeared completely, the evil spirit finally dissipated in the world.


At this moment, a cowardly female spiritualist screamed.

After the magical energy came out, Lin Qian's body fell to the ground. The position of his heart was empty, as if he was emptied and eaten.

His eyes were dizzy and hollow, his pale skin had a dead blue color, and he was obviously already dead.

And his face was very distorted, as if he had suffered great pain before death!

It looks terrible.

"Is that scared?"

Mu Yuheng snorted coldly, turned Lin Qian over, and then everyone clearly saw that Lin Qian's Tianling cover had been lifted, and all the brain inside was gone!


Someone retched: "The evil demon won't eat his brain, right?"

When other people saw this scene, they were also disgusting.

I was so afraid.

"Eat his brain and heart, you can get his memory. This is a secret technique unique to demons! Now you know how demons are parasitic on spiritual cultivation!"

Mu Yuheng said coldly.

When he remembered the misunderstanding of these people about his sister, he was annoyed. These ignorant people were blinded by ignorance and treated others as liars.

If it wasn't for rectifying his sister's name, he wouldn't want to say a word to them.

"We were wrong!"

"We misunderstood Girl Mu!"

"We are ignorant, please forgive girl Mu!"

Everyone, you said in a sincere manner.

They never thought that there would be demons so boldly appearing here, pretending to be as nonchalant as a normal person, if it weren't for the revealing magic talisman to shine, I'm afraid no one would suspect Lin Qian!

But they thought that Mu Wushuang was deceiving people, thinking that she was viciously trying to kill ordinary people, but they didn't realize that they were the one who was wrong.

If it were not for Mu Wushuang and the others, it would be hard to imagine what would happen next.

The insidious cunning of demons is something that all spiritual cultivation knows, but when you really meet, you will know how hateful and arrogant demons are!

Just swaggering into the inn full of spiritual cultivation, isn't it arrogant?

At this time, everyone was so envious that they just bought the two spiritual talisman from Mu Wushuang, if they didn't hesitate, then the magic talisman would have their share.

It's a pity that there are only so many Manifestations in total, and I can't buy it now.

These two devotionals who spent 100,000 middle-grade spirit stones did not know yet. Soon, the magic talisman on their bodies would be sold to a sky-high price, but they did not sell them in the end.

The previous male spiritualist knelt on the ground, carried Lin Qian's corpse on his back, banged his head in Mu Wushuang's direction a few times, and said:

"It’s because I have eyes and no beads, and treat the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I confessed a mistake to Miss Mu. I am also grateful to you for letting my brother and my friend Lin Qian finally gain a little dignity. Disaster!"

After speaking, he banged his head at Mu Wushuang again, and then left the inn with Lin Qian's body on his back.

This person was loyal, and he was able to recognize his mistakes in time, but Mu Wushuang hadn't taken his previous remarks to heart, so he didn't have any disgust with him. He was just a stranger.

But what he did just now made her a little admired, she must have the same character and integrity.

The shopkeeper of the inn wiped the cold sweat from his head, and came to Mu Wushuang's side with a look of fear, and said carefully:

"Miss Mu, whether this magic talisman on the door can be sold to a small shop, it’s not a secret. The scene just now was too shocking. If you don’t put this magic talisman at the door, I’m afraid everyone in the inn will agree. Frightened."

Mu Wushuang didn't care much, waved his hand and said, "I'm here for you."

The shopkeeper was overjoyed and quickly thanked him. An old face was full of wrinkles with a smile, and all pleasant words came out.

Too big!

Everyone listened and was envious.

At this time, the guests in the inn hurried to find Xiao Er to stay for a few more nights. After all, there is this magic talisman on the door. Even if there is an evil demon, it can also act as an early warning. In this way, there is no need to worry about someone around you being caught by the evil demon. Parasitic, I can't sleep well when I sleep.

Mu Wushuang and his party stood up.

The city gate has been blocked by the emperor, and now no one can enter or leave.

I don't know how many demons came out of the secret realm in the city. This one in the inn is just the tip of the iceberg.

There must be many demons parasitic on spiritual practitioners, walking around the city pretending to be ordinary spiritual practitioners.

And what Wuji had to do was to cut the roots of these demons!

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