Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 498: Big incident

Chapter 498

Sprinkle a lot of yellow charms without money!

No matter how fast the demons hide, they will inevitably get a few of them!

Suddenly, the evil demon screamed, unable to hide, and was sealed in place and immovable.

The evil spirit's black energy wanted to rush out of that body, but couldn't move the slightest.

When everyone saw this scene, they all stepped back unbelievably.


"It's really a demon!"

"Oh my God! Almost cheated!"

"How could the big brother become a demon!?" The young man didn't want to believe it, but looking at the devilish qi and the screaming cry from the big brother, he had to admit that there was something in the body of the big brother. Demons exist!

"It was an evil demon who killed my husband!"

The woman was sad and angry, holding a sword and stabbed at the black Qi!

It's just that the ordinary sword aura couldn't hurt the evil demon any more. No matter how many times she swung the sword, the demon that was sealed up was not killed by her.

Mu Yuheng raised the Pure Yang Sword, swiped it, and knocked out the evil spirit from the body of spiritual cultivation.

Then handed the sword to the woman.

The woman saw that the sword was different, and she was grateful. She took the sword and stabbed the unmoving demon fiercely, as if venting her anger.

When the evil demon met Pure Yang Sword, it turned into black water of sneer, and the screams became more tragic and deafening.

Long Moshen arranged an enchantment, so the sound did not spread to other places, lest the evil spirits in the secret realm dare not come out.

The woman stabbed a total of more than ten times, without any rules at all, the evil demon finally turned into black water and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After revenge, the woman fell on the ground and wept.

And the pale corpse of the parasitic spiritual practitioner was lying flat on the ground like this, the heart and brain were gone, very terrible.

Everyone looked at this scene, and only felt that they had received a huge shock in their hearts, and there was no sound for a long time.

Mu Wushuang slowly stepped forward and said in a flat tone:

"The reason why the young emperor made people block the secret realm and the city gates is to prevent evil spirits from harming people. You have also seen them. Demons are insidious and cunning, good at disguising, parasitic on spiritual cultivation, and even the closest people cannot detect it. Do you dare to say that you have the confidence to tell whether the people around you are demons or ordinary people?"

Many people shook their heads subconsciously.

Just now, the evil demon behaved the same as it was true, no matter its demeanor or tone, it was very ordinary, and there was nothing wrong with it!

"You can't, but we can."

Mu Wushuangdao.

"I won't enter the secret realm anymore, can you let me out of the city?"

Someone asked in a low voice.

Mu Wushuang nodded: "Yes, but anyone who leaves the city must cooperate with the test, and can only go out but not in."

As long as it is not an evil demon, those who want to go out can go out. The fewer people in the city, the more convenient it is.

At the gate of the city, two disciples of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect were sent to cooperate with the emperor's silver armor guard. There are two manifestations of magic talisman, no evil spirit can escape!

Hearing Mu Wushuang's answer, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and it would be good to be able to go out. Since the secret realm is so dangerous, it is better to leave Yuanhai City early. This muddy water, ordinary people don't dare to drip.

However, there are still many people who are not ready to leave for the time being. Those who are brave and starve to death. You can wait and see to see if the demons in the secret realm can be eliminated. If so, wouldn't the treasure in the secret realm have a chance? Go looking for it.

As long as safety is guaranteed, they are not afraid of demons.

Mu Wushuang saw their thoughts from people's faces, and said coldly:

"Evil spirits inhale devil qi for a living. They are born to be opposite to spiritual cultivation. Common magic weapons can hardly hurt evil spirits. Unless you have magic charms such as enchanting charms and exterminating charms, you will most likely become the next one if you stay. !"

Speaking at the end, she pointed to the dead spirituality on the ground.

Greed, generally does not end well.

The evil spirits are extremely cunning, and the current Yuanhai City is perilous. Who knows if there will be evil spirits hiding and secretly harming people.

Standing beside her, Long Moshen said blankly to everyone, "If you don't want to die, you can stay."

The crowd looked embarrassed and backed away.

The coercion on the young emperor was too terrifying, everyone was frightened away by his coercion.

The crowd disappeared in twos and threes, and only the woman and the young man remained.

The young man put the body of his senior brother in the storage ring and said to the woman:

"Senior sister, please come back to the sect with me. The body of the senior brother still needs to be put into the soil for safety."

"No, I'll wait for him here." The woman shook her head, staring at the entrance with red and swollen eyes, her eyes hollow.

The young man shook his head and turned to leave.

At this moment, a person covered in blood suddenly stumbled out of the secret realm.


The woman's eyes lit up suddenly, and she ran towards the person who could no longer recognize her appearance.

Cang Yang was going to stop her because the people inside didn't know whether it was a normal person or an evil demon, but he noticed that the big sister shook her head at him.

At a glance, Mu Wushuang could see that the man covered in blood inside was not an evil demon, and his injuries were serious. It was already a miracle to be able to walk here.

She took out a pill from the storage ring.

Before he gave it to the man, he heard the emperor's uncle call Long Yi.

Long Yi immediately appeared, and the pill in her hand was also thrown into Long Yi's hand by the emperor's uncle, and Long Yi went to hand it over to the seriously injured man.

When the woman saw the pill, she was shocked:

"The sixth-order pill!"

She immediately knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen, and then hurriedly stuffed the pill into her husband's mouth.

Soon, the man recovered from a severely injured and dying state, and hurriedly took his wife into his arms, and said anxiously: "Big brother, he is dead! He is parasitized by a demon! Have you seen him?"

"It's okay, the demon is dead, husband, it's nice that you are alive!"

The woman cried with joy, and the young junior was also so excited.

In the end, the two couples knelt down to Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen and kowtowed again to express their gratitude.

"Go back, don't come again."

Mu Wushuang waved at them.

A woman’s husband is lucky, but there are very few who are lucky.

Of the more than 400 spiritual practitioners who went in in the morning, only two hundred and fifty came out in the end.

And the night in the Demon Race Secret Realm was when the demon energy was at its strongest, and almost no one could stay in it for a night and come out.

In other words, nearly two hundred spiritual practices died in the Demon Realm today.

This is a large number.

Moreover, in the spiritual cultivation that came out of the secret realm later, a total of twelve people were disguised as demons, and they were all killed on the spot.

Having died so much spiritual practice, this is already a major event, and people in the spiritual guild must be notified that they have come.

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