Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 716: Ruin

Chapter 716

Shen Zhouyi realized that he had completely offended Mu Wushuang, and she would definitely not bypass him, so in order to survive, he had to unite everyone and kill her!

"Yes! We killed her together! No matter how strong she is, she is only one person! We have thirty-eight people!"

Others also understood that Mu Wushuang would not let them make a living. At this time, they could only unite and kill her together!

Mu Wushuang glanced at everyone with disdain, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

She can kill people more and more, but when these people join hands, they want to kill her?

Really naive!

She can easily kill Da Luo Jinxian, not to mention a group of rookies!

In Danxia Valley, the sword intent was booming for a while, and the terrifying sword intent was felt even by people outside Danxia Valley.

This powerful sword intent makes people tremble and want to surrender! The weapons in his hand are buzzing, shaken by this sword intent!

This terrifying coercion seems to be Da Luo Jinxian!

However, when did a big Luo Jinxian enter Danxia Valley?

The people outside felt unbelievable, but this terrifying cold and powerful sword intent came from the valley!

What happened inside?

Ten or so of Shen Zhouyi’s subordinates were immediately distraught and worried about the safety of Young City Lord, but they didn’t have a badge and couldn’t go inside to find out. They only hope that the big Luo Jinxian inside looks at the face of Young City Lord and don’t hurt him, otherwise they will go back. Later, in the face of the city lord’s questioning, they had to peel off without dying!

Soon, the horror sword intent in Danxia Valley disappeared, and there was silence inside, with a strong smell of blood coming out of the door, one can imagine how many people died.

At this time, a person walked out of the light curtain at the door.

Who is it!

Everyone's curious and caring eyes surrounded the past!

I saw a man wearing blue and black clothes with a gloomy face came out from inside. Although his whole body was restrained and he couldn't see his cultivation base, everyone could feel the terrible evil spirit and killing intent on him.

No matter how curious people are, they don't dare to ask questions, for fear that this person will be upset and kill them.

Maybe, the big Luo Jinxian inside is this person!

But this person is so eye-catching, how do you feel that there is no such person among those who enter?

Until this person left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the breath locked in by death finally disappeared.

"Young City Lord doesn't know what happened!"

Several of Shen Zhouyi's men said worriedly.

"Wait, if it still doesn't come out, then something must have happened!"

After waiting for a while, Danxia Valley was about to be closed. Everyone inside did not come out, and everyone was fully aware of the problem.

"Quick! Report it to the city lord, the young city lord may be killed!"

Shen Zhouyi's subordinates said with an ugly expression.

Such a big thing happened here, and soon several people from big forces rushed over. The door of Danxia Valley had closed automatically, but they had their own way to open the door.

After entering, a burst of scorching smell rushed out, only blood and a little black dust on the ground, dozens of people didn't even see anyone!

"All are destroyed!"

An old man said with cold eyes.

A bit of black ash on the ground should have been deliberately left behind by people, in order to tell them that people were killed and burned by him. This person definitely has an extremely powerful fire!

"What! Then isn't our Young City Lord also..."

Shen Zhouyi's subordinates were pale.

Young City Lord is really dead!

One person asked:

"Old Huang, can you find some clues? Our city mainly avenges the young city lord. We must know who this person is!"

Huang Lao squinted a pair of gray eyes and circled the entire Danxia Valley, and finally said coldly:

"This person is so clever, there is no trace left, and even the old can't guess his identity. And the man you are talking about should be changed."

"In other words, even if you check all the identities of the person who entered Danxia Valley, you may not be able to find this person, because he is likely to come in with the appearance of others when he comes in. So smart, I will definitely not come in with a real face."

The middle-aged man next to Huang Lao said.

"That's right." Old Huang nodded, he also meant the same.

This person must have come prepared, perhaps for revenge, with a detailed plan, it is too difficult for them to find out the identity of this person.

This person must have run away.

Hearing Huang Laodu say this, Shen Zhouyi's subordinates became paler.

How can they explain to the city lord? The city lord will definitely anger them!


At this time, Mu Wushuang didn't run far, she was on the only way to Shenyuan City, waiting for her.

At that time, the person who came out of the door was indeed a disguised woman. Although she was not afraid of things, she hated trouble. If she was wanted, it would be inconvenient to do anything.

She killed so many people, and Shen Zhouyi’s status was a little higher, but Shen Zhouyi was the young city owner of the affiliated city of Qiankun City, and she had to go to Qiankun City, so she had to kill the dozen doglegs of Shen Zhouyi. .

Because she didn't want to change her face, she didn't know if the emperor uncle sent someone out to look for her. If she changed her face, she might pass by the people who came to look for her. She didn't want this to happen.

Several of Shen Zhouyi's doglegs have seen her true face, and she is the Danxia Valley that Shen Zhouyi entered together, so, in order to avoid trouble, these people must die.

She waited for a long time and kept releasing her consciousness, finally waiting for this group of people.

Very neatly, she killed all these people and destroyed the corpses. This time, she didn't leave any traces of black and gray. Even if someone came to look for them, she couldn't find any traces, let alone know the death of these people It is related to the death of Shen Zhouyi before.

After taking care of these people, she continued to move forward. She had searched Shen Zhouyi's soul before, so she was very familiar with the area around Qiankun City and knew how to get to Shenyuan City.

After three days of walking, I finally walked out of the Ziyang Mountains, and after another half day of flying, I arrived at Shenyuan City.

The spiritual cultivation of the demon world was not as much as she had imagined. As soon as she appeared, even with a veil, many inquiring eyes fell on her, which made her brows slightly frowned. If she lifted the veil, wouldn't there be more people watching her.

It seemed that she had to think about whether she should learn the techniques of the demon world.

After paying the Xuan Lingshi, Mu Wushuang entered Shen Yuan City.

Shenyuan City is very prosperous. Compared with the ghost repairing city, it is more than several times prosperous. The streets are full of people and cries are endless.

According to the information from Shen Zhouyi's soul, she went directly to the largest auction house in Shen Yuancheng.

But just a few steps away, she met an "acquaintance".

"You fox! Why are you here!"

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