Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 718: Murder and treasure

Chapter 718

"The old man didn't mean that, so be it, 60 million high-grade profound spirit stones, how about you sell these three elixir to our Wenxin Pavilion?"

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "My price is very fair, you just go to others, and there is no such high price. In Shenyuan City, no one is better than the price of Wenxin Pavilion."

Mu Wushuang heard what he meant. If she went to other places, maybe no one would dare to ask for her elixir.

After all, in Shen Zhouyi's memory, Wenxin Pavilion is the largest auction house in Shenyuan City. It is the only one with the support of the city lord behind it, and other businesses dare not fight against it.

She played with the pill bottle in her hand, looked at the old shopkeeper, and said:

"The shopkeeper, Shen Yuancheng is not easy to sell. I can still sell it elsewhere. The price you give is not fair."

The old shopkeeper's expression on his face became cold when she saw her soft and hard.

"The girl, what price do you think is right?"

"80 million."

Mu Wushuang spit out these three words slowly.

The price is neither low nor high, and she doesn't know the market for elixir. The price of ordinary first-grade elixir is around 20 million, while the higher quality one can sell for at least 30 million.

If an elixir like her were to be auctioned off, it would definitely be auctioned for three to four million yuan.

She sold three high-quality elixir to Wenxin Pavilion at one time, 80 million yuan, Wenxin Pavilion can make a lot of money.

But the old shopkeeper was greedy. He could see the quality of this elixir at a glance. He kept the price down so badly that he wanted to make more for himself. If he buys 80 million, he can only make 10 or 20 million at most. It's not too small, but he wants to make more.

He thought that this female spiritual practitioner was the three first-grade elixir obtained by chance, and she definitely wanted to make it as soon as possible. Who would have thought, she didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"Don't forget it."

Mu Wushuang said lightly, and took the medicine bottle back into the storage ring.

A cruel look flashed in the old shopkeeper's eyes, but it was fleeting, and he quickly said with a smile:

"Buy, buy, buy, the old man wants it. At your price, the old man can't make a piece of profound spirit stone!"

Mu Wushuang didn't speak, he took out the medicine directly, and made a deal in this hall. After taking the profound spirit stone, she left.

"Follow up, do her, and bring back the old man's profound spirit stone."

The old shopkeeper was holding the pill bottle, and sullenly ordered a middle-aged man behind him.

The middle-aged demon repair quickly disappeared in place.

The old shopkeeper sneered: "No one has ever taken so many profound spirit stones from the old man."

It's not a joke that people call a barren iron cock.

In Shenyuan City, there is a city lord as a backer, and he acts without fear. This female spiritual practitioner is just a true celestial cultivation base. At first glance, there is no backer or background, and he is not afraid to cause trouble.

Even if he got into trouble, the city owner would help him settle it.

As soon as Mu Wushuang went out, he knew someone was following her.

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth. In Shen Zhouyi's memory, Wenxin Pavilion's old shopkeeper was such a treacherous villain. She came here on purpose, not only for the simple purpose of selling three elixir, but she was just catching the bait.

Unexpectedly, the old shopkeeper was not disappointed and sent someone out to hunt her down.

I don’t know how many times he has done such vicious things. This time, she will be the hero!

The middle-aged male demon who came here is the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Peak, and she is good at tracking. She used the method of shrinking the ground to an inch, and the other party still followed steadily.

It seems to be a little capable.

Mu Wushuang turned left and turned right, exited the city gate in one breath, and flew towards the Ziyang Mountain Range.

At this time, the other party no longer concealed his figure, and directly chased her up.

Mu Wushuang pretended to be fleeing frantically, and when he reached no one's land, he stopped on the ground.

On the way, the middle-aged male demon cultivator was very shocked. He was good at tracking, and his cultivation was much higher than the female spiritual cultivator. However, the female spiritual cultivator did not know what footwork she used. It was very strange, and he was just barely reluctant. To catch her up, this is a situation he has never encountered before.

At the same time, greed rose in his heart.

What kind of god-level footwork is this female spiritual practitioner's footwork? If he can obtain this footwork, his tracking technique must be stronger.

At this moment, the female spiritual practitioner in front suddenly stopped.

He sneered, guessing that she must be exhausted and unable to run!

When he flew to the ground like a Changhong, the female spirit revision looked at him, but what made him feel uncomfortable was that the female spirit revisionist had no fear on her face!

There seemed to be a joking smile in her dark eyes.

The middle-aged male demon Xiu frowned and pointed to Mu Wushuang:

"Hand over 80 million high-grade profound spirit stones, and I will spare you not to die."

"I'm afraid, you don't have this skill."

Mu Wushuang curled his lips and said, his posture was ethereal, but his tone was full of arrogance.

"Heh! Toast and not eat fine wine!"

The male demon snorted coldly and took out the fairy weapon.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang slashed out with a sword. With a shaking sword, the sky was gloomy for an instant. The middle-aged male demon Xiu's shocked expression remained on his face, and the sword intent to destroy the galaxy had penetrated him. heart.


"Sun Zhufeng, you are back! This time, you came back after going out for three days!"

At the gate of Shen Yuancheng, a few guards spoke to a middle-aged male demon Xiu with a flat face.

The middle-aged male demon looks very ordinary, the kind that is difficult to recognize in the crowd, but there is a long scar on his eyes, like a centipede, extremely conspicuous, making his whole person's breath appear extremely gloomy.

The reason why people pleased him is because he was invited by the owner of Wenxin Pavilion to worship. At the peak of Golden Wonderland, when he is in a bad mood, he may beat people to death, but when he is in a good mood, he is generous. The guards at the gate of the city have all received a lot of rewards from him.

This time I saw Sun Zhufeng in a good mood, and the guards naturally flattered him.

Sure enough, Sun Zhufeng directly took out a lot of profound spirit stones from his storage ring, rewarded them with a few, and then drove away.

"Why did you come back? That female spiritual practitioner can't solve it?"

Once Sun Gongfeng asked Xinge, he was found by the old shopkeeper and asked directly when he saw him.

The old shopkeeper turned his eyes suspiciously on Sun Jifeng's body.


Sun worshipped Dao without expression, and handed the storage ring containing 80 million high-grade profound spirit stones to the old shopkeeper.

Sun Gongfeng has always had no expression on his face, and he is very few words. The old shopkeeper has long been used to it. Now he sees the storage ring, his eyes are bright, but he did not immediately take the storage ring.

He is used to being cautious and hesitating, no matter who gives something, he will observe it for a while before taking it.

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