Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 740: Scheming

Chapter 740

The son's analysis makes sense.

Mu Wushuang thought the same at the beginning, but she didn't intend to do anything bad at the time, so she didn't cover up anything. She only wore a veil. It was the guardian Sun and the old treasurer who sent them to the door to die.

Before she left Shen Yuancheng, she thought that she might be discovered by Shen Xiong, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

But even so, she didn't have anything to panic. She learned the lesson this time and won't make the same mistake next time.

"Mother, Wei Yuanshan invites you to participate in the engagement banquet of Wei Feng and Lu Yao. I definitely want to expose your identity at the engagement banquet, because they think Emperor Yuanyang is your umbrella, and only exposes your true face. , They can attack you."

"They must think that the true identity of the mother is very ordinary, or the appearance is ugly, so that Emperor Yuanyang feels deceived, but if Emperor Yuanyang feels that he has not been deceived, then no one dares to touch the mother. !"

Long Xuanxi analyzed it very rationally.

Although he does not like Emperor Yuanyang, he does not object to his mother using Emperor Yuanyang!

It's better to slay the Emperor Yuanyang, and see if he dare to covet his mother in the future!

He thought darkly in his heart.

Thinking of this, he urged his mother:

"Mother, if you don’t go, you seem too embarrassed, and the emperor Yuanyang will also be suspicious. On the contrary, the situation will not be very good. Anyway, you have come to Qiankun City for a visit. In the style of a mother, I am definitely not willing to If they dared to set a banquet at the Hongmen, you should go and kill them, mother!"

He had a dark belly: "Mother, you will poison the emperor Yuanyang's wine cup when you come, and then plant the money and blame the city lord's mansion so that the emperor Yuanyang and the dog's dog bite the dog!"

Mu Wushuang had a black line on his face, "Xixi, you broke your studies!"

Long Xuanxi blinked innocently in the space.

She smiled again: "But your idea is very good. Emperor Yuanyang abolished Wei Feng's leg. If he was poisoned, he would definitely suspect that Wei Yuanshan had avenged his son, and would not doubt me! My son is really smart. Ah! Almost half of my mother's time!"

"But my mother has to think about it. After all, Emperor Yuanyang has never harmed me. I have no grievances with him, so he has troubled his conscience."

Long Xuanxi pursed his mouth. He felt that the Emperor Yuanyang was not a good person. He could kill the son of the city lord who had provided him with resources for so many years. He was obviously not a good person, and he If his character is not good, his parents are beggars who cannot cultivate, so he refuses to admit that they are his parents, and what good character he can have.

But the mother is like this, there is revenge, and there is grievance, and it will not hurt people who have no grudges or grievances.

This is his good mother!

"Sake girl!"

At this moment, the voice of Emperor Yuanyang rang outside the door.

Mu Wushuang frowned. How could this Emperor Yuanyang appear outside her door? She didn't even feel at all when he appeared.

Fortunately, she communicated with her son in the space just now through divine sense, otherwise...

This Yuanyang emperor is too powerful, at the peak of the Immortal King Realm, he can enter the realm of Immortal Venerable in only half a step!

Although it is said that Emperor Yuanyang has been stuck at the peak of the Immortal King for more than 100 years, it seems that he is very likely to be advanced!

Feeling this huge gap in cultivation level, Mu Wushuang felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Her cultivation level must be improved as soon as possible!

Her cultivation has progressed very quickly, but it is not enough, she needs to be stronger!

"Is there anything the emperor does?"

She did not intend to open the door.

Seeing that she had no intention of opening the door, the people outside were silent for a while before saying:

"The Lord of Weicheng invited Ben Emperor to attend the engagement banquet between Wei Feng and Lu Yao. I heard that he also invited the girl. I wonder if the girl will go tomorrow?"

"I am not close to the City Lord's Mansion, why should I go?"

She said flatly.

Outside, Emperor Yuanyang said:

"Don't the girl wonder why Wei Feng got engaged to Lu Yao so quickly?"

Mu Wushuang narrowed his eyes, "What does the emperor think is the reason?"

"Probably it has something to do with you and me, either against you or against the emperor. The girl is a smart person and you should know what this means."

Emperor Yuanyang said in a deep tone.

She squeezed her fingers. It seemed that Emperor Yuanyang was the wise man. He should have known that he had used him against Wei Feng on the black market this morning.

But he didn't expose it. Instead, he almost killed Wei Feng. He probably only gave Wei Feng a bitter taste. He didn't really want to kill him. Otherwise, the golden spear would not be stuck in Wei Feng's thigh, but in his heart. On it.

Wei Feng angered him, but his killing intent was pretended!

This Yuanyang emperor had a deep mind.

He hurt Weifeng, he should just warn Wei Feng and Wei Yuanshan, as long as they are disobedient, he wants to kill them in the future, it's easy.

Yes, Qiankun City is the largest resource provider for Emperor Yuanyang, how could he really kill Wei Yuanshan's only son!

Then, presumably he must have also doubted Wei Yuanshan's last words that seemed familiar to him. A wise man would not ignore any suspicion. He must doubt her identity.

But he didn't show it at all when he went out of the black market, and asked her to swim in the lake.

This man has a terrifying mind.

"Emperor Yuanyang, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Because he couldn't figure out his thoughts, Mu Wushuang simply pretended to be confused.

"It doesn't matter if the sake girl doesn't understand, remember, don't forget to accompany the emperor to the city lord mansion tomorrow."

Emperor Yuanyang said.

After speaking, he turned and left.

After a long while, Mu Wushuang opened the door. She was relieved to see that there was no one outside. There were several layers of barriers arranged in the corridor. As long as anyone touched the barrier, she would know.

"Mother, he was threatening you just now."

In the space, I've been listening to Niangqin and Long Xuanxi, who is opposite Emperor Yuanyang, frowning.

"Yes, he is threatening me."

This silent threat caused her to sweat on her back just now.

Since he could say this, he was completely sure that he would not let her escape.

Emperor Yuanyang’s scheming was deeper than anyone she had ever met. She had no idea what his purpose was!

Since he already knew her suspiciousness, why did he insist on taking her there?

She didn't believe him to know her true identity, because with his strength, he could use force to force what he wanted to know.

"Mother, is it because Emperor Yuanyang also wants to use you?"

Long Xuanxi suddenly said to his mother.

"What use me?"

Mu Wushuang asked, something vaguely flashed in his mind.

"Mother, have you ever thought about it, maybe he wants more resources!"

The words of her son made her immediately start!

Yes! It is very possible that the Emperor Yuanyang is too ambitious and is no longer satisfied with the resources sent by Weiyuan Mountain every year, and wants to take the entire Qiankun City and its affiliated cities into his own!

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