Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 772: The little boy is talented

Chapter 772

"I'm not talking about the old way. I think at the beginning, I used the power of one person to play the saint sons and Daozi round and round, effortlessly. Now they still hate me and hate it. This doesn't just show how old I am! Immeasurable Tianzun, the veteran wants to be low-key, but strength does not allow it!"

As soon as I returned to Chenghuang Mansion, I heard Lao Dao bragging with a group of younger brothers, that it was called a sky-flower and sky-beauty flying around.

"Master, you are digging people's ancestral graves all day long. It's strange that those saints who don't hate you hate your teeth!"

Xing Chen complained about Master's shortness.

The people below roared with laughter and stared at the old way with anger.

Turning his head, Lao Dao saw Wushuang and the others. He quickly stood up in surprise and shouted:

"Wushuang, you are out!"

She said she was leaving the customs because she said she was practicing in retreat. In fact, the old Dao Xingchen and they all knew that she had gone to the demon world.

Seeing that she finally returned, Lao Dao and others were naturally very happy.

"Sister Wushuang!"

"Master Wushuang!"

Xing Shen and everyone happily shouted respectfully.

"Huh? Where did the two little dolls come from!"

Lao Dao saw the little girl in Wushuang's arms and the little boy next to her at a glance. He was a little surprised, how could Wushuang brought back two children with him!

Of course, he also saw the spiritual cultivation of the two Immortal Kings behind Wushuang, but Long Yi and Long Er had converged their cultivation bases. He couldn't see the cultivation bases, so his attention was focused on the two powder carved jade. On the chubby little doll, he subconsciously ignored these two big living beings.

"This is my son and daughter."

Mu Wushuang said openly.


Lao Dao and Xing Chen both shouted in unison, with shocked faces.

Xing Chen suddenly remembered that last time Wushuang sister said that she had a child, he thought it was a joke, but he didn't expect it to be true! One big and one small, big ones are so big!

Everyone was also shocked, why Master Wushuang had two more children! Unprepared, ah yeah, unprepared!

"This is my son. His name is Xuan Xi. This is my daughter. You can call her Xiao Rou'er."

Mu Wushuang smiled and introduced her children to everyone.

In the future, she let Xixi and Xiao Rou'er grow up in the ghost repair city, can't keep them in the space, let them communicate with the world more.

"Gluck, I'm Xiao Rou'er!"

Xiao Rou'er smiled and said to everyone. She smiled, as if it had brought light to the dim underworld, extremely cute and brilliant.

It seems that everyone's hearts are going to melt. The little guy is too cute. She wants the stars and the moon, and everyone will pick it for her!

I have never seen such a beautiful little girl!

White and pink, the facial features are exquisite and cute, the dark eyes are as smart as talking, the long eyelashes are thick as a small fan, the small mouth is ruddy, and the smile reveals a row of white baby teeth, the voice of milk Milky, but articulate, it makes people love it! Not to mention the stars in the sky, even if it is against the sky, I am willing to do it for her!

Long Xuanxi was more reserved, and became reluctant to speak.

However, his small face is handsome, and although his face is expressionless, he can see how handsome he will grow up, and he will surely fascinate thousands of young girls in the future.

Wushuang's daughter and son are so good-looking!

It can be imagined how evil their father is!

"No! They are spiritual practitioners!"

The old way blinked vigorously at Wushuang, he knew that she could become a spiritual practitioner or a ghost practitioner, but her children are spiritual practitioners, isn't it that her spiritual identity is about to be revealed!

You know that the whole underworld thinks her ghost repair!

Mu Wushuang knew the worries of the old way, she smiled and said:

"My husband is a spiritual practitioner, and it is not surprising that my children are spiritual practitioners. Moreover, my son has inherited the advantages of me and my husband. He can practice spiritual practice and ghost practice. You have to It is okay to say that he is a ghost repair."

Mu Wushuang asked his son to try the ghost practice exercises, and he has succeeded.

That's it!

Many ghosts suddenly understood that the husband of Master Wushuang was spiritual cultivation!

In the past, spiritual cultivation and ghost cultivation were intermarried, and those who were born were either spiritual cultivation or ghost cultivation. I have never heard of offspring who can cultivate spirits and ghosts!

"The little son is really talented!"

Many ghosts said excitedly.

Master Wushuang is so powerful, and the son he gave birth to is so powerful, so why don't Gui Xiu rise!

The old Tao quietly gave a thumbs up-Niubi!

That's awesome!

Both mother and son can cultivate both spirit and ghost, so powerful!

He was particularly puzzled, what kind of person her husband would be for such a powerful woman as Wushuang!

The old way soon let everyone go, and he still wants to have a chat with Wushuang alone!

He and Xing Chen stayed behind, and Mu Wushuang changed his position and hugged his daughter in his arms. The little guy yawned several times in a row just now. It seemed that he was going to bed, but in a strange environment, she was unwilling to let go of herself. , She hugged her and coaxed her to sleep.

Lao Dao and Xing Chen saw that Little Cutie was going to bed, they were silent, and Xing Chen went to make spiritual tea.

When the tea was made, Xiao Rou'er was already sleeping sweetly, and Mu Wushuang arranged a barrier on the little guy to make her sleep more peacefully and quietly.

Then she introduced Long Yi and Long Er to Lao Dao and Xing Shen.

"They are my secret guards, people I trust very much. You can tell them if you have any urgent matters in the future."

When I heard the old way, I realized that I refocused on Long Yi Long Duo. These two people are people who are extremely trusted by Wushuang. This is the first time Wushuang came to the underworld and said that he trusted his subordinates. It should be very early. Just follow Wushuang, which is not bad, after all, there are too few people who can use Wushuang.

At this time Mu Wushuang told him again that Longyi and Longer were both in the fairy king realm.

He sprayed a mouthful of water directly on Xing Chen's face.

"Xian...Xianwang Realm!!?"

Lao Dao ignored the tea on his beard, looked at Wushuang in shock, and then at Long Yi Long Er. He did not expect that these two people with such a low sense of existence were actually in the fairyland!

Immeasurable Tianzun!

Chujiang King Taishan King Biancheng King, they are both in the fairy king realm, but they are the hall masters of a party!

The two subordinates Wushuang brought are actually the characters of the palace master?

This is too incredible!

Long Yi and Long Er have a low sense of existence, because as dark guards, what they don't need is the sense of existence. If they deliberately reduce their sense of existence, I am afraid that the veteran will not notice their second glance.

Mu Wushuang laughed. The shock of the old Dao was really hard to explain. Fortunately, the enchantment was arranged for his daughter, otherwise he would have tea like Xing Chen.

Look, I was splashed with a few drops of tea from Lao Dao's mouth just now, and my son has already got up to find the room to change clothes!

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