Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 782: Will we die?

Chapter 782: Will We Die?

"Two wastes!"

King Chu Jiang sternly said to Chu Yangtian and Yu Hong.

The two climbed up from the huge pit and knelt in front of King Chujiang and King Taishan.

"Foster father!"

"father in law!"

Chu Yangtian said: "Foster father, Yang Tian is not good at doing things, and if the female ghost cultivator's plot is bad, the female ghost cultivator is extremely vicious, and she is about to suffer from such a terrible formation to absorb the vitality of the demon cultivator. Scourge!"

"She seems to be called Mu Wushuang, isn't it?" Chu Jiang's eyes were fierce. "She provoked the master of the palace repeatedly, killed Xue Ji's two elder brothers, and killed Chu He. It really didn't exist for the master of the palace! Come on, this hall master should choke her to death with one hand!"

"This woman is vicious, King Chu Jiang, you and I have to be cautious."

Taishan King said quietly.

He is a demon cultivator, with an ordinary appearance, and belongs to the kind of person who is difficult to find in the crowd, but the kind of gloomy bird in his eyes makes him particularly cold, and no one dares to face him.

Although he didn't say anything about Yu Hong, Yu Hong had already felt his father-in-law's discomfort.


King Chu Jiang sneered as if he had heard some joke:

"That little yellow-haired girl will also use these little cleverness, any conspiracy and tricks are not withstandable in the face of absolute strength, Taishan King, why are you getting less and less courageous, even a female ghost cultivator with a big Luo Jinxian will make you be careful. Up!"

King Taishan remained unmoved, but still said quietly:

"Don't forget, at the Chenghuang Competition half a year ago, when you were about to kill her little character, what kind of cultivation was she."

The thick and fierce brows of King Chujiang frowned. He has been absurd for so long, and his memory has declined. Yeah, he remembered that at that time, the female ghost cultivator was the golden fairy's initial cultivation base, but now he listens to it. Said that she at least has the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian in the middle and late stages!

How long is this!

This is just over half a year!

Ordinary people may not be able to advance to the first level even if they use it for ten years. It will take at least twenty or thirty years from the early stage of the Golden Fairy to the second stage of the Golden Fairy!

There are ten levels in the Golden Fairyland. It took him two hundred years from the initial stage to the breakthrough to the Golden Fairy of Daluo. He is already considered a high-quality person. However, the female ghost cultivator only spent more than half a year, not only breaking through the Golden Fairy of Daluo, but also in one fell swoop. Promoted to the middle and late stages of Da Luo Jinxian!

This speed makes him feel terrible when he thinks about it!

Half a year! Just over half a year!

"You're right! Her cultivation is definitely tricky! This girl is not easy! In just half a year, she has been promoted from the early stage of the Golden Fairy to the middle and late stages of the Golden Fairy, and her cultivation must be weird!"

King Chu Jiang squinted his eyes and said viciously.

When Yu Hong and King Chujiang listened, their hearts were not calm, as if a stormy sea was set off!

At first, they only thought that Mu Wushuang had hidden the cultivation base. Now it seems that it is not the case, because it is impossible for King Chujiang not to see Mu Wushuang's hidden cultivation base. Even King Chujiang said that she had only the early stage of Golden Wonderland six months ago. It is definitely the beginning of Golden Wonderland!

But when Mu Wushuang killed Chu He, it was the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian in the middle and late stages!

If she really has been promoted to so many cultivation bases in just six months, then she would be terrifying!

Do not!

No one can get promoted so fast!

Either she has a high-level elixir that can temporarily improve her cultivation level, or she must have some secret treasure in her body that can speed up her cultivation!

No matter which is the same, it is an enviable existence!

A little female ghost, who has such a treasure in her body, has the support of ghost repair, if she is allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid it will be a great threat!

In the underworld, King Pluto is dead, King Qin Guang is also half-dead, and the retreat has not been released, and the underworld is in name only. Therefore, there is no need for ghost repair to exist!

This kind of monk who goes against the sky should have annihilated long ago!

"Foster father, must kill the female ghost Xiu Mu Wushuang, she has a lot of tricks and means one after another. Even Yu Hong and I were caught in her ambush, and she has lost so many brothers. She deserves to die!"

Chu Yangtian said loudly.

At the same time, he gave a voice to the king of Chu Jiang: "Foster father, this woman has a longbow artifact. You must kill her before Taishan King and seize the artifact! Yu Hong also lied to me that it was a fake artifact. I think he wanted Get this treasure!"

He also wants to obtain this divine tool by himself, but he has to rely on the breath of his adoptive father, so this divine tool can only be obtained by his adoptive father!

With the artifact, the foster father will surely stand out among the many hall masters!

"Artifact? Is it really an artifact?"

The color of greed flashed in the eyes of King Chujiang, the monks in the world, no one would not want a magical tool. With a magical tool, he can kill people by a higher level, and his combat power can increase by a level. Who doesn't want it!

If he could get the artifact, he would occupy the Yandian with the best resources, not one of the worst!

"The son can be sure that it is a real artifact!" Chu Yangtian saw his adoptive father so excited, and hurriedly replied: "The son wished the adoptive father the artifact in advance to seize a better Yandian, for generations to come!"

"Okay! If you **** the artifact for your father, you will not be held accountable for your dereliction of duty today. At that time, you will have a great reward for your father!"

King Chu Jiang said happily, as if the artifact was already in his palm.

As everyone knows, as early as when the trapped formation just broke, Yu Hong had already informed King Taishan about the artifact.

It's just that Taishan King has been quiet.

"King Taishan, since you are afraid of that yellow-haired girl, then the main hall master will go forward! Wait and see, the main hall master must beat her to knees and begging for mercy, tears streaming down!"

King Chu Jiang said loudly, he couldn't help himself, he wanted to get the divine bow anxiously!

Taishan King Yinyin's eyes flashed, and he said calmly:

"The king of Chujiang is mighty, in that case, the Lord of the Hall is waiting to appreciate your mighty prestige of King Chujiang."

Where did King Chu Jiang not know what medicine Taishan King's gourd sells? Taishan King was cautious and suspicious, and had a deep heart. He didn't dare to underestimate the yellow-haired girl and play forward by himself, but he was satisfied.

Taishan King is so cautious, just so that he can grab the artifact in advance!

The two thoughts were different. King Chujiang flew to the sky and released the mighty pressure of the fairy king realm, and enveloped the entire ghost repair city outer city. The ghost repairs hiding in the room suddenly felt a huge pressure and their cultivation bases. The lower one directly spit out blood foam, languishing!

If this coercion is allowed to continue, the many ghost repairs with low cultivation bases will probably die on the spot!

"Mu Wushuang! The Lord of the Hall gives you a chance, you immediately get out and kneel down to beg for mercy, and the Lord of the Hall will let the ghosts of Guixiu City make a living, otherwise, the Lord of the Hall will kill all the ghosts!"

King Chu Jiang shouted loudly, his voice spread throughout the ghost repair city!

"Daddy, will we die?"

Hidden in the house, a little Guixiu who was desperately guarded by his father and mother, who had not been injured, looked at the father and mother who was vomiting blood, crying and asked.

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