Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 787: Four Jiazi

Chapter 787: Four Jiazi

"What are the eyes on the face?"

Long Xuanxi asked his sister.

"Brother, Xiao Rou'er thought he had no eyes, and the two black ones were painted with a brush."

Xiao Rouer said innocently.

She didn't see many things, and thought that there were people without eyes in the world, who made that person's eyes so small, she could see that they were eyes when she moved.

Long Xuanxi smiled and said to his younger sister: "Yes, he is that old, and his eyes are not half as big as his younger sister. If he doesn't squint, he really can't tell."

Xiao Rou'er received the compliment and blinked happily. Her eyes were big, round, and very bright, as beautiful as the brightest star at night.

The little-eyed emperor king almost vomited blood with anger. He finally understood what the skinning king was like just now. This puppet-sized little girl can faint the popularity with just a few words of innocence!

"The Lord of the Palace must kill them two little things later, and give you the skinning king to make you a human skin lantern!"

The Emperor King gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother, what is a human skin lantern?"

Xiao Rou'er asked suspiciously.

However, the three of them no longer wanted to hear them talking. The three of them looked at each other and took out their natal immortal weapons, preparing to do it.

Mu Wushuang glanced back at his son and daughter, and passed the voice message to his son to make him look good on his sister, and then he made a challenge.

Dragon One and Dragon Two also burned their fighting spirit.

Although this may be a desperate battle, we must strive to win!


At this moment, a shout came, and only a Changhong flying from the horizon!

The king of runners, the emperor, the king of skinning, was shocked, and Qi said gloomily:

"King Biancheng!"

The person here is King Biancheng!

In a blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the Guixiu City, and stood beside Mu Wushuang, opposing Zhuan Wang and others.

"King Biancheng!" The three of Zhuan Wang gritted their teeth.

Never thought that King Biancheng would appear at this juncture! Isn't he seriously injured and retired? How could I leave the customs so quickly!

And it seems that his body is no longer injured, what is going on!

But no matter what is going on, they are already at a disadvantage!

King Biancheng is the cultivation base of the middle and late stage of the fairy king realm, plus the three fairy kings here, there are four fairy kings!

It is obviously not a wise move to be three against four, and the opponent has a magical weapon!

Mu Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, and when King Bian Cheng appeared, she could be sure.


Seeing this, the emperor king didn't want to say more, so he flew away! If you stay here, I'm afraid it will change!

The king of runners and the king of skinning originally wanted to ask a few questions, but they quickly flew away after seeing this.

The three came aggressively, but when they walked, they looked like dogs running with their tails between them.

"Come as you say, leave as you say, when I'm a ghost town without a master?"

Mu Wushuang gave a cold snort, raised his bow, and the nine-headed bird flew up into the sky, leading her to chase after him!

Can't keep the lives of the three of them, but one of them must be injured, otherwise she will come and leave if she wants to, because Mu Wushuang is too bullied!   "咻!"

The arrow condensed terrifying power shot at the three of them!

"Bold! How dare to shoot at us!"

How can the three of them think that they are all gone, but Mu Wushuang still shot them! His face was green with anger!

But this arrow is too terrifying, this is the might of a divine weapon, they dare not match up hard, they can only speed up and flee!

However, the divine tool is the divine tool, and the immortal is here, and she must temporarily avoid the edge. If Mu Wushuang is stronger, he can exert the more terrifying power of the divine tool, but now, she can also hit one of the immortals with all her strength. The king is injured!

Her goal is the skinning king!

This skinning king wanted to use the skins of her two children as human skin lanterns. It would be a pity to die a thousand times!


A strong light broke out in the distance, and the various defensive magic weapons of the Skinner King were thrown out, but in the end, the arrow hit him. Even if the magic weapon canceled most of the power, the aura of the artifact was still Penetrating and terrifying, as powerful as him, but also suffered a lot of damage in the majesty of the artifact!

"Damn! I will definitely kill this female ghost repair!"

The skinned king coughed up blood, his eyes released crazy hatred.

The King of Heaven and the King of Wheels, who had avoided the artifacts, flew immediately and took him back.

At the fourth hall, Emperor Song and King Blood Pond were still standing there, as if they hadn't moved.

The runner king said immediately:

"Emperor Song, King of Blood Pond, you have also seen! That female ghost repair is too rampant! We have all left, and she has to attack us! Even the Skinner King was seriously injured!"

The emperor king also said: "If this woman is made stronger, our great hall masters will definitely be regarded as a thorn in her eyes! She will be treated quickly! Can't let her have such a powerful artifact!"

The King of Blood Pond sneered:

"If you don't pass full of hostility, she will hurt the skinning king?"

The king of runners choked and was speechless.

It was indeed that they wanted to kill Mu Wushuang and the others first. Maybe they didn't show the killing intent to kill people just now, and maybe Mu Wushuang wouldn't do it either.

But they just went for the artifact, how could they not show their killing intent!

It is still to blame King Biancheng. No one thought that King Biancheng would suddenly appear. If King Biancheng were not there, they would not be so embarrassed to get it back. Maybe Mu Wushuang would have died under their hands long ago!

The emperor said: "This woman is ambitious. One day she will enter our ten square Yandian. Even if we did not kill her just now, she will have a murderous intent on us. Emperor Song, King of Blood Pool, even for us. The stability of the underworld can never leave this woman's life anymore. If she joins with King Biancheng to fight in, it will definitely cause chaos!"

The skinning king who had swallowed several pills has completely suppressed the vitality of the artifact, and he said angrily:

"If this woman is not removed, I will swear not to be a man! I will cut off her skin and flesh inch by inch, and put her to death! Emperor Song, King of the Blood Pool, let us go back and kill King Bian Cheng together. Now Qin Guang The king has been in seclusion for more than two hundred years, and no one can save them. Solve them as soon as possible, and one less serious worry!"

Speaking of King Qin Guang, Emperor Song's eyelids finally moved. He retracted his gaze at Guixiu City, glanced at the embarrassed King of Skinner, and said blankly:

"Remember? What King Qin Guang said back then."

"What did you say?"

The king of runners, the emperor and king of skinning, looked at each other, who can remember what King Qin Guang said, it has been so long, not to mention that he asked so general, who knows what he asked!

The King of Blood Pond said with a cold snort:

"You idiots! Back then, King Qin Guang said that in the time of four Jiazi, he will definitely break through. Have you even forgotten this?!"

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