Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 793: Coquettish

Chapter 793

It is estimated that Long Yi and Long Er have already deployed their protective formations and barriers. Wushuang has asked King Bian Cheng to deal with the aftermath. For the time being, she does not want the emperor to know that she already knows her identity, so she cannot let Long Yi and Long Er discover her and Wang Biancheng talked secretly.

King Chujiang and King Taishan are dead, and their Yan Temple needs someone to take over. I don’t know if the Lord of the Wheel and others have taken over their Yan Temple, but she feels that if these great palace owners are really afraid of King Qin Guang’s going out, Presumably it will converge.

In addition, the skinning king was injured, they should not be too aggressive.

Even if they were to invade Yandian, King Biancheng should be able to win at least one Yandian.

After King Biancheng left, she sent Long Yi Long Er in order to make sure that they were foolproof. They now have the tokens of King Chu Jiang and King Tai Shan, and they can enter the scope of the Shi Fang Yan Temple at will. So sneaky like that.

On the Ghost Repair City side, without her order, Lao Dao already took the vast ghost repair team to occupy the city.

This time tens of thousands of demon repairers died, and even Yu Hong, the city **** officer of Sifang City, died, and there were more cities that could take over.

There are also many city **** officials with the status of demon cultivator, demon cultivator and spiritual cultivator, seeing that the situation is gone, and they come to surrender to her.

Outside the City God's Mansion in Mantuo City, these are the City God officials standing.

"Xiao Baize, your ability will come in handy." Mu Wushuang said to Xiao Baize.

If it is sincere to surrender, she can accept it, and if it is false, she will throw him off.

The number of ghost cultivators in the underworld is not too much, so if there is someone who can use it in the demon cultivator, she is willing to stay.

As for the magic repair, forget it, so far, she has not seen a good magic repair.

Xiao Baize's mouth was ticking, and King Chu Jiang and Chu Yangtian's Demon Infant were confined in the space, leaving it to store food. It was so greedy that its eyes didn't even turn.

Hearing the words of the master, it quickly recovered, and responded like a chicken blood, and it was about to perform well.

The city **** officials outside waited for a long time before the door slowly opened, and a delicate figure came out from inside.

Yin Fei and Pan Xiang immediately took out an armchair and let her sit.

Mu Wushuang glanced at the people underneath faintly, and said quietly: "You want to surrender to me, yes, but if you have a double heart, you can go away."

"Master Wushuang! I have absolutely no double heart for you! I will definitely take care of Yuanding City for you, respecting you!"

The Chenghuang official of Yuanding City was the first to speak loudly, with a respectful attitude.

She glanced at the person and sneered:

"No two minds? You have been wanted in the Demon Realm for a hundred years, and you will be able to return to the Demon Realm in two years. What you are thinking in your heart is how to squeeze Yuanding City dry in these two years."

This person's eyes widened, and he never expected that Mu Wushuang would guess his mind so clearly!

Mu Wushuang must have investigated him long ago!

"Master Wushuang, I've been wronged, I have never had this idea before, I am all for the people of Yuanding City!"

This person said quickly.

"Hold it down!" Mu Wushuang said: "Such people are not welcome in the underworld. You should go to other places to get higher."

As soon as she finished speaking, a group of ghost repairers came out and dragged the people away, and threw them directly out of the ghost repair city.

When all the city gods saw this, they were a little scared. They came to the underworld to escape for their lives. Once they left the underworld, they would most likely be killed by the enemy.

Now there are too many employment organizations in the immortal world. As long as you give enough profound spirit stones, you will remember them clearly for hundreds of years. Maybe once you leave the underworld, you will be chopped off and given to the enemy.

"Everyone has seen it. I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. If anyone dares to have a double heart, I won't kill him, I will only drive him out of the underworld."

Everyone nodded, their thoughts were different. Many people thought, Mu Wushuang didn't know how to read his mind, how could he know that he has two minds?

Who knows, next, anyone with wrong intentions will be driven out of the ghost repair city by her.

Some Chenghuang officials had a high level of cultivation, and wanted to get angry and murder, so they were easily killed by Mu Wushuang.

She was in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, and the highest cultivation level present was only Da Luo Jinxian, and no one was her opponent.

In the end, she only left more than a dozen Chenghuang officials who only wanted to stay in the underworld and had no other bad thoughts. She didn't care what these people had experienced or made any mistakes, as long as they knew the current affairs now.

When it is not appropriate, she just replaces it. When the ghost cultivation ability cultivated by the veteran can be used, these people can change it if they want.

"You can stay in the underworld, but you have to act according to my rules, otherwise, the underworld will not be able to accommodate you big Buddhas."

She said blankly to the remaining people.

"Master Wushuang, rest assured! We will never do anything against your rules. We just want to stay in the underworld."

Several people said.

Very good, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, these people are very smart.

"Let's go away."

She waved her hand.

Today’s matter will soon reach the ears of those demons in the ghost repair city, and they will know who is in charge of the underworld now. If you want to stay in the underworld, then put your tail around me. Being a human being, dare to stir up trouble, the serious ones will die, and the mild ones will be expelled from the underworld!

The ghost cultivators who witnessed this scene were joyful. They watched the two giants, King Chujiang and King Taishan, die in the ghost cultivator city with their own eyes. Now they see the arrogant city **** officials being killed or expelled. Underworld, that's a joy in my heart!

Excited, so happy!

Master Wushuang is too domineering!

How long has she been in Guixiu City? Not only did she unify the outer cities of the Ghost Repair City, and strengthen the strength of the Ghost Repair City, she has also become the master of the entire Ghost Repair City, controlling the life and death of everyone!

Without Lord Wushuang, there would be no current situation, Lord Wushuang would be their savior in the eyes of Ghost Xiu!

Half a day later, the news came that King Biancheng had won the two great Yandians, King Chujiang and King Taishan, and it made all ghost repairs extremely excited!


Four of the top ten Yandians belong to ghost repairs!

After Mu Wushuang learned the news, if he had taken a pill and put his heart down, the other hall masters did not stop them, indicating that they were jealous. They wanted to compete for resources. It must be half a year later.

This is very good, she can rest assured to go to the demon.

Bringing her son and daughter back to the room, she asked her daughter to say something coquettish to the ring and told her to tell her father that Xiao Rou'er missed him and wanted to see him.

Xiao Rou'er is the best at acting like a baby. When she heard that her mother asked her to act like a baby to her dad, and Daddy could hear him over there, she moved her little face to the ring and talked about it for a long time. words.

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