Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 798: Wenren Family

Chapter 798

The queue for Xuanjing cakes was long, but Long Xuanxi quickly bought two catties of Xuanjing cakes.

Because he directly spent several times the price, bought it from the person who just bought the Xuanjing cake, and others are happy, and buying it is just a matter of lining up one more time, so many Xuan Ling can be obtained. stone.

Xiao Rou'er, with her long neck stretched out, watched her elder brother walk over, and was already impatient. The little girl at the table next to Long Xuanxi also stared at the paper bag in Long Xuanxi's hand, with a hungry wolf-like light in her eyes.

However, Long Xuanxi only saw his own lovely sister. He didn't see what others looked like. The cakes bought for his sister could not be distributed to others. As soon as he took it, he spread it out on the table.

As soon as it is opened, the rich fragrance inside is tangy, not the delicate fragrance of pastries as imagined.

Mu Wushuang frowned slightly, this smell was a bit weird, but she couldn't tell how weird it was.

Xiao Rou'er wrinkled her nose and looked dissatisfied. She thought Xuanjing cake was delicious, how could it smell so normal?

Not only is the smell of the food unsatisfactory, the Xuanjing cake is not as its name, and it is not crystal clear at all. Although the color is a transparent pastry, there seems to be a lot of miscellaneous things in it, and the appetite is very ordinary.

"I want to eat! I want to eat Xuanjing cake!"

The little girl at the next table stared at the unsatisfactory Xuanjing cake on the table, her eyes were almost green, and she was irrational. She was clamoring to eat, and the table was almost overturned by her.

"No noise!"

The woman slapped the little girl's **** fiercely, but did not stop the little girl, she cried and screamed that she would also eat Xuanjing cake.

Many people around looked over, but when they saw the woman's dressing look as rich or expensive, and then looked at her appearance, maybe someone recognized her identity and showed fearful eyes.

"Mother, please give Xiao Rou'er's Xuanjing cake to her."

Xiao Rou'er looked at the little sister who was crying and noisy, and whispered to her mother.

Mu Wushuang felt that there was something wrong with this Xuanjing cake. The little girl was obviously addicted to Xuanjing cake, but before she could answer Xiao Rouer's words, she saw a guard-like male demon Xiu carrying a paper bag, respectfully Put it on the little girl's table.

"Madam, I bought Xuanjing cake."

"Xuanjing cake!"

The little girl looked like she hadn’t eaten for hundreds of years. She tore open the paper outside of Xuanjing cake a few times, grabbed a piece of Xuanjing cake and stuffed it in her mouth, gobbled it down, finished one piece in two mouthfuls, and then took another second. Piece.

The little girl's mother frowned and said to Mu Wushuang:

"You still don't let your daughter eat Xuanjing cake. Look at her, it looks like she was released from a starvation prison. She doesn't eat any delicious delicacies at home, only the Xuanjing cake here."

"A good time!"

Xiao Rou'er said while chewing on what was in her mouth.

As soon as Mu Wushuang lowered his head, he saw that his baby girl had somehow picked up Xuanjing cake and took a bite.

After eating the first bite, she immediately took the second bite. After a while, she ate a piece of Xuanjing cake with the size of a palm.

She also wanted to reach for the second piece.

Mu Wushuang moved the Xuanjing cake out of her reach, and said to her daughter: "You have just finished a big bowl of flaming dace wonton, and you can't hold it anymore."

Long Xuanxi also realized that there was a problem with the Xuanjing cake, and the little girl next to him was too suspicious, so he quickly put away the Xuanjing cake on the table to prevent his sister from seeing it.

"But mother, I still want to eat, it's so delicious, it's the best thing I've ever eaten!"

Xiao Rou'er pouted and said.

"Look, this Xuanjing cake is too unbelievable. I have tasted it too. The taste is very ordinary. Why do children like it so much!"

The woman sighed.

There was no anxious expression on Mu Wushuang's face, she slowly took out a silver needle from her storage ring.

"Baby, stretch out your finger."

"No." Xiao Rouer shrank her hands behind her back, she was afraid of the long silver needles.

"If I stretch out my mother, I will give you Xuanjing cake."

she says.

Xiao Rou'er stretched out her hand immediately.

Long Xuanxi frowned, his sister was not like this before.

Mu Wushuang pushed several acupuncture points on Xiao Rou'er's body, and then turned the silver needle and stuck it on Xiao Rou'er's finger.

She gave the needle without pain, and the little guy didn't feel the pain. He only saw the mother squeeze a few drops of blood out of her and put it away in the small bottle.

As soon as the blood was squeezed out, Xiao Rouer covered her belly: "Mother, it's so full, why is it so full?"

"Xixi, take out Xuanjing cake and see if my sister wants to eat it."

She said to her son.

Long Xuanxi immediately took out Xuanjing cake and placed it in front of his younger sister, deliberately saying: "Sister, you just liked Xuanjing cake the most, do you want to eat it?"

Xiao Rouer turned her head quickly, buried her head in her mother's arms, and muttered:

"No! It's too ugly, I don't want to eat Xuanjing cake again!"

Mu Wushuang laughed and said to his son:

"Throw it away."

The woman at the next table saw this scene, her eyes widened. No matter how stupid she was, she could see that there was something wrong with Xuanjing cake, but she also sent someone to check Xuanjing cake. There was no problem inside, I don’t know why. Children can become addicted.

"Girl, please help my daughter to shed blood! Poor parents in the world, my daughter is like this, my heart is bleeding!"

The woman pleaded.

"It's okay, with a little effort, you carry her over."

Wushuang said to her.

The woman hurriedly hugged the little girl and stretched out her hand, but her hands were full of food residue. The woman wiped her daughter clean before handing it over. The little girl wanted to struggle, but she was imprisoned by her and couldn't move.

Wushuang did the same and released her blood, but she released a few more drops and the color was a bit darker.

After putting it out, the little girl immediately vomited and vomited all the Xuanjing cake she had eaten.

Long Xuanxi looked at it disgustingly, but fortunately, his mother hurriedly laid a layer of barrier with her own eyes, otherwise she would splash her clothes.

"Mother, I will never eat Xuanjing cake again."

The little girl vomited tears and nose, and said to her mother uncomfortably.

The woman finally breathed a sigh of relief, gave her daughter to the guard to hold, cleaned the clothes with the Qingchen Art, and then thanked Mu Wushuang gratefully.

"Thank you girl today. If it weren't for your help, my daughter would not know when she would become addicted."

"You are Welcome."

Mu Wushuang nodded calmly.

The movement here attracted a lot of people. Many people with children wanted to come to Mu Wushuang for help, but the mother who suffered from the little girl was here and did not dare to step forward.

"The girl helped so much today. I am really grateful. My family will entertain guests tomorrow. How about the girl taking the children to my house tomorrow?"

The woman invited.

Mu Wushuang wanted to refuse, but the eyes of the people around her made her wonder about the identity of this woman. She said:

"Dare to ask where is Madam's house?"

"My husband's family is Wenren's family."

Wenren family!

Mu Wushuang's pupils shrank slightly.

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