Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 824: Dog bites dog

Chapter 824

Still like a person?

Everyone's gossip heart was raised, and they wanted to hear but didn't dare to listen, for fear that they would know some secrets, and the princess would kill them.

However, these people are all members of the big sect, this kind of worry does not exist, and the demon emperor will not let the princess do this.

"Sister Shan'er, what you said reminds me of this. This child is indeed like a person."

At this time, Wenren Lingyan also nodded and said.

Wenren Lingwan's face turned white all at once.

Wen Renshan said with a smile: "Right, Second Sister, you also feel like a person, certainly not Emperor Yuanyang, and this person, Second Sister, you have seen this person, I have only seen portraits, believe the second My sister knows who I am better than me."

"To shut up!"

Wenren Ling Wan snarled and yelled: "What are you talking about here! This princess said, this is only the son of this princess!"

Wenren Lingyan saw that her face was really ugly, and closed her mouth, fearing that she would be angry with her after exposing her.

Wen Renshan was not afraid. There was an immortal emperor behind her, and she was also afraid that she would not be a princess.

She said loudly:

"I'm just talking, big sister is also too excited, you say that the righteous son is the righteous son, but..."


Zhou's suddenly shouted.

She couldn't let Wen Renshan continue talking.

Wen Renshan didn't take her seriously, as if she hadn't heard her, she continued: "I just said that this child is like another person, which is also curious. Maybe I said it out, the big sister can still give the child Find your biological parents. Those of you who are older, come and see for yourself, is this child half like the emperor Brahma?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, this child turned out to be like the emperor of Brahma!

Mu Wushuang raised his brows in doubt, only she did not know who the Emperor Brahma was.

She had never heard of the name of Emperor Brahma.

"The emperor Brahma was the former fiance of the eldest princess, who later died in the hands of the emperor Lingtian."

The emperor's uncle's deep and mellow voice came from her ears, and she blinked, the emperor Lingtian, isn't it the emperor's uncle!

So, the eldest princess's murder of her husband and enemy is just opposite the eldest princess!

She knew that Wenren Lingwan had a former fiancé, because she was unreliable. After she came to the demon world, she deliberately inquired about these gossips. It turned out that Wenren Lingwan’s former fiance was the one she liked. There are some discrepancies in what the old way said, but they are roughly the same. The two are very affectionate, and they are almost ready to discuss marriage, but the Qianxing Immortal Emperor has to wait for the Brahma Emperor to become the Immortal Venerable before letting them get married.

The emperor Brahma challenged the genius of the immortal world in order to become an immortal venerable as soon as possible. Later, he challenged the imperial uncle and was killed by the imperial uncle.

Since then, the two fateful mandarin ducks are separated by Yin and Yang.

However, how many years have emperor Brahman been dead? How could Wenren Lingwan's son look like the emperor Brahma?

Just listen to the emperor's uncle to explain her confusion:

"She has a male pet that looks 90% similar to the emperor Brahma. She firmly believes that this male pet is the reincarnation of the emperor Brahma and gave him a son without telling everyone."

That's it.

She can understand.

"But, Uncle Emperor, it's been a long time since her son has eaten Xuanjing cake, maybe you didn't make it?"

She asked curiously.

"What Emperor Yuanyang did when he left Yaodu." Long Moshen told her.

"It's no wonder that Emperor Yuanyang was not surprised at all! He must have discovered it a long time ago, so he deliberately fed Wenren Lingwan's son the addictive Xuanjing cake, in order to make things worse."

Why do you want to make things big?

A normal man, even if he doesn't like his fiancée, he will never allow his fiancée to have illegitimate children with other men.

She quite understands what the Emperor Yuanyang did.

Not only can this **** become a fool, but it can also lead Wenren Lingyan and Emperor Luohu's heads to the heads of Luohu.

"Ling Wan will definitely beg me to treat her son later when I hear it. Uncle Emperor, should I treat it or not?"

She said.

"What do you think of Shuang'er?" There was a smile in his voice.

She pursed her lips and smiled, and did not answer him because he knew what he thought.

On the other side, Wen Ren Lingwan's eyes were full of red blood, staring at Wen Renshan ferociously, wishing to eat her flesh.

"Big sister, don't look at me like this, Shan'er is scared." Wen Renshan said with a smile: "Don't be angry, I'm telling the truth, even if the uncle comes, he will say that the child is like you. With the emperor Brahma, but you also said that this is the righteous son you picked up, so it should be a coincidence, but I don’t know what Emperor Yuanyang would think."

With that, she looked at Emperor Yuanyang.

Emperor Yuanyang sat there blankly, no one could understand what he was thinking.

This situation fell in Wenren Lingwan's eyes, and it became sad and disappointed.

She quickly said, "Yuanyang, this is not my son, but the godson I picked up!"

Emperor Yuanyang slowly raised his head and said to her: "Yuanyang believes in the princess."

Wen Ren Lingwan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the poor child. At this time, she didn't have the mind to quarrel with Wen Renshan. She suddenly remembered that the woman who was about to kill the second sister and Luo Hui saved many children who were addicted to Xuanjing cake. Know if her son is still saved.

She pointed to Mu Wushuang: "You, come here, show my godson!"

Mu Wushuang sneered in his heart and sat there indifferently.

Long Xuanxi said coldly: "This auntie, you are begging for help, not we begging you, you are so arrogant, my mother will not pay attention to you, please be more correct."

Wenren Lingwan was blue with choking at his words.

"Smelly boy! There is no place for you to speak here, let's just say, be careful of your tongue!"

Her maid said coldly, no one has ever dared to speak to the princess like this.

Mu Wushuang said indifferently: "Princess, remember to tie your dog well. Also, my son is right. If you ask for help, you must have an attitude of asking. If you don't want your godson to become demented forever, you can never Be polite."


Wenren Ling Yan suddenly said: "My sister is the eldest princess of the demon world, how do you speak! I think you can't cure your sister's godson at all, deliberately want to humiliate my sister!"


Suddenly a slap fell on Wenren Lingyan's face.

She took the firm slap unsuspectingly, and her cheeks became red and swollen.

"Sister, do you still beat me for your good?"

Wenren Lingyan's eyes widened in disbelief.

In the crowd, she was slapped by Wenren Lingwan. If it spreads out, she will be shameless!

"It's the evil Xuanjing cake you and Luo Hu made, which killed my godson like this. You are still deliberately preventing others from treating my godson's illness. What do you intend to do!"

Wen Ren Ling Wan gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Mu Wushuang raised his lips, the dog biting the dog or something, the most interesting.

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