Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 826: Zhan Yan

Chapter 826

"Hao'er, do you want to eat?"

Wenren Lingwan looked at her son's pale face with distress, and asked.

Just now my son vomited so much and his stomach was empty. She thought he must be hungry in a while, but saw his son shaking his head:

"Mother, I am not hungry and do not want to eat."

She twisted her eyebrows fiercely, and asked Mu Wushuang:

"What's going on! Why doesn't he want to eat!"

"There must be something wrong with her treatment, eldest sister, kill her!" Wen Ren Lingyan said harshly.

"Yes! Kill this cheap maid!" Wen Renshan said angrily.

Both of them had just cleaned it with the dust cleaning technique, and the filth on the ground was also cleaned up by the maids. The smell in the air was covered with the scent of fairy flowers, but their psychological shadows were too big, and they always felt the tip of their nose The stench still remained, and it didn't go away.

And the instigator was Mu Wushuang, she must have deliberately asked them to come and press Wenren Lingwan's son and let him vomit them all!

So at this time, the two of them could not wait to remove the tendons from Mu Wushuang's body one by one, and wish to take off her flesh piece by piece!

"Oh, kill me, no one in this world can save the princess's godson, the big deal is that you kill me."

Mu Wushuang sneered and said.

"You speak! What the **** is going on!" Wen Ren Ling Wan stared at her.

She was slow and indifferent: "Princess, do you have amnesia? I told you before. I will only get rid of 90% of the addiction in your godson's body, and 10% when I leave Yaodu. , I will help him get rid of it."

After living for so long, Wenren Lingwan had never seen anyone who disrespected her so much. She already wanted to kill Mu Wushuang a hundred times.

"You make it clear, what's the problem with my godson?" She took a deep breath and asked.

"It's just that you lose your appetite when you eat anything, but, don't worry, I won't do wicked things. Your godson can eat as well and won't starve him to death."

"Lack of appetite! What if he wants to eat Xuanjing cake and is still addicted?"

Wenren Ling Wan asked.

"Then you might as well ask Lin's daughter whether she is still addicted to Xuanjing cake." Mu Wushuang raised his eyebrows and smiled like nothing at the corner of his mouth, looking at Lin who was diminishing his sense of existence.

"Lin, you say it."

Seeing the princess look over, Zhou's hurriedly pushed Lin's.

Lin hesitated.

At this moment the little girl stood up and said:

"I don't eat Xuanjing cake anymore. I feel sick when I smell Xuanjing cake. The most disgusting thing in the world is Xuanjing cake. No flies can eat such unpalatable things."

The little girl's voice was crisp and innocent, with a ignorant taste, but what she said was the most truthful.

The Lin family couldn't wait to cover her mouth, now it's fine, the Emperor Luohu and the second princess who sell the Xuanjing cake are here, and they all offended them all at once.

She hurriedly looked at the expressions of the two of them. As expected, their expressions were very ugly. She hurriedly said: "What a child said should not be taken seriously!"

Wenren Lingwan frowned and said, "You mean your daughter is still addicted to Xuanjing cake?"

Lin hesitated again. If she said that her daughter was still addicted, the eldest princess would probably fall into Mu Wushuang. Then Mu Wushuang would not be able to find her after the autumn.

But without waiting for her to say, her daughter spoke again, "No! I don't eat Xuanjing cake!"

Wenren Lingwan saw it, and knew that Lin's daughter must be true, but her son is so precious, what if he becomes addicted to Xuanjing cake again?

She said to Mu Wushuang:

"This princess has to test it personally to rest assured."

After that, I am going to be a maid to buy Xuanjing cake.

Long Xuanxi suddenly stood up, and there was an extra bag of steaming pastries in his hand. As soon as he opened it, most people recognized it as Xuanjing cake.

The most basic function of high-end storage rings is what things go in and what they come out of, so this package of Xuanjing cake that Long Xuanxi bought for his sister yesterday is still steaming.

"what is this?"

But Wenren Lingwan had never seen Xuanjing cake.

"Your sister and Emperor Luohu must know what this is."

When the two heard this, their faces became ugly.

Mu Wushuang took a piece of Xuanjing cake out of his son's hand and shook it in front of the eldest princess son. The eldest princess son quickly buried his head in the princess's arms and shook his head and said:

"Mother, Hao'er don't eat Xuanjing cake,"

"This is Xuanjing Cake!"

Wenren Lingwan was happy and angry. What was happy was that her son had no addiction to Xuanjing cake, and the angry Xuanjing cake was not superficial.

She snatched the Xuanjing cake, threw it on the ground, and stepped on several feet. She pointed to the noses of the second princess and Emperor Luohu and cursed:

"You two are embarrassed, and you are really damned to create this kind of thing to harm the young children of the demon world. This princess will definitely tell her father. You can't think about it!"

"Stop it, you can scold again later." Mu Wushuang made a stop gesture and said to the princess: "Princess, your godson is not addicted to Xuanjing cake. You have also seen that, but there is still one left. The addiction is in his body. He stopped eating Xuanjing cake because of his loss of appetite, but if this is not eliminated, it will slowly re-spread into the blood of heaven and earth, and he will become addicted to Xuanjing cake in the future."

"You threaten this princess!"

A cold light flashed in Wenren Lingwan's eyes.

"Threatening is not enough, just take what you need, don’t forget, my arrangements are guaranteed by you, I think your sister and your future brother-in-law want to kill me, you have to watch them, lest your godson end Become a fool again."

Mu Wushuang said calmly.

Everyone found it inconceivable. Where did this woman come from? Where did she get such courage? From the beginning till now, she has never seen a look of fear on her face!

Even threatening the eldest princess was so justified.

But the princess still couldn't do anything to her.

"This cheap maid!" Wen Ren Lingyan cursed.

Long Xuanxi frowned. It's been so long, and the method of speaking should have taken effect. This woman is too noisy.

His thoughts just came out when Wenren Lingyan's bracelet suddenly broke and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, in everyone’s eyes, the skin on Wenren Lingyan’s face quickly lost its elasticity, as if the petals were instantly withered, there were a few more wrinkles on the face, and the bags under the eyes were very heavy. From a delicate young girl to a middle-aged woman, she is still a bitter woman.


Wen Renshan covered her mouth and screamed deliberately: "Second Sister! You are getting old! How ugly!"

Wenren Ling Yan was trembling all over, annoyed, she immediately took a top-grade elixir, and her face returned to the previous suppleness, but just now everyone saw her true face!

How could the bracelet suddenly break! This is the magic weapon she has used for decades. It is because of the magic weapon that she has not eaten the elixir for beauty, but how can she think that the bracelet will be broken at this time!

She couldn't wait to find a hole in the ground, people's shocked eyes let her clearly know how ugly she was just now, even Luo Hui's eyes were round just now.

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