Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 830: Immortal Jade Seal

Chapter 830: Immortal Jade Seal

Xiao Baize, who had eaten a few Da Luo Jin fairy demon infants, was still sleeping.

Mu Wushuang saw that there were a lot of small quilts and small jewelry on Xiao Baize's back. She couldn't help but hold her forehead. Xiao Rou'er was nestled here. She has been in the space these days. Sleeping on Xiao Baize's back.

"Mother! Brother!"

Xiao Jinlong flew down from the sky with Xiao Rou'er, and yelled happily after seeing his mother and brother.

She turned out to be sitting on the head of the little golden dragon, with two small hands holding the little golden dragon’s horns. You know, the dragon has inverse scales and can’t be touched. The horns are similar to the inverse scales. Now, let Xiao Rou'er ride on her head and hold her tightly.

"Little Jinlong and his sister are very close. They are like friends."

As Long Xuanxi said, his younger sister rushed towards her and his mother. One hour outside and twelve hours inside, he felt that his younger sister seemed to have grown a little bit taller these days, and her delicate facial features became more delicate and agile.

"Brother mother, did you bring something delicious to Xiao Rou'er?"

As soon as Xiao Rouer came up, she kissed her mother and brother on the cheeks, and then looked at her brother with expectant eyes.

She felt that her brother would definitely bring her some delicious food.

"You, like your brother when he was a kid, he likes to eat."

Mu Wushuang shaved her daughter's little nose, seeing her sly and cute little appearance, he liked it very much.

"Brother brought you so many delicious things!"

Long Xuanxi smiled and said to his sister.

Then he took out a long table from his storage ring, and put all the things he bought for his sister on the table.

"Sister, this is a roasted fairy pigeon. The skin is crispy and the meat is very fragrant and tender; this is eight treasure dumplings, which are made from eight kinds of fairy fruits, which are sweet and chewy; this is Luohan Lei Shrimp. A restaurant’s signature dish; this is..."

He took out dozens of foods, filled the entire long table, and there were many more yet to be taken out, Xiao Rou'er's eyes were shining, and she kept swallowing.

"Xiao Rou'er eat, don't hold on, these are all your brother ran through the whole demon capital for you, to buy it for you, you have to slowly taste, don't disappoint your brother's heart."

Mu Wushuang said gently to his daughter.

When the son was in her room for a few days, he ran out to buy things for his sister. The things placed in front of him were carefully selected by the son for his sister.

"Yeah, Xiao Rou'er knows that brother is the best! Brother kisses!"

Xiao Rou'er moved her greedy little mouth towards her brother. Long Xuanxi, who has a deep cleanliness, approached her cheek and asked her sister to kiss her. She was not disgusted by the drool, and smiled. Very happy.

After kissing her brother, Xiao Rou'er could finally start. She had already been optimistic about which one to eat, and quickly stretched her little hand over. When she was about to chew, she suddenly turned back and shouted:

"Little Golden Dragons, Sister Phoenix, Brother Nine Birds, Little Vermilion Bird, do you want to eat with Xiao Rou'er?"

"Say, please call my brother, little master, why don't you have a long memory!" Little Phoenix on the plane tree said helplessly.

"Sister!" Xiao Rouer was unwavering.

Who made Little Phoenix's voice more and more feminine? Although it deliberately pretended to be thick, it couldn't hide that its gender was moving closer to female.

Mu Wushuang thought it was a bit funny. When Xiao Fenghuang and Xiao Qinglong were fighting each other, they always liked to call themselves "Little Master." After a few decades, Xiao Fenghuang's gender will be completely qualitative, but she will be a real female. I felt that maybe it could be paired with Xiaoqinglong and give birth to a unique offspring.

"Okay, just call it what you want." Little Phoenix's tone is even more helpless, unlovable. When the voice was not male and female, he could tell a few sentences, but now he has no confidence to tell. What do you call the master?

"I don't eat these foods, little master, you can enjoy it slowly."

If the little phoenix doesn’t eat, the little golden dragons are different. They are still small and have greedy mouths. They flew over in a swarm, staying behind Xiao Rou’er obediently, looking at the steaming and scented food with bright eyes. .

The little nine-headed bird made a "唳", indicating that he was not interested.

Little Vermilion is a spirit, and is not interested in these foods, but they take care of Xiao Rou'er and are used to taking care of them. They come over to wash Xiao Rou'er again and wear something similar to a bib on her chest.

"Brother mother, let's eat together!"

"No, mother doesn't eat, let your brother eat with you, mother has something to say to your uncle Xiaozhu Xiaoque."

She said to her daughter.

"Sister, my brother will accompany you to eat. After eating, my brother will show you good things!"

"What good stuff?"

"Pretty clothes, shoes, and your favorite jewelry. What my brother bought for you is the latest trend of all monsters."

"What is trendy?"

"This is what my mother said, it is the most popular new product."

As Mu Wushuang listened to the conversation between his son and daughter, the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

She felt that she could give her son a title of sweeping goods master. Whenever he got to a new place, Xi Xi would choose the best-looking clothes and jewelry for his sister. This became an unstoppable habit. What's so beautiful? Thinking of my sister.

Her clothes and jewelry are not more than one-third of Xiao Rou'er.

"Master, what do you want to ask us?"

Little Zhu Xiaoque said.

She took out the eternal jade seal: "This eternal jade seal was still black last time, and now there is a trace of golden veins on it, look."

The palm-sized eternal jade seal was originally pitch black, without any traces or marks on it. It looked very ordinary. Only the four characters of the ancient period—the gate of eternal life were printed under the jade seal.

Yuxi's cold air was sharp and she carried an extremely powerful aura, which was so mysterious that she couldn't see through it.

But now the black Yuxi has a silk thread like the veins of leaves, and it looks more noble than the usual appearance.

"Really, how did this come from?" Xiao Zhu asked in surprise.

They saw the eternal jade seal last time, which is different from the current one.

"This seems to be the power of merit..."

She talked to Little Vermilion about what happened outside today, and when she heard the golden thread drawn from the top of people's heads, the two spirits opened their eyes together.

Then, Xiao Zhu patted his thigh, "It seems that it is indeed the power of merit, I remembered it, it was mentioned in a book!"

"What book?" She asked. She basically read the books on the shelf in the space. She couldn't remember which book had taught the power of merit. If there were, she couldn't remember it.

"It's the one at the corner of the table!"

Xiao Zhu said excitedly.

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