Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 840: It's abusive

Chapter 840

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The middle-aged man roared: "Do you mean that I killed my daughter myself, and deliberately blamed you on your head? You fake genius doctor, it is clear that you deliberately said this kind of murder to shirk responsibility Words of Zhu Xin!"

"My daughter is dead. She is so old, so pitiful, and died so miserably. If it weren't for the fake genius doctor to treat her, she could still close her eyes at home. My dear granddaughter didn’t see it the last time! You are so embarrassed to plant it on me!"

The middle-aged man said in pain. From his tone, he seemed to be able to feel his sorrow and love for his daughter.

Everyone sympathized with him, and at the same time, they were afraid that something would happen to their children.

If Mu Wushuang hadn't understood the toxicity of Xuanjing cake too much, I'm afraid he would have believed what he said.

It's another acting school with solid acting skills.

Mu Wushuang said: "You said I was a liar, but I don’t know how much I spent on researching out a detoxifying pill for your children. I just finished refining the last pot of pill, and I haven’t cleaned it yet. I have come out, but you have to be charged with such a crime, I'm really wronged!"

Everyone only saw her haggard, and it was indeed as if she hadn't rested for a long time and was consuming her spiritual consciousness.

Mu Wushuang was deliberately thick and haggard, in order to gain more merit. The deeper people are grateful to her, the more merits will be. She saves people for free, so it is not too much to collect some merits.

Even today I met this middle-aged man like a poppi rogue who gave her a notorious notoriety for not being saved. She was still wronged!

But she also knew that this middle-aged man must have been instigated by others, and the person behind it, don't even think about it, it must be Emperor Luohu and others.

"You're wrong! You are ashamed to say the pill! You just want to sell the pill at a high price and earn our profound spirit stone!" the middle-aged man yelled.

Mu Wushuang suddenly curled his lips and smiled, and said, "Earn Xuan Lingshi? When did I say that my pill was sold?"

The middle-aged man was stunned. Not only him, but also Emperor Luohu and Wenren Lingyan in the teahouse were also stunned. Regardless of whether the pill she made was able to detoxify or not, she deliberately said that a lot of pill was refined, not for Why is it making money?

Everyone present was stunned, won't the pill be sold?

They thought that she deliberately refined the pill to deceive their profound spirit stone!

If they don’t sell, what are they worrying about! Even if you can't get rid of the addiction to Xuanjing cake, you are not afraid of being cheated!

Mu Wushuang said loudly:

"I never said that I would use my children’s illness to make money. I saved thousands of children a few days ago. If I want to make money, even if they each give me a little reward, I can make a lot of money, but I don’t need it! Because I think the children are too pitiful. I can’t bear to see the smart and cute children become dementias. They are the flowers of the monster race and need our care. I am not Emperor Luohu and Lingwan Wenren. Selfish people, in order to earn money, torture innocent children, have no humanity, and are worse than beasts!"

"Budget maid!"

Wenren Lingyan suddenly became angry, and when he got up, he wanted to go out and kill Mu Wushuang!

"Yan'er, don't be impulsive!"

Emperor Luohu was also full of anger, and anyone who was insulted like this would be furious.

He pointed to several people beside Mu Wushuang and said:

"Look, her own fairy king, there are four fairy kings around to protect her, you go out rashly, maybe it is you who are injured, how can I let you go out and take risks!"

"Then what to do! Is it to let her insult like this? I'm a princess in the demon world!"

"Don't worry, the people underneath are just when they are emotional, we can't go out." Emperor Luohu said with a fist.

He was right. Mu Wushuang's deliberate remarks aroused the emotions of every parent. Their children can live today because of the selfishness of Emperor Luohu and Wen Ren Lingyan. They want to make money. You don't even need your face, isn't it just not as good as a beast?

But they didn't dare to insult in the crowd like this. Seeing Mu Wushuang's cursing so painful, their hearts followed.

Mu Wushuang even dared to scold Emperor Luohu and Wenren Lingyan. Such a temperament made everyone think that she was definitely not the kind of fake genius doctor who could not save her.

"What's the use of these! Your medicine can't save people even if you don't need money!" the middle-aged man said angrily.

"My pill can't save people, I know it in my heart, it's not your turn to speak with someone like your own daughter who can bear it!"

Mu Wushuang scolded in a cold voice, the middle-aged man immediately bleeds from his nose and mouth.

"Even if you kill me, I will say the same thing, you are trying to get a reputation, and you will not save it! If you save my daughter early, my daughter will not die so miserably!"

"Genius doctor! I am willing to give my daughter a try!"

The woman at the front held a little girl and said firmly to Mu Wushuang.

Mu Wushuang waved his hand and said, "No hurry, your daughter is okay. Let's clarify the man's affairs first."

As she said, she walked towards the middle-aged man in the middle, everyone parted a way and let her pass.

As Mu Wushuang walked over, the middle-aged man's legs trembled.

"Do you still deny that you killed your daughter?"

Mu Wushuang said coldly.

"You fart! My daughter was killed by Xuan Jing cake!" the middle-aged man shouted.

Mu Wushuang sneered: "Many parents I met, for the lives of their children, can even give up their own lives. As the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat children, but it is rare that you kill yourself for your own benefit. Daughter’s person. Don’t rush to deny it. You first look at your daughter. Do you really love her, will she be skinny? I’m afraid you never gave her after she became addicted to Xuanjing cake. Have you eaten."

"After all, Xuanjing Cake requires two thousand high-grade Xuan Lingshi, of course you are reluctant to take it out for your daughter, but she can't eat anything else, so she is so hungry that she can't have a few taels of meat left on her body. "

Everyone noticed that the little girl's clothes were too loose, and there was no meat on the exposed arms, only thin bones and blood vessels could be seen.

Obviously it looked like I was hungry for a long time when I was alive.

People's eyes change when they see middle-aged men. No one will abuse their children in this way. After their children become addicted to Xuanjing cakes, they see that their children do not eat anything else, even if they are poor, they will buy them again. Xuanjing cake fills the children's stomach, no matter what, it won't make the children hungry like this! This is simply abuse! How could there be such a cruel father in the world?

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