Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 843: Peel!

Chapter 843 Peeling!

Everyone lined up in an orderly manner to receive detoxification pills.

Mu Wushuang remembered the spirit arrow that killed the middle-aged man, knowing that Emperor Luohu was probably in the teahouse opposite.

Therefore, she asked everyone who received the medicine to give the child a detoxification pill on the spot, and those who did not give it to Emperor Luohu could take advantage of the opportunity.

Several people who were unwilling to give their children detoxification pills were directly picked out by her.

They hesitated, just don't say the reason, Mu Wushuang guessed that it was Emperor Luohu's son who wanted them to take the medicine out.

After all, the child is innocent, so she let the child take the pill and blasted away these people.

"The emperor, this woman is too refined, don't let people take the pill to leave!"

Emperor Luohu's men came to report.

"The emperor sees it."

Emperor Luohu's face was cold.

"The order continues. From today on, all the demon races with children are not allowed to enter the demon city! Huh, isn't she great? No one can come in, let's see how her medicine is given out!"

He snorted coldly.


The subordinate hesitated and said, "Emperor, if the emperor knew that you gave this order in private, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of! This little thing, can't the emperor give an order? What's more, there is still the second princess to bear it!" said Emperor Luohu.

Wasn't he just pulling Wenren Lingyan into the water to use her as a shield?

If the Dongchuang incident happened, just push the second princess out.

When he said this, there was no psychological burden in his heart.

"Yes! Subordinates do it now!"


The pill was distributed by Long Yi Long Er, and the person who gave it to the eldest princess didn't worry about it. She wanted to threaten the eldest princess with her son.

Seeing the traces of golden thread coming together, she felt very happy.

After so much attention, the detoxification pill for Xuanjing cake she refined had achieved the desired effect.

The more the children's parents are grateful to her, the more her merits.

Not only the parents are grateful to her, but there are also golden threads on the heads of these children, which are not thinner than their parents.

Perhaps it was because the children took the pill by themselves and were sober. After taking the pill, they felt more comfortable, so they knew who saved them.

So there is the power of merit.

The power of merit gained this time is more than before, but the jade seal of merit does not seem to have changed much. The dark jade seal has only grown a little bit with the golden vein-like veins surrounding the whole body.

But she is not in a hurry, everything is hurried, she believes that one day, she can fill the whole seal of merit.


The eldest princess probably got the news that Mu Wushuang had refined a new type of pill, and quickly sent someone to ask her for a pill.

Mu Wushuang would naturally not give it.

So the eldest princess became angry afterwards, thinking that she was put in the eyes of Mu Wushuang.

Mu Wushuang hadn't put her in his eyes, otherwise he would not threaten her boldly.

Why does the eldest princess have weaknesses?

If there is no weakness, can't it just not threaten her?

Mu Wushuang didn't care how the princess cursed her.

But the news that Emperor Luohu would not let the demon clan with children enter the demon capital, she soon learned.

"Emperor Luohu is trying to force me out of the demon city!"

Mu Wushuang narrowed his eyes and sneered.

Emperor Luohu’s move was not only to prevent him from suffering a huge loss. I believe that his more purpose is to drive himself out of the demon capital. After all, the immortal emperor is in the demon capital. He dare not do whatever he wants. Yaodu, without the umbrella of the princess, he was the first to kill her.

Before long, the emperor uncle gave her a voice message and told him that he would figure out a way about this matter and let everyone outside come in.

She refused.

Uncle Huang had a lot to do, she didn't want to mess up his plan.

She repeated the old tricks and entered the mansion where the emperor's uncle was. After talking to him about her thoughts, after getting his approval, she took her son and daughter away.

She did not go back to the restaurant, but changed her face again and left the demon city.

I am afraid that he would not have thought of killing Emperor Luohu. He has been looking forward to Mu Wushuang coming out of the Demon Capital. People have gone out, but he didn't even get the news, let alone murder!

Mu Wushuang pretended to be the messenger of "Mr. Admiring" and told everyone outside Yaodu that it was Emperor Luohu’s evil deeds in order to prevent them from entering, and it was the evil deed of Emperor Luohu to save their children. Let them be silent, the messenger came out at the risk of their lives.

She felt the black and distributed the pills to everyone, and watched the children eat it.

Everyone was grateful for the "admiration of the genius doctor", that is, her. She waved her sleeves and didn't take away a cloud, only the power of merit.

Emperor Luohu knew the news, and when he sent someone there, it was too late. Not only did the "messenger" disappear, but even the monster races returned to their homes.

He thought that Mu Wushuang was just staying in the restaurant, and sent someone back to him to stare at Mu Wushuang's people, and not let any messengers go out of the city. When the people who knew him returned to the restaurant, only two princesses were left. The other two immortal kings also disappeared.

"Even the two envoys ran out! What are you doing to eat!" Emperor Luohu was angry, and the people around him were shaking like chaff.

"The emperor's anger! The emperor's anger! We don't know how the two people suddenly disappeared, but they must not be far away. They are near the demon capital. As long as we stand by the rabbits, we will not be afraid of them and kill them. , Cut off the right and left hand of that **** doctor!"

The subordinate said quickly.

"Of course the emperor knows that they can't run far! The woman lives in the restaurant, where can they go!"

Emperor Luohu said coldly.

"You keep your eyes on this emperor this time, and then let the emperor hear that someone has been issued a poison pill by some ‘messenger’, and the emperor will take your skin off!"

"Yes! Don't worry about the emperor! We will never let them succeed again!"

Several subordinates said vowedly.

The demons are their territory, and they have learned from the past this time, this time there will be no more accidents!

But they are destined to be skinned.

Although in the next few days, no special envoy of the genius doctor appeared near the demon city to issue the pill, they were happy for a few days, who knows, soon, the voice of "the special envoy of the genius doctor appeared" appeared in other areas of the demon world, and many mysterious The business of crystal cake shops is not as good as every day, and some shops have not opened for a few days!

The first thing Emperor Luohu did was to take off the skins of several of his men and hung them on the wall.

Just peeled the skin, a few of his subordinates can't die, and new skins have grown on their bodies, but the feeling of cold and terrifying being peeled makes them fresh!

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