Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 854: Unmarried pregnancy

Chapter 854

"Long Moshen?"

Hearing Wu Yan's question, the ancestor Tiansha looked a little strange:

"How did the young master know Mo Shen? Oh, the old man remembered it. My Su Yi told the old man that Mo Shen was reincarnated and went to the Little Three Thousand World. The young master also came from the Little Three Thousand World, and his acquaintance is normal, except just now. Seeing your strange appearance, I thought you didn't know you."

Wu Lu frowned slightly, what did the ancestors mean? He didn't see Long Moshen!

And what does reincarnation mean? Is it possible that Jackie Chan and Moshen were originally from the fairy world?

The ancestor of Tiansha smiled and said:

"Young Master, today it is Mo Shen who let the old man come over, otherwise the bad thing Wen Renyi will succeed. You are more noble than Wen Renyi. You are the righteous son of the demon god, and the old thing lived in Chiri back then. Gong is not righteous. He knew your identity before and had a murderous intention on you. If the old man didn't rush over, the consequences would be hard to imagine. Thanks to Mo Shen's notification to the old man, the old man can come in time."

"Long Moshen told my ancestors that you came to save me?"

Wu Luo frowned, how could Long Moshen know that he was soaring?

Moreover, it is impossible for Long Moshen to know about his proud son of the proud world demon.

"Yeah, you should be good friends, Mo Shen was right in front of you just now," said the ancestor Tiansha.

Wu Yan said suspiciously: "The Emperor Qi Yao just now?"

"Yes, Mo Shen Yi Rong became the Emperor Qi Yao." The ancestor Tiansha nodded with a smile.

She was very happy when she thought that Mo Shen changed his face to become the emperor of Qi Yao and coaxed the immortal emperor around.

Wu Lu looked speechless, he understood what the look in the eyes of "Qi Yao Disciple" just now meant!

He suddenly came up to plan the transmission of himself and Wushuang, deliberately!

Really stingy, I just said a few words with Wushuang.

However, he did not expect that Long Moshen, who regarded himself as a rival in love, would help himself at this critical moment.

He wrote down this kindness.

"Ancestor, tell me about Long Moshen's identity in the fairy world."

Wu Luo said to the ancestor of the evil spirit.


Mu Wushuang, the emperor's uncle and the children took the flying fairy to Yaodu together.

The flying fairy that she bought was not big and unobtrusive. Although it was a bit slower than the teleportation array, it allowed the family to get along for a few more hours.

Xiao Rou'er was sleeping on her father's lap, and Mu Wushuang was teaching his son to draw a symbol. The family of four was happy.

The last vermilion fell on the talisman, and the air condensed for a moment.

"Mother! I realized it!"

At this moment, Long Xuanxi suddenly said, "I seem to have realized the law of time! Father and mother, I'm going to retreat on the stone wall and concentrate on understanding the law of time!"

"It's great. After so many days of precipitation, my son finally realized that, go, parents are proud of you, you can practice with peace of mind."

Mu Wushuang said to his son with a smile.

Long Moshen also said: "Xixi is very good, the law of time is extremely difficult to comprehend, since you have realized it, it is good fortune, go."

Long Xuanxi nodded, walked over and touched his sister's sweetly sleeping little face, then entered the mother's space, went to the stone wall of Kunlun, and began to close his eyes to comprehend the threshold of the law of time he just touched.

Mu Wushuang came over, leaned his head on the shoulder of the emperor, and said with memories in his eyes:

"It's really gratifying that Xixi was only so big at the time, and in a blink of an eye, she was about to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and when Xixi became a real immortal, she could walk around in the fairy world at will."

Time flies so fast. When he was in Qingyun Jianzong, Xixi was still a small dumpling, riding rabbits every day to get into trouble.

Not only is he mature and grown up now, he can take his sister, and his wings are getting fuller. Maybe one day, he will leave his parents' arms and fly to a wider world by himself.

"Children will grow up."

Long Moshen wrapped her waist with one hand and branded a kiss on her forehead.

"When Xiao Rou'er grows up, you won't say it lightly."

She said with a smile.

"Xiao Rou'er doesn't need to grow up, she is spoiled by us, and she will always be our little princess." Long Moshen said immediately.

Mu Wushuang knew that the emperor would say this, and his shoulders trembled with laughter.

Xiao Rou'er clicked her mouth, and she quickly covered her mouth, but don't wake up their little princess.

She knew that the emperor said so. After that, it is impossible to really let her daughter make flowers in the greenhouse. They can't protect her daughter for a lifetime, and they can't wait to teach her everything about themselves.

She snuggled against him and said with a smile:

"Uncle Emperor, wait until we are strong enough and no enemies, our children can always be under our wings."

"Shuang'er, you are right. My goal is to become the master of the fairy world, so that you and children will always be carefree."

Long Mo said in a deep voice.

It's just that this goal is far, far away.

"I believe in you, and I believe in myself." She said.

Time can make them strong, and the last thing they lack is time.

Maybe it will be harder in recent years, maybe it will be difficult to meet one another, but for a long time in the future, they can tide over these difficulties together.

As long as the hearts of two people are together, separation is nothing.

All the way to the demon city, the emperor's uncle went in early, and Mu Wushuang also let Long Yi put away the flying fairy weapon.

Xixi was still cultivating on the stone wall, and it seemed that there was still a while before he came out.

She changed her face and took her daughter into Yaodu.

"Have you heard? Emperor Qi Yao's marriage is going badly!"

When I first entered the Demon City, I heard people talking around, and all I heard were the words "Emperor Qi Yao" and "Miss Shan".

Mu Wushuang held his daughter and squeezed into the crowd deliberately with a look of gossip, saying:

"Oh, hey! I just left the demon only a few days ago, why did such a big thing happen? Didn’t it say that it was the wedding day of Emperor Qi Yao and Miss Shan? Listening to your tone, it seems that the marriage is blowing. Up?"

Her disguised appearance is delicate and ordinary, and the gossip on her face is easily recognized by the gossip crowd.

An old woman suppressed her voice and said:

"Big sister, don't you know, Miss Shan, she is pregnant!"

The people around grew their mouths and said in surprise:

"Huh? Really?"

"Isn't it the Emperor Qi Yao's?"

"Get pregnant first when you are unmarried!"

Mu Wushuang also looked surprised: "I'm pregnant, why did you say that the marriage was blown up?"

"If it's the Emperor Qi Yao's son, of course it's a happy event, but the problem is, this kid in my stomach, he is not Emperor Qi Yao's son, it's an ugly thing!"

The old woman looked around, lowered her voice, and whispered.

Everyone showed shocked expressions on their faces. I'll go, what's the matter?

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